100t and Fnatic are very good at prep

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because of this 100t has barely any vods on recent fnatic while fnatic has a lot on 100t, apart from it being a small skill diff as well, fnatic should destroy them
however, drx does not have any recent vods either, I think 1 day is not enough for fnatic and drx will come out first seed because their strats arent very prep reliant
in lowers 100t usually doesn't lose twice so I think they can beat fnatic but it will be very close


fully agree, fnatic have had more time to change stuff and it is 100Ts first match on lan. First match FNC should win but in a rematch I think Id take 100T

ConsistentCycles [#2]

fully agree, fnatic have had more time to change stuff and it is 100Ts first match on lan. First match FNC should win but in a rematch I think Id take 100T

There was a similar narrative with optic/guild, first match on lan isnt always exclusively gonna mean a debuff. Some players are just more adaptable, and mentally resilient. I'm pretty confident we see a similar 2-0 from 100T, surprising everyone, but then again,



yes, but if 100t can change their strats in that short time, (esp considering it’s a new patch they will be playing) that would make it more spicy. tbh idk how much the new patch would affect the strats of teams but lcq teams are a bit behind when it comes to this

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