Group A:
Group B:
Group C:
Group D:
Seems like the most balanced
alitmanus [#5]Groups according to Noyn:
Group A: FPX, LEV, Xerxia, Furia
Group B: Optic, DRX, KRU, Boom
Group C: PRX, XSET, Liquid, EDG
Group D, LOUD, Fnatic, Zeta, 100T
If that’s true group D is a nightmare scenario
PrTsty [#7]100T FPX and LOUD? Dude u put the 3 best teams in one group and expect it to be fair????
sneaked Loud in there
VAL_OMEGALUL_RANT [#9]sneaked Loud in there
You will see my boy, 100T vs loud in the finals (not sure about loud but they will be s tier)
thatpower [#6]group d is weaker than the other groups imo
Yeah and group A seems stronger. Group D has the two weakest teams imo (Furia and Xerxia), and every team in group A could potentially make top 4. DRX in groups is especially scary.
wizardbot [#13]Loud has a good chance of beating TL
please don't compare Loud to Team Botquid
alitmanus [#5]Groups according to Noyn:
Group A: FPX, LEV, Xerxia, Furia
Group B: Optic, DRX, KRU, Boom
Group C: PRX, XSET, Liquid, EDG
Group D, LOUD, Fnatic, Zeta, 100T
Group A looks weak
Group B seems average
Group C is a little stacked
Group D is super stacked
alitmanus [#5]Groups according to Noyn:
Group A: FPX, LEV, Xerxia, Furia
Group B: Optic, DRX, KRU, Boom
Group C: PRX, XSET, Liquid, EDG
Group D, LOUD, Fnatic, Zeta, 100T
wait where did noyn reveal this info?
RickyIndian [#19]wait where did noyn reveal this info?
he predicted right the groups in masters 2, maybe it's right again
alitmanus [#20]he predicted right the groups in masters 2, maybe it's right again
ah i see ty
andrewdamf [#15]literally all free wins except group A and maybe group C
It's supposed to be balanced that's the point
nutab1e [#25]off topic but why is ONS flair so clean
I think it's my flag too, blue and white look nice
dejikke [#28]i think bcz they played the same lcq kru and furia cannot be in the same group
Yeah its changed
ConsistentCycles [#31]doubt they will put 2 eu in the same group. maybe swap TL and 100T? looks good otherwise
Alright but C is lookin stacked,
ShibaInu [#34]Drx and Xia have played against Optic many times, don't put them in same group is better
Done ez
PrTsty [#7]100T FPX and LOUD? Dude u put the 3 best teams in one group and expect it to be fair????
Bro sneaked 100 pay check stealers in there
alitmanus [#20]he predicted right the groups in masters 2, maybe it's right again
It was randomly drawn tho lol (only thing fixed was Optic and guild in one group and fnatic in the other I think)
alitmanus [#5]Groups according to Noyn:
Group A: FPX, LEV, Xerxia, Furia
Group B: Optic, DRX, KRU, Boom
Group C: PRX, XSET, Liquid, EDG
Group D, LOUD, Fnatic, Zeta, 100T
I didnt say that
ForumPeasant [#8]If that’s true group D is a nightmare scenario
Not really, or at least not necessarily more than C
huing82 [#41]Sadly Riot don’t make balanced group
Is there any competitive environment where there are balanced groups then, its not just a riot thing
minte [#4]not even a bad group
no one wants to see DRX play another asian team in the groups though
alitmanus [#42]
Man, i just gave my opinion about how seeds would be work lmao
Group A: FPX, 100T, LEV, Zeta
Group B: FNATIC, LOUD, DRX, Boom
Group C: Paper Rex, Furia, XSet, EDG
Group D: Optic, KRU, TL, Xerxia
Hopefully Riot decides to make some balanced teams by each of them having from LCQ and champs of the region
Notee: Idk how EDG will perform internationally so Group C could be a little stacked