100T has come to play 😈😈😈😈
fourlvalorant [#7]100T 2-0 EMEA
let's keep the streak goin
Don't get me wrong i like 100t my fav NA team only team that can prob beat emea teams
But realistically they are getting grouped I'm sorry to break it to you
AMRFPS [#10]Don't get me wrong i like 100t my fav NA team only team that can prob beat emea teams
But realistically they are getting grouped I'm sorry to break it to you
I think they can get out of groups but we'll see!
fourlvalorant [#7]100T 2-0 EMEA
let's keep the streak goin
different lineup,that old one was literally op in terms of experience and firepower too when hiko wasnt completely washed
AMRFPS [#10]Don't get me wrong i like 100t my fav NA team only team that can prob beat emea teams
But realistically they are getting grouped I'm sorry to break it to you
they can easily get out of groups wdym,rng game almost any team can win anyone on a good day how are people still overestimating this games inconsistency
asdfgh [#14]different lineup,that old one was literally op in terms of experience and firepower too when hiko wasnt completely washed
mf said firepower when they had steel and hiko on the same team
TheBeanSmuggler [#21]mf said firepower when they had steel and hiko on the same team
did you even watch valorant then,hiko was not even bad and steel neither,now both of them are trash tho
WATCH OUT 100T FANS this isn't same 100T as the one last year. nitr0, Ethan, Steel and Hiko with massive amount of prior experience while now you have people like bang playing on LAN for first time (I assume). Don't put too much expectations and pressure on these inexperienced players if you want them to win ;)