But They fricked up when they picked yacine instead of sticking with Russ or going with twisten ( i know that riot stopped them but they could have taken him on loan before roster lock)
Guild VS TL GRAND FINALE would have been so good dudeee
Based on Sayf interview they could not have taken Twisten on loan; thats the whole problem of the situation
They didnt want to sign anyone and thought they could take a loan for the duration of the lcq, but then a day before roster lock found out that they had to sign player instead.
-> they had to either pick a free agent or get someone to terminate their contract within the day so they could sign them instead.
And yea that's where Yacine came in; past experience with the team, willing to terminate his contract and correct roles
His performance being the way it was is just unfortunate, since they didn't have time to properly prepare with him and get him used to playing in t1 again
Subtitles I pulled from Yinu's video with names corrected and some punctuation to make it readable:
"So we were in a time period where we had gotten the news that we need to look for another player and obviously since there's only lcq left people should not sign a new player, because then franchising comes and you know whatever next year hast to offer, so we're looking for a stand-in right, so we ask for a loan and we find a player that we like, it was Twisten from big, we tried to get that load going, but there was some sort of miscommunication between the org and riot, it felt, because the loan itself was not allowed. So a few days after we had played with Twisten we got the news that "oh you cant actually do this loan" and then we have a day to find a player. And we're writing up this list, they have to be free agents, we're just looking what can we do, can we make people terminate their contract, and we ended up on Yacine. [...] I think the misunderstanding was that you're only allowed to take an emergency loan, not a loan of a contracted player, so it has to be like either he's very sick or a visa issue if russ couldn't preform at all, you know that kind of thing. And so that's why it was denied. Initially we thought we could take a loan and that's where the miscommunication happened."