Curry is to c9, What Boi was to 100T, hated and unwanted by team fans, cuz he replaced a fan favorite and much better player
archetype [#4]curry did not get a sick as fuck ace like b0i did though.
He did it on another team, after getting benched from 100t, your point doesn't make sense on the pretext of this discussion
archetype [#4]curry did not get a sick as fuck ace like b0i did though.
That was on bbg way after he was dropped
frappzlul [#8]"replaced a much better player" who wouldnt be mad over that???
these fans too attach to the players. Harsh reality of esports is competition will always get better. Players gonna drop like flies.
Subreezy [#10]i hope curry never sees these threads, the amount of hate he’s getting is absurd
oh other players get hate when they don't perform too KEKW
No1AsunaFannn [#5]He did it on another team, after getting benched from 100t, your point doesn't make sense on the pretext of this discussion
oh shit was it LMAO, my b my b