Left-Handeds issue

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I'm a right-hand person and do everything with it (write, brush teeth, use fork in right hand...), but my brother -that's is 10 years older than me- is a lefty and I was always forced to play in PC with my left-hand on the mouse and the right on keyboard... So I crouch and walk with my thumb and jump with my Lunate (hand bone) my key binds are switched like this:
C->T; E->F (so I can use my little finger while moving); X->Mouse Wheel Down. Only "Q" stills the same, except when using Raze that I use "\" instead.

I'm Platinum 3 rn, but I'm sure that I should be at least in Ascendant 2-3, cause often I think about a play (even when is a safe play) but fail cause I feel like my body doesn't respond to my brain's commands

What do you guys think about it? You think that's is the reason why I'm still Plat?

EDIT: Sorry about the title, didn't saw that was wrong




if it's what you're used to then it's far more trouble than it's worth trying to teach yourself to play right handed. im left handed and play with right hand on mouse, tried to switch one time and it genuinely was not worth the effort


I'm Platinum 3 rn, but I'm sure that I should be at least in Ascendant 2-3, cause often I think about a play (even when is a safe play) but fail cause I feel like my body doesn't respond to my brain's commands

bonkashi [#3]

if it's what you're used to then it's far more trouble than it's worth trying to teach yourself to play right handed. im left handed and play with right hand on mouse, tried to switch one time and it genuinely was not worth the effort

yeah... I've tried once, and I was not so successful too


eh not rly but i'd say if you think you'd be better right handed maybe spend some time playing right handed, i doubt it will be better instantly

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