as an european im so proud of my region. we are the best in the world. we are the best in csgo we are the best in valorant !
Freudzcsgo [#3]Was it ever a question? Only delusional obese people refused to accept it
cool but ur from netherlands
tonyhart7 [#7]bro you are from shithole
arent you from indonesia or whatever the fuck 3rd world country
divisionbell [#5]kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk argentino achando que veio de barco é sempre engraçado
ele ta de meme eu acho
GANJAUSER [#8]daily reminder you guys got absolutely destroyed at M1
Yeah without fpx and with fnatic having 2 subs ofc
Marty [#22]so? Cant cheer for teams if youre not from there?
i dont think saying "Only delusional obese people refused to accept it" is cheering
OkOkay [#27]i dont think saying "Only delusional obese people refused to accept it" is cheering
still has nothing to do with where hes from lol. Sure i dont agree with his statement but its not like his point is automatically invalid just because hes from the netherlands. Thats dumb.
Marty [#28]still has nothing to do with where hes from lol. Sure i dont agree with his statement but its not like his point is automatically invalid just because hes from the netherlands. Thats dumb.
cool but ur from mexico
n1zo [#24]In my view, Europe as a region is superior to others in every sense. I am proud of that too.
Yeah their so good at kill people too
r232r32r23r [#29]cool but ur from mexico
oh my god, youre so right, you got me, time for me to stop supporting the teams I like. How could i forget 😔
n1zo [#24]In my view, Europe as a region is superior to others in every sense. I am proud of that too.
are you white supremacist?
tonyhart7 [#30]Yeah their so good at kill people too
Is it bad? Killing is a circle of life. Without killing u couldn't survive.
Marty [#28]still has nothing to do with where hes from lol. Sure i dont agree with his statement but its not like his point is automatically invalid just because hes from the netherlands. Thats dumb.
ok, so he gets to talk shit about the US, but i cant say that there is no representation in netherlands. Cool i guess. People really are delusional in this site
Marty [#31]oh my god, youre so right, you got me, time for me to stop supporting the teams I like. How could i forget 😔
Cool now back to the drug cartel
OkOkay [#34]ok, so he gets to talk shit about the US, but i cant say that there is no representation in netherlands. Cool i guess. People really are delusional in this site
not my point, my point is that he could do whatever he wants, and so could you, but its dumb from both of you to attack based on where the person is from. This place is a cespool, and eu has the largest representation so points are gonna be shot down. Look at any indian thread its a dumb point to just shot someones point down just because theyre from a certain area with less representation. Its like saying I cant support na or eu teams just cause im from mexico, its dumb
alexxx [#21]just delete internet bro u are braindead
I said that hundreds of times but moatz dont even care, this boy just a random cringe clickbaiter thats all just ignore him for your health bud.
OkOkay [#34]ok, so he gets to talk shit about the US, but i cant say that there is no representation in netherlands. Cool i guess. People really are delusional in this site
chrisJ owns your poverty country
MethMeth59 [#38]I said that hundreds of times but moatz dont even care, this boy just a random cringe clickbaiter thats all just ignore him for your health bud.
tenstar kkkkkkkkk