is anyone else getting high ping atm? i usually play on 12 but ive been at 60-70 all day and i have noticed that others are too
bro since this topic is open i saw this program yesterday does nyone know if it really works?
minte [#3]nah not for me, i currently have 3ms stockholm
could be NA thing?
i think so, a few people are tweeting about it such as dasnerth
wohe [#2]bro since this topic is open i saw this program yesterday does nyone know if it really works?
When I was on the west coast earlier this year I went from 15ms to ~30-35 one day and never went back. I’m on the east coast now and things have been stable, but I assume it has to just be Riot having to do some stuff on the server side that had unexpected effects on ping for people in certain regions
wohe [#7]hello?
it works but it's better exitlag in my experience, but you could try the free trial. And if you are going to try noping they are going to request your credit card, so I recommend you to try exitlag first
Heyheyehyehyehyrhyr [#12]it works but it's better exitlag in my experience, but you could try the free trial. And if you are going to try noping they are going to request your credit card, so I recommend you to try exitlag first
what does it exactly do?
ty for the recommendation tho, tbh it's not for me i have a friend in turkey that is having some problems and he's my duo so i tried to look for something to help him, i'll tell him about exitlag