i mean i can name 4 indonesian orgs in valorant that are bigger than dk rn, onic, alter ego, bigetron and rrq. primarily big in mobiles games and have huge funding.
because "Bleed eSports Obtains $50.8M Investment From Asia Venture Capital". wow sponsered by oppo when dk is sponsered by Kia Adidas. oppo has networth of 500 million (2020 source so likely around 800 million as they gain 150mill annually), kia has 6 billion networth and adidas has 14 billion networth. all u have to know is ur comparing one of the biggest LoL orgs to a mobile gaming org
Yes i agree with jimjam789 on this. DK is a huge org and by far. Mobile games are popular but they are not close to LoL viewership. Also DK is famous internationally unlike many orgs which are famous within their own countries. DK is popular in China as well. Its one of the reasons G2 is very popular because they have a large global following.
Not to mention DK sponsors. So far Mobile game orgs have failed to attract the top dog sponsors.
that doesn't really tell the whole story. alter ego is literally sponsored by samsung, 500$ BILLION net worth, redbull and also steelseries. doesn't mean samsung is funding more than oppo is to btr right? the ig fanbase of bigetron is bigger than dwg, 2.2 million folllowers with dwg only 95k. obviously the investors pays attention to the possible numbers their brands can be exposed to. maybe internationally DK is bigger cuz of lol i guess.