Last team to make EMEA masters will be the best

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It’s actually weird how they did the playoff bracket. If you win 2 in a row you qualify but if you go 1-1 like m3c you have to go 4-1 to qualify. Therefore whoever wins through the lower bracket will be the best team imo because most of EMEAs teams are around the same level, so going 4-1 would be crazy


It’s 3-1 but I still think whoever wins the lowers will be the best


Honestly idk why its structured this way
you would think that since EMEA gets 1 more slot than NA that they would have more teams playing in the playoffs.
Instead you have 8 teams fighting for 2 slots, and 6 teams fighting for 3 slots. NA has double the team to slots ration than EMEA.
EMEA really should have 8 teams fighting for 3 slots and NA have 6 teams fighting for 2 slots.

BetaSahara [#3]

Honestly idk why its structured this way
you would think that since EMEA gets 1 more slot than NA that they would have more teams playing in the playoffs.
Instead you have 8 teams fighting for 2 slots, and 6 teams fighting for 3 slots. NA has double the team to slots ration than EMEA.
EMEA really should have 8 teams fighting for 3 slots and NA have 6 teams fighting for 2 slots.



EU playoffs works weirdly, obv 1st seed gets big reward but trying to qualify like m3c/fpx have to now is arguably harder than acend/liquid, 3 matches in 3 days is rough. :( gl to them all

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