phoenix = bad
how riot make phoenix = good
chockdart [#3]molly refresh on 1 kill OR molly give phoenix speed + combat stim
Remove healing from wall
Also maybe:
Add short blinding effect if enemy touches phoenix wall
Silent flashes
what if they made phoenix walls so that they had a decay effect kinda like a viper orb but it was permanent
romanval [#5]make it so when he pops his ult everyone on the enemy team dies and their pc crashes
that could prolly bump him up to B tier
As someone on a potato pc, that already happens for me!
Sir_Emu [#4]what if they made phoenix walls so that they had a decay effect kinda like a viper orb but it was permanent
riot please hire this man
I will make phoenix atleast B tier agent :
Make his ult where you can atleast stay on your position instead of where you ulted ( remove the ability to have 2 lifes ) and restore the armor if ever phoenix dies.
As for phoenix flashes, make it resizeable maybe through scroll up and down and more faster to pop.
With his molly, and wall make it heal until full hp and damage should only be on enemies. Might as well have a choice for phoenix to make it a neon wall.
Molly changes:- Make his molly give him overhealing till 125hp
Whenever he damages someone with the molly he gains the hp from their damage
Wall change:- Make his wall last longer and deal no damage but has a decay of 15hp
Also make his wall have a short blinding effect for 1.5s
Flashes:- Make his flashes blind for 3s and deal 10 hp damage
Ult changes:- His ult makes his movement faster by 25%
His ult reloads his gun and also gives him back one ability that he has used. This ability is completely random
tbh i dont think u can "fix phoenix" the initiators flashes and info gathering is way better ,u either have to rework him completely or buff his flashes and wall to be a better pick than the secondary initiator. but this might ruin initiators , maybe thats why they r making more movement based duelists and more info gathering flashes / cat with initiators
Sir_Emu [#4]what if they made phoenix walls so that they had a decay effect kinda like a viper orb but it was permanent
well that's not decay right ?
Sir_Emu [#4]what if they made phoenix walls so that they had a decay effect kinda like a viper orb but it was permanent
most knowledgeable person NA
Sir_Emu [#4]what if they made phoenix walls so that they had a decay effect kinda like a viper orb but it was permanent
"increase wall damage" u mean
His kit is already good, this would make him actually create space while entering sites.
one disadvantage would be I cant identify smurfs from decent phx mains since any good phx I see in lower elos is a smurf dropping 30k for some reason.