Mortadelo [#6]I mean he insanely boosted the early scene of Valorant, I guess that’s where it comes from. Everyone calls him like that in Spain, not father of Valorant obviously but just father xD
Es un poco cutre que traduzcan el meme de "padre" xD
nikoko07 [#2]biggest bot in EMEA!!!
You spend your time hating players from what is apparently your favorite team when tomorrow you may have a math test, if you only did it with mixwell I wouldn't care because he doesn't pay attention to this type of comment, but there are players who might affect them . I have no doubt that without people like you the community would be much better (I hope you are not old enough to have finished your studies and that is why you are still so stupid to do what you do)
ItsMarc0s18 [#11]You spend your time hating players from what is apparently your favorite team when tomorrow you may have a math test, if you only did it with mixwell I wouldn't care because he doesn't pay attention to this type of comment, but there are players who might affect them . I have no doubt that without people like you the community would be much better (I hope you are not old enough to have finished your studies and that is why you are still so stupid to do what you do)
tldr: itsMarc0s18 cant take criticism very well
shut up clown
ItsMarc0s18 [#11]You spend your time hating players from what is apparently your favorite team when tomorrow you may have a math test, if you only did it with mixwell I wouldn't care because he doesn't pay attention to this type of comment, but there are players who might affect them . I have no doubt that without people like you the community would be much better (I hope you are not old enough to have finished your studies and that is why you are still so stupid to do what you do)
tldr + b0twell + get a life
ItsMarc0s18 [#11]You spend your time hating players from what is apparently your favorite team when tomorrow you may have a math test, if you only did it with mixwell I wouldn't care because he doesn't pay attention to this type of comment, but there are players who might affect them . I have no doubt that without people like you the community would be much better (I hope you are not old enough to have finished your studies and that is why you are still so stupid to do what you do)
hey botwell, sign my profile!
ItsMarc0s18 [#11]You spend your time hating players from what is apparently your favorite team when tomorrow you may have a math test, if you only did it with mixwell I wouldn't care because he doesn't pay attention to this type of comment, but there are players who might affect them . I have no doubt that without people like you the community would be much better (I hope you are not old enough to have finished your studies and that is why you are still so stupid to do what you do)
take a joke man
Eli28 [#9]Es un poco cutre que traduzcan el meme de "padre" xD
Los gringos lo entienden todo literal no? o son terribles weones? xDDD
asseater4life [#27]why is mixwell always getting hate
explain please
huge fanbase and mixed performances
AloisD [#26]Los gringos lo entienden todo literal no? o son terribles weones? xDDD
Son terrible weones, tu lo has dicho jajaj
He can be perfectly be considered as the father or Valorant. He higly boosted the Valorant hype and scene at the beginning.
That title in some contexts, refers to being the "first visible face" of something.
Under that logic, Mixwell is to EU as TenZ is to NA, and so it could be replicated in other regions.
Being the father doesn't necessarily gets measured by achievements.
Kiklop [#10]He kinda is. We have to accept it I guess
Most of the normal people who isn't biased will accept it. The rest are just cringe kids who likes to hate for anything and measures only with accomplishments, even when it doesn't have to do with that at all.
babysasuke [#12]tldr: itsMarc0s18 cant take criticism very well
shut up clown
imagine considering "biggest bot", cRiTicIsM
since_beta [#34]imagine considering "biggest bot", cRiTicIsM
dont have to imagine, im livin it brother