What should I do

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i feel depressed every waking second and i tried to distract myself (yt and valorant mostly) but i cant do it anymore coz i have a shitload of things to study and studying just makes it 100x worse, anything i can do to relax (ik this is the last site i should be asking but i only have a single friend so yeah)


first step; get more friends. i dont mean this in an offensive way lol but having people to good to when youre feeling down is a big help. plus the laughs when you get good friends


are you in college or highschool? what are you studying? if you dont mind me asking

iehn [#3]

are you in college or highschool? what are you studying? if you dont mind me asking

12th grade, im almost 18

noxx [#4]

12th grade, im almost 18

well then you dont have to worry about studying as much, no? if i remember corectly 12th grade is REALLY easy compared to 11th
are you taking special classes or something you need to do well in?

iehn [#2]

first step; get more friends. i dont mean this in an offensive way lol but having people to good to when youre feeling down is a big help. plus the laughs when you get good friends

thats incredibly hard for me to do, i hate everyone from my school coz everyone just likes to bully people or make sick jokes about shit other people are insecure about and laugh about it

noxx [#6]

thats incredibly hard for me to do, i hate everyone from my school coz everyone just likes to bully people or make sick jokes about shit other people are insecure about and laugh about it

i had that problem in 8th grade a lot
maybe try finding friends online or something? i mean ive made some closeish friends on valorant before
idk if ur religious or not but maybe going to a church or something with other kids thats what i do

noxx [#6]

thats incredibly hard for me to do, i hate everyone from my school coz everyone just likes to bully people or make sick jokes about shit other people are insecure about and laugh about it

yea bro many kids in india like that
im going thru the same shit as u rn
i try to distract myself but im just sad
i shud study but i dont
and i have a few good frnds but due to circumstances i cant meet them
and yea the kids in my class r just future thugs who r the type to sneak alcohol in school and im rly lonely rn

noxx [#4]

12th grade, im almost 18

So, 12th grade exams are over for almost all states and boards right?
Or are you board exams just around the corner?
If that's the case, then sorry to say you will have to study,
Just start studying, it'll be very tough in the start, but it'll get eventually better later if you grind this time consistently

iehn [#5]

well then you dont have to worry about studying as much, no? if i remember corectly 12th grade is REALLY easy compared to 11th
are you taking special classes or something you need to do well in?

actually im writing my 11th boards and omw to 12th (sorry for the bad phrasing) and here in India 11th is like really important coz these marks carry over to ur 12th or smthng? idrk but all ik is i messed up the first 7 or 8 months coz of covid and i really tried to learn through online classes but at a certain point i just said fuck it and started doing random shit and i piled up a shit load of stuff to study, i have to learn over 80+ chapters (every subject included other than language) in a single week

  1. remove sentinels flair (brings bad luck)
  2. try to write down on a paper what u're feeling and thinking, you can't keep pushing your thoughts away with distractions, they're always gonna come back
Craig_Garth [#9]

So, 12th grade exams are over for almost all states and boards right?
Or are you board exams just around the corner?
If that's the case, then sorry to say you will have to study,
Just start studying, it'll be very tough in the start, but it'll get eventually better later if you grind this time consistently

im doing my 11th boards rn sorry for the wrong phrasing

iehn [#5]

well then you dont have to worry about studying as much, no? if i remember corectly 12th grade is REALLY easy compared to 11th
are you taking special classes or something you need to do well in?

well theres this obstacle all indian middle class boys have to overcome- get into a good engineering college or be a failure


keep grinding (studying), young man!
it will be paid off for sure!

inlucid [#11]
  1. remove sentinels flair (brings bad luck)
  2. try to write down on a paper what u're feeling and thinking, you can't keep pushing your thoughts away with distractions, they're always gonna come back

its really weird, its like i wanna be alone but at the same time i dont? idk how to explain it its super weird

inlucid [#11]
  1. remove sentinels flair (brings bad luck)
  2. try to write down on a paper what u're feeling and thinking, you can't keep pushing your thoughts away with distractions, they're always gonna come back

2nd point is gud it helped me once

Zephyros [#13]

well theres this obstacle all indian middle class boys have to overcome- get into a good engineering college or be a failure

my family will let me do anything other than become a streamer, a culinary expert/chef or a pro valorant player (anything they deem is logical) which unfortunately are all the things i feel interested in


its all i can do rn ig
to the Dio guy

noxx [#12]

im doing my 11th boards rn sorry for the wrong phrasing

Yeah then you'll have to grind for some time rn

Edit: Also talk with your family and friends instead of distracting yourself with yt and valorant
That'll help you with your mental

iehn [#7]

i had that problem in 8th grade a lot
maybe try finding friends online or something? i mean ive made some closeish friends on valorant before
idk if ur religious or not but maybe going to a church or something with other kids thats what i do

im not at all religious and i did find friends online but eventually they all just left for reasons that are beyond me and i thought i was the problem and backed myself out from ever getting friends again

Zephyros [#8]

yea bro many kids in india like that
im going thru the same shit as u rn
i try to distract myself but im just sad
i shud study but i dont
and i have a few good frnds but due to circumstances i cant meet them
and yea the kids in my class r just future thugs who r the type to sneak alcohol in school and im rly lonely rn

i have a single friend and he is like super busy all the time and i have the same problem with my classmates they are into bullying and only that

Craig_Garth [#19]

Yeah then you'll have to grind for some time rn

Edit: Also talk with your family and friends instead of distracting yourself with yt and valorant
That'll help you with your mental

all my family wants to do is make fun of me or talk about studies and they say those jokes are "for fun" and whenever i feel irritated and get annoyed my mom yells at me for raising my voice 0.0001 decibels more than my usual volume

edit : i have a week to learn everything from the beginning, i cannot do it especially with where my mental state is at rn

noxx [#17]

my family will let me do anything other than become a streamer, a culinary expert/chef or a pro valorant player (anything they deem is logical) which unfortunately are all the things i feel interested in

well bro atleast u know wut ur interested in
lukily my family is a lil but more open minded however idfk wut i want to do in life
i wanted to be valo pro ( i went from iron 1 to p3 in a year and i was climbing) i thought i could make it in a few yrs
however now i dont think i can do it ( im in a slump)
so im just going for engineering as i dont know exactly wut i want to do in life or wut i like doing :(
im aimless

noxx [#22]

all my family wants to do is make fun of me or talk about studies and they say those jokes are "for fun" and whenever i feel irritated and get annoyed my mom yells at me for raising my voice 0.0001 decibels more than my usual volume

edit : i have a week to learn everything from the beginning, i cannot do it especially with where my mental state is at rn

ikr i sat down to study properly and my mom made a joke like OMG UR STUDYIING?
and i just lost my rhythm and didnt feel like studying anymore

Zephyros [#23]

well bro atleast u know wut ur interested in
lukily my family is a lil but more open minded however idfk wut i want to do in life
i wanted to be valo pro ( i went from iron 1 to p3 in a year and i was climbing) i thought i could make it in a few yrs
however now i dont think i can do it ( im in a slump)
so im just going for engineering as i dont know exactly wut i want to do in life or wut i like doing :(
im aimless

u will eventually figure it out and the number 1 thing u should know to do when ur trying to grind video games and is never to give up and just stop grinding, you have to work for it thats the only way

Zephyros [#24]

ikr i sat down to study properly and my mom made a joke like OMG UR STUDYIING?
and i just lost my rhythm and didnt feel like studying anymore

thats the indianest thing u could have ever said smh

noxx [#26]

thats the indianest thing u could have ever said smh

bro me indian hi hu
and im doing wut any midle class indian boy shud do lmao

noxx [#21]

i have a single friend and he is like super busy all the time and i have the same problem with my classmates they are into bullying and only that

yea my good frnds have moved away or r in another class and dont see them often
the only good frnd i have left got a gf and hes with her al the time
now im just tryna fit in the frnd grp of my class

noxx [#22]

all my family wants to do is make fun of me or talk about studies and they say those jokes are "for fun" and whenever i feel irritated and get annoyed my mom yells at me for raising my voice 0.0001 decibels more than my usual volume

edit : i have a week to learn everything from the beginning, i cannot do it especially with where my mental state is at rn

Maybe start with thr easiest topics or some sure to come questions,
That'll make you feel more interested and confident towards your studies

Also, if you dont like your parents making fun of you while studying, maybe ignore it for 1-2 times, and then politely ask them not to do so or else your studies are getting ruined
I'm pretty sure they won't make fun anymore

noxx [#22]

all my family wants to do is make fun of me or talk about studies and they say those jokes are "for fun" and whenever i feel irritated and get annoyed my mom yells at me for raising my voice 0.0001 decibels more than my usual volume

edit : i have a week to learn everything from the beginning, i cannot do it especially with where my mental state is at rn

Also, after your boards, take some time to think about your future and if you really wanna continue what you are doing rn or take some other path for future

Craig_Garth [#29]

Maybe start with thr easiest topics or some sure to come questions,
That'll make you feel more interested and confident towards your studies

Also, if you dont like your parents making fun of you while studying, maybe ignore it for 1-2 times, and then politely ask them not to do so or else your studies are getting ruined
I'm pretty sure they won't make fun anymore

that just makes it 100x worse, they start talking about how i cant take jokes anymore because i use my pc 24/7 according to them and also im not saying they are bad parents, they are really good and support me but they have the wrong idea of how i feel most of the time, they do care about me and how i feel but they dont impose proper action if im feeling unwell. They think being rude to me while im down or aggressive towards me will help me somehow

Craig_Garth [#30]

Also, after your boards, take some time to think about your future and if you really wanna continue what you are doing rn or take some other path for future

theres no choice, i cant do what i love because i can only do stuff that my parents think are respectable but i do have this plan where ill go to college for their sake but do smthng i love and if i succeed at said thing then ill tell them when i feel like its the right time and if i dont then ill just live for them ig




Go to therapy

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