he used to be a very good duelist (even tough he almost only played phoenix) he had crazy xhair placement and was pretty consistent
Knightsofdoom [#2]He's on Dark Zero atm, sadly not as good as before since phoenix is bad atm but I hope he returns when phoenix buffs come
This post is reminding me of the OG Tsm roster, I miss those days
Knightsofdoom [#2]He's on Dark Zero atm, sadly not as good as before since phoenix is bad atm but I hope he returns when phoenix buffs come
it would be crazy if he just said fuck it and started playing phoenix regardless...
also how could riot buff phoenix while maintaining his duelist status? another flash would make him more of an initiator, wall and molly buff doesn't seem like it would be enough (also how could they buff these two?)
Knightsofdoom [#4]This post is reminding me of the OG Tsm roster, I miss those days
I thought it was OG LND not OG TSM
ConsistentCycles [#5]he took a break for a while and fell off a bit, plus phoenix is bad now, hes been improving on Darkzero though, I think he can make a return to tier 1 given some time
i hope so
Darkzeccos [#6]it would be crazy if he just said fuck it and started playing phoenix regardless...
also how could riot buff phoenix while maintaining his duelist status? another flash would make him more of an initiator, wall and molly buff doesn't seem like it would be enough (also how could they buff these two?)
Probably flashes pop quicker or last longer, and make wall last longer