Flag: Luxembourg
Registered: April 13, 2023
Last post: June 2, 2024 at 9:42 AM
Posts: 998
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then why didnt they make masters?

posted 1 hour ago


posted 1 hour ago

The even distribution is fine the majority of people who complain about it want to implement a system which is unsustainable for the size of the esport. Regionality would be ok if valorant was larger than it was but in an esport like this it leads to fractured team trying to force a single nationality into their teams (BBL or old KCP) which has shown consistently to hold weaker results since you are limiting the talent pool you can pull from. Hell this is the issue with lots of the APAC teams rn (im looking at you ZETA). Valorant would need to grow significantly in size to actually be able to sustain this system. We would just return to 2022 where the regional leagues would be 1 team beating up everyone else like DRX and LOUD back in the day.

posted 1 hour ago


posted 9 hours ago

your plan biases the # of slots towards EMEA and americas by default that is dumb

posted 9 hours ago

regionality emea is exactly what has bred mediocracy for so many years

posted 9 hours ago

Thanks for the validation this is really fun !

posted 10 hours ago

that all? oh well. bye bye 👋

posted 10 hours ago

i supposed to find something that was deleted off the face of the internet

The tweet is ssed in the OG thread why are you lying about it now?

You defending her just shows that you think she's right, why would you defend someone if you don't think they are right

IDK maybe if you read my words you'd be able to understand. I dont give a shit about Yinsu or Boaster I just think people like you who get worked up over someone having a bias towards their BF are extremely silly.

also I have 4 stars on vlr because I don't say shit that people disagree with and is just bait kekw.

So you have 4 stars because you bandwagon? noted

posted 10 hours ago

🤷‍♂️ you're free to think that

posted 10 hours ago

she deleted her tweet kekw

and? The point holds

I wrote a paragraph because people still think that yinsu didn't do anything wrong just like you

... "Never said she was "right" that's your own assumption" ... cmon man i thought u were literate

You have about 1k posts and 0 stars says a lot about you ngl

You place real stock in vlr stars and that says way more about you

posted 10 hours ago

it doesn't matter that she cares more but she shouldn't try to shame the community into caring as well

Again you are literally just saying "she isn't allowed to express her opinion about pros recieving hate because she is biased towards her boyfriend" Like brother are you ok? God forbid someone tries to prevent their S/O from receiving hate 😱.

posted 10 hours ago

oh you're unable to detect basic sarcasm too. thats kinda sad. good luck with that man.

posted 10 hours ago

Show me the tweet where she says boaster should be treated better than other pros I'm waiting. You got mad enough to write a paragraph because someone said "yeah maybe we shouldnt shit on pros" when they saw their boyfriend getting hate. Looks like it was option number 2.

posted 10 hours ago

@Yangguizi these are the kids who are validating your takes

posted 10 hours ago

Again this is just you going "OH NO SOMEONE CARES MORE ABOUT THE BACKLASH DIRECTED AT THEIR BOYFRIEND THAN AT A RANDOM STRANGER." Like are you hearing yourself? OFC she is going to speak up when shit is directed at her boyfriend because she cares way more about him than a random pro that is obvious to any well adjusted human. You just want to be mad you found your villain of the day and are going to yell at a totem because you're brain is addicted to the dopamine associated with online dog-piling.

posted 10 hours ago

Cool? show me the tweet where she asked the community to specifically treat boaster and only boaster better than every other pro.

posted 11 hours ago

Never said she was "right" that's your own assumption. Simply pointed out that being offended that someone treats their significant other with more care than a bunch of strangers is dumb. You responding like this shows that either 1 you're just looking for a reason to be mad or 2 you lack basic social skills.

posted 11 hours ago

If your idea of having good takes is having a bunch of rando's on a valorant suck you off with internet updoots then you are technically correct. Personally, I don't consider pandering to the lowest common denominator having "good takes." Regardless good luck finding that life o yours.

posted 11 hours ago


posted 11 hours ago

unsurprisingly the person who cares about vlr stars is mad about being told to get a life

posted 11 hours ago

you gotta get a life man. no human should care this much about a bunch of strangers halfway around the world.

posted 11 hours ago

thank you for proving my point :)

posted 2 days ago

if you think vlr is criticism you're delusional

posted 2 days ago

FUT kinda got fucked over the most

its a complaint thread

posted 3 days ago

he should consider clicking heads better

posted 1 week ago

thank you so much for proving my point <3

posted 1 week ago

weirdos defending weirdos why am i not surprised

posted 1 week ago

the death and birth of an angel - fallingwithscissors

posted 1 week ago

holy shit go outside

posted 2 weeks ago

how does that stretch to stopping racism altogether?

"I hate to break it to ya but you aren't stopping radicalization by canceling someone"


posted 3 weeks ago

how does that stretch to stopping racism altogether?

"I hate to break it to ya but you aren't stopping radicalization by canceling someone"


posted 3 weeks ago

SEN in 2023 but idk why he didn't follow through

trent turned him down iirc. man saw the train-wreck coming.

posted 3 weeks ago

neither of us claimed that this was "stopping" racism/radicalisation together lmao, who's doing the misinterpreting?

"prevent those people from creating pipelines through which to influence their younger fans"

I hate to break it to ya but you aren't stopping radicalization by canceling someone

notice how you lie :)

posted 3 weeks ago

look at who you're talking to. logic will not work.

posted 3 weeks ago


posted 3 weeks ago

doesn't exist. just play who you enjoy.

posted 3 weeks ago

yes, prevent people from creating pipelines through which to worsen racism. that doesn't mean stopping racism altogether

now what I said in my original point: "I hate to break it to ya but you aren't stopping radicalization by canceling someone"

This sums up why im done here. You dont care about having an actual conversation. You will intentionally misinterpret (or in this case lie) to "win" an argument. You aren't worth my energy

posted 3 weeks ago

actually upon further reading of your last point do you even know what an ideology is?

being socially liberal can be selective towards certain groups

that is literally just an ideology. every ideology exists to define who you can use violence against. this isnt unique to Liberalism and is a really dumb point to try and make. I had assumed you just defined Liberalism after reading the first sentence but wow.

posted 3 weeks ago

you literally told him that he should "attempt to dismantle the systems"....? suggesting that it's an action that an invidual (he) can carry out. 1 line in and you already contradict what you said ?XD

nah that's just your intentionally unfavorable misinterpretation of my words whatever though.

i don't think he ever said that activism is "limited" to making vlr posts, perhaps that is all he does but so what? as long as he is making some consequential positive change, where is the issue?

He isn't making any change hes whining on vlr. This does not push the needle even a fraction of a micro meter.

i never said he was "stopping", but increasing the amount of people who can be wary of racist influencers clearly has a positive impact on them

"prevent those people from creating pipelines through which to influence their younger fans"

Get a thesaurus. You misunderstood my point regardless.

what makes someone "susceptible" to racism? it's exposure to it. decreasing their exposure thereby means they will be less likely to be racist. pretty basic stuff man.

Overly simplistic reduction of a complex topic and my point to try and make your point more credible. If keznit doesn't exist those who you say are "radicalized" by him would still be racist. Are you gonna stop being disingenuous?

liberal also doesn't mean left wing lmao, political liberalism is an ideology founded by John Locke who supported slavery and prescribed property as a "natural right". being socially liberal can be selective towards certain groups, it doesn't make you automatically left wing.

yah no shit. I forgot to reply when i said right wing i mean to say alt right. regardless classical Liberalism and "liberal" dont exactly line up in terms of ideology nowadays (you can thank america for that) hence why i didnt capitalize the word. Right and left will always be relative terms regardless and are less useful than the actual beliefs espoused by those who are being discussed. Regardless this is just another distraction since you have no actual discussion on my words just disingenuous misinterpretations to attempt to skew the discussion.

This is why i dont fuck with talking politics online anymore. You write an incredibly detailed and clear sentence and fuckers like you will just say something completely different and act like its what you said. Good luck in life hope you grow out of this phase.

posted 3 weeks ago

hey man i think you just aren't cut out to watch sport if this has you so pressed this shit is minor asf compared to some of the shit that goes down in actual sport

posted 3 weeks ago

it doesn't really matter because your point doesn't apply to this format. Comparing records between the groups in meaningless since they played different teams. Loud had objectively harder matches (kru sen c9) but an easier time qualifying since 1/3rd of their group went 0/5.

It makes sense LOUD had a worse record since the two free wins (MIBR and FUR) were in their group.

posted 3 weeks ago

brother you're getting genuinely mad at a serial baiter you're so cooked rn

posted 3 weeks ago

they aren't competing with kru and sen for a spot though

thats the point

posted 3 weeks ago

thats not the argument you wanna make take a note from the two people above you they've got it right

posted 3 weeks ago

regional fans cheering for their region lord have mercy 😱😱😱

posted 3 weeks ago

billi billi

posted 3 weeks ago

Hes a rage poster on vlr talkin about 2 grown men going back and forth is cringe

posted 3 weeks ago
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