Flag: United States
Registered: April 19, 2022
Last post: May 25, 2024 at 12:27 AM
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start split 2 bottom of the table 3-3 with the worst map differential and like 3 champ points - literally no chance of being the 4th team
will play 4 matches against - g2, sen, c9, kru.... so 2 went to masters, 1 won madrid and c9, kru looked -- to make playoffs

literally 0 chances of making it to champs

posted 1 week ago

it is personal preference and maybe biased towards americas but i dont think the stats are way off

posted 1 week ago

i dont think there is a better player than Less in terms of consistency and his stats as a sentinel.. he made top 4 in madrid without aspas.. lets see how well lev does in shanghai

posted 1 week ago

#6 is good though.. look at people above him.. they are all insane and consistent. if lev finishes atleast top 4 at shanghai i think aspas would be top 3 for me

posted 1 week ago

jingg in honorable mention.. maybe breaks through if they can win shanghai.. other 2 are great but i cant remove anyone to accommodate them

posted 1 week ago

derke should be honorable mention.. its 15 people and major champs dont have space with loud, fnatic and optic core so even though mako has been insane i dont see him on this list considering drx could never really win important matches

posted 1 week ago

if u notice i put everyone's current team or else it wouldnt be nrg demon1 either

posted 1 week ago

i am pretty sure victor crashies have been placing higher in international tournaments on a consistent basis over the years above cned and nats.. if u can prove otherwise then i can take it back i got no problem

posted 1 week ago

i could be biased towards americas honestly cant lie.. but its hard to remove anyone to fit them IMO

posted 1 week ago

till madrid.. dont cry about my list - make ur own if u want

  1. LOUD Less
  2. FNATIC Chronicle
  3. PRX F0rsaken
  4. SEN Sacy(2 majors)
  5. LOUD Saadhak
  6. LEV aspas
  7. FNS
  8. SEN Tenz (2 majors)
  9. FNATIC Leo
  10. FNATIC Alfajer
  11. NRG Victor
  12. NRG Demon1
  13. Navi ardiis
  14. NRG Crashies
  15. Bleed yay

honorable mentions : suygetsu, shao, marved, jiing, d4v4i, mindfreak

posted 1 week ago

idk man do u play on a laptop? i feel most silver - gold - plat stay in that hole because they have pathetic systems or internet.. maybe try upgrading and see

posted 1 week ago

tenz likes the mechanics aspect of an fps game and valorant isnt all about movement and gun mechanics.. it doesnt have the same depth in that region like cs but has much more to offer in agents and maps

Cs is literally unplayable for an average joe with all the hacks and pathetic support from valve so it will never find traction with newer players and grow as an esport

posted 1 week ago

yeah but no champ points either so they literally have to win out and honestly their group is tough.. no mibr or furia literally 4 games before playoffs

posted 1 week ago

interesting.. i thought fns s0m was a duo.. also a shit deal really considering they start split 2 at the bottom of the table

posted 1 week ago

24 | Valorant Player for | http://instagram.com/marved6 | marved@proxy.gg


sry if this was already known.. but who is replacing him? is it s0m?

posted 1 week ago

Optic didnt win a masters and ended up getting grouped in a local regional na tournament so idk about all that.. plus optic core did not make an international until they lost yay and fns..

posted 1 week ago

surely we can get chat gpt 4o real time translation so no language barriers.. would be fire

posted 2 weeks ago

u already know if pancada back on loud and he plays sen.. he WILL drop 40 in a map

posted 2 weeks ago

y0y biggest comeback

posted 2 weeks ago

me when i have nothing to add -

posted 2 weeks ago

i dont think he's had a bad season.. last year he was decent on his team.. and only guy fighting especially in that game vs mibr which let eg through to the playoffs instead of 100t

posted 2 weeks ago

surely we get rid of TSM flair before typing that

posted 2 weeks ago

better tenz apparently.. also him

posted 2 weeks ago

surely cryo clears right?

  • made international lan with dephh as igl
  • could better adapt to chamber meta
  • kept his place as main awp duelist with zekken on the team
  • better smokes.. plays tougher smoke agents like astra, brim and not an overpowered omen merchant
posted 2 weeks ago

yayster stream if u can!!

posted 2 weeks ago

not as bad as fnatic

posted 2 weeks ago

nah c9 def takes the last spot

posted 2 weeks ago

nah sacy clears

posted 2 weeks ago

we're sending a bunch of pigs, dogs, cats, boostio and aspas.. if yall cant win this one.. respectfully delete your region

posted 3 weeks ago

ben tenzed zombie

posted 3 weeks ago


posted 3 weeks ago

idk bout all that but how is chet crying about production/streamers and the community being toxic by comparing pros and making narratives.. like thats how the game always was.. he did it in that nrg video where oxy was called out.. like cant u take any heat u dish out lol?

posted 3 weeks ago

and they lost.. i know he has had individually good games but his team always seems to fumble

posted 3 weeks ago

when has leaf won? i know his individual performances are great but he doesnt have any real trophies either.. not to mention he has been playing for a while

posted 3 weeks ago

after unlimited chances to play tier 1 valorant for na.. these 2 finally get another shot at an international trophy.. can they not fumble it again?

posted 3 weeks ago

agreed. why are people saying kc as if its not n4rrate on that team

posted 3 weeks ago

all this shit just for americas to win again lol

posted 3 weeks ago

always had cryo in his pocket
took on less aspas sacy saadhak on same team

they couldnt beat him so they banished him

posted 3 weeks ago

well it means pistol, eco and then bonus so yh it does mean alot.. nobody wants to be 0-3

posted 3 weeks ago

he won them the bind map after they were 0-3.. kudos man

posted 3 weeks ago

idk man just win.. apac can have shanghai

posted 3 weeks ago

what is this copypasta never seen it before lol

posted 3 weeks ago

yeah i keep hearing that and everyone agrees BUT idk if he is good enough to replace tex or even be chosen above jawgemo.. and now he took net's job/role.. what has he achieved to be given so much respect?

posted 3 weeks ago

given how long these ex-cs pros have been given tier 1 opportunities i wonder why they dont get the same heat as someone like 100t asuna... all three have nothing to show for and now again one of c9 and g2 will crash out.

posted 3 weeks ago

wym cloud9 winning had no affect on sentinels? g2 has to win 14 rounds for sen to not qualify

posted 3 weeks ago

he dont owe anything to chet.. chet didnt win anything without fns.. his performance on tsm was mid before fns

posted 3 weeks ago

lets be real.. even though he says he MIGHT be back next year.. he is making too much money with 20k+ viewers with his watchparties + there is no guarentee he can "save" optic core or even win anything if he comes back.. there is alot of rng with what teams will find the right chemistry to win a trophy so why risk it at 32 years of age..

s0m on the other hand should probably look to play considering he never really won anything + only in his 20s (like tenz)

posted 3 weeks ago

mce the guy who dropped yay.. the optic core will never work with him lol.. also crashies + victor is a duo and so is s0m+fns.. AND fns wont be back to save anyone.. with 20k+ viewers on his watchparties he is making more money in a day then a month of practicing and playing pro only to lose to a random team because of how rng the game can be at the highest level

posted 3 weeks ago

monkey noises if made confirms racism.. in that case the punishment should've been stricter for sure. also it seems there is a concept of community boycott - players like pancc or even sinatraa although not banned.. will never play for a franchised squad because of community backlash.. if that is what you are aiming towards with this thread -- i do agree that there cannot be different standards between different alleged crimes..

i think keznit will have to live with those stains his entire career which is probably a punishment in itself.. i know he wont be able to face brazillian crowd or even have any respect from some BR players like Less

posted 3 weeks ago

i think ethan and crashies have some role clashes.. i've never seen ethan on omen before. marved has been underperforming alot.. also the map pool currently is very raze centric which means demon1 has to play other agents which he was able to do on eg but idk anymore on nrg..

overall the team chem is off.. maybe too many voices + overcooking. also nrg last year + eg last year had very different playstyles so they are clashing aswell..

lesson learnt : taking 5 champs and slapping them together doesnt mean results.. i think sentinels already proved that last year and nrg this year... a good mix of young talent + experience is required.

posted 3 weeks ago
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