Flag: International
Registered: July 13, 2023
Last post: June 2, 2024 at 6:05 AM
Posts: 6255
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posted 8 hours ago

your welcome pacific bros

job not done, this flair stays until after the prx match.

posted 8 hours ago

riot has to nerf goatssi somehow, would be boring if he just wins everything

posted 9 hours ago

Absolutely, it was a nail-biter! 🎮

The determination and skill are there, and with the 100T spirit, Ascent is going to be a whole new battlefield. Every round is a fresh start, and every play is an opportunity to shine. Let’s keep the faith and bring that #100WIN energy to the next map. 💥

We’ve got the talent, we’ve got the strategy, and most importantly, we’ve got the best fans in the world. Together, there’s nothing we can’t overcome. So let’s rally behind the team and push for that victory. 🏆

#100WIN - On to Ascent, where legends are made! 🔥

Keep cheering my fellow #100TARMY solider

posted 9 hours ago

Keep the Faith - The Comeback is ON! #100WIN 🏆

Hey 100T Army,

Tough start on map 1, but this is where the true test begins. We've seen 100 Thieves turn games around from tougher spots, and if there's any team that can pull off a legendary 2-1 comeback, it's ours. 💪

Let's channel all our energy and support into the next maps. Remember, it's not over until it's over, and 100T has the resilience, the skill, and the mental fortitude to bounce back with a vengeance. 🎮

We're not just fans; we're a family. We stand with 100T through thick and thin. So let's get those #100WIN chants going louder than ever. Let's believe in the comeback because in VALORANT, anything is possible. 🌟

To the team: shake off the first map, reset, and come back stronger. We know what you're capable of, and we believe in you. Let's show GEN.G the true heart of a champion.

#100WIN - Let's make this comeback one for the history books!

Onward to victory,

posted 9 hours ago

Haha, that’s the spirit! It’s all in good fun, and it’s great to see the confidence in 100 Thieves. Let’s keep the positive vibes going and cheer them on for a strong performance! #100WIN 🎉

posted 9 hours ago

No worries! I know EMEA fans might struggling with advanced concept such as reading considering they are sub-human. Here’s a quick summary for you: We’re rallying behind 100 Thieves for their next match against GEN.G. It’s all about that #100WIN energy, and we’re here to show our full support. Let’s cheer them on to victory! 🏆🎉

posted 10 hours ago

Hey 100T Army,

The battlefield is set, and the stakes are sky-high as our very own 100 Thieves gear up to face GEN.G in the next electrifying match! It’s not just a game; it’s where legends are made, and we’re here for it. 🎮💥

We’ve seen the dedication, the practice, the sheer willpower that 100T brings to the table. They’re not just players; they’re pioneers, strategists, warriors ready to claim their throne in the VALORANT kingdom. And GEN.G? They better be ready for the storm that’s about to hit them!

Let’s paint the forum red with our cheers, because when 100T plays, it’s more than just a team fighting—it’s a family standing strong together. Every headshot, every clutch, every flawless round is a testament to the 100T spirit that never dies.

So, wear your pride, shout out loud, and let’s get the #100WIN trending because this is our time. To GEN.G, we say: brace yourselves. To 100 Thieves, we say: bring home the glory that’s rightfully yours!

Together, we rise. Together, we conquer. Together, we celebrate the unstoppable force that is 100 Thieves. Let’s go, team!

#100WIN all the way!

Remember, while passion is key, sportsmanship is also important. Let’s keep the competition friendly and the community welcoming! 🤝

posted 10 hours ago

y*nsu being hypocrite as always

posted 22 hours ago

time for the next victim

i mean i need to wait for 100t/geng to finish first tho

posted 1 day ago

It’s a tough break for EDG, but every match is a lesson and every loss a stepping stone to greater achievements. The journey of a team is never without its ups and downs, and it’s the support through the tough times that counts the most.

Let’s keep our heads high and look forward to the next challenge. EDG will come back stronger, armed with new strategies and the same unyielding spirit. The passion and dedication remain unwavering.

#EDGWIN isn’t just a hashtag, it’s a belief in the team’s potential to rise to the top. Here’s to the next victory! 🌟

posted 1 day ago

thank you comrade

posted 1 day ago

Hey EDG fans,

Tough first map, but this is what comebacks are made of! We've seen EDG pull through in clutch moments before, and there's no better time for a turnaround than now. It's a BO3 for a reason, and every map is a new battle.

Keep the faith, because EDG has the skill, the strategy, and the determination to turn the tide. Let's get behind our team with even more energy for the next map. We're not out of this yet – far from it.

#EDGWIN is still on! Let's show our unbreakable spirit and cheer EDG on to a legendary comeback! 🏆🔥

Come on, EDG, let's take it to the third map and claim the victory that's waiting for us!

#EDGWIN all the way!

posted 1 day ago

Hey EDG fans,

Tough first map, but this is what comebacks are made of! We've seen EDG pull through in clutch moments before, and there's no better time for a turnaround than now. It's a BO3 for a reason, and every map is a new battle.

Keep the faith, because EDG has the skill, the strategy, and the determination to turn the tide. Let's get behind our team with even more energy for the next map. We're not out of this yet – far from it.

#EDGWIN is still on! Let's show our unbreakable spirit and cheer EDG on to a legendary comeback! 🏆🔥

Come on, EDG, let's take it to the third map and claim the victory that's waiting for us!

#EDGWIN all the way!

posted 1 day ago


posted 1 day ago

That's the spirit! 🔥
EDG is going all the way, no doubt about it. Masters Shanghai won't know what hit it. Let's get behind our team and push them to the top. They've got the skills, the strategy, and the community backing them up.

#EDGWIN - Let's make it happen! 🏆

posted 1 day ago

Absolutely, KANGKANG's performance has been nothing short of phenomenal! It's players like him that elevate the game to new heights. His dueling skills are top-notch, and it's a thrill to watch him outmaneuver the competition time and time again.

Let's not forget, though, that it takes a whole team working in sync to secure those wins. KANGKANG is the spearhead, sure, but the support from his teammates is what sharpens that spear. Here's to EDG and their continued success - may they keep dominating the competition!


posted 1 day ago

Hey everyone on the forum!

The moment we've all been waiting for is almost here. EDG is about to face off against PRX in what's shaping up to be a clash of titans, and I can barely contain my excitement! 🌟

This is more than just a match; it's a battle for glory that will be etched in the annals of history. Our team has been training hard, strategizing, and preparing to bring their A-game to the rift, and it's time we rally behind them with all our might. 💪

I want to see this forum light up with support for EDG. Let's flood this thread with our best wishes, our most hype moments, and our unwavering belief in the team. Whether you're a long-time fan or just love the thrill of the game, this is where we come together as a community.

Remember, every cheer, every shoutout, and every #EDGWIN hashtag counts. Let's make sure our team feels the power of our support all the way to victory. 🚀

So, gamers, are you ready to witness some epic plays? To see our champions take the throne they deserve? Let's show PRX that they're up against not just a team, but an entire community.

#EDGWIN - Let's make it trend and show our pride. To victory and beyond!


posted 1 day ago

reading comprehension fr😭😭😭

posted 1 day ago

YES #EDGWIN j0nggg will stand no chance vs my king kangkang!!!

prx need my jinxing power.

posted 1 day ago


we lost to icy. make my pain end.

posted 1 day ago

goodluck today!!! i was cheering for edg so far cuz i liked the narrative of the most popular chinesse team popping off in china but looks like only one of us can make it

lets have a great game

posted 1 day ago

erm what the sigma

posted 1 day ago

our teams might have beef w/ each other but i always respect guard fans, they are the most loyal diehard fans there is

posted 2 days ago

time for the lower bracket run, all the doubters name already written out.

say j0nggg one more time, we will see who laughs once we win shanghai

posted 2 days ago

so obsessed w/ me you bumped up?? thats so cute! :3 good little kitten!

posted 2 days ago

ty pookie :3

posted 2 days ago

we can finally watch some good valorant

lower bracket = emea bracket amirite 😅😅😅

hopefully our boys EDG deliever too!

posted 2 days ago

yall called me crazy

posted 2 days ago


him ulting on showers on bind should remove his contract tbh, he was god damn awful

posted 2 days ago

what a fucking loser

this is even worst than skrossi complaning about not having his gaming pants

posted 3 days ago

eye test

alfa was stat padding the entire game while less got important frags

but yeah, it was a total kj diff

posted 4 days ago

he should be, playing vs the winners of shanghai.

not as scared as fruadntic's coach when he had to pick GENG LMAOOO

posted 5 days ago

wheres k0rya

edit: sorry i press ctrl f and looked for k0rya /femboy and couldnt find, i still think she should be higher

posted 5 days ago

just a simple eye test really, alfa is really overrated after he farmed 2 mickies

less hard exposed him on champs and he couldnt even diff shitmea players nowadays

posted 5 days ago

meteor can diff alfa on his off days

if he has an ON game, its truly ggs

posted 5 days ago

qck 2.0

only good vs china

posted 6 days ago

he knows

emea cant even get a win vs a none-china team this days

he aint delulu, he just baiting rn

he is one of those users that knows his place but proceeds to bait anyway

posted 6 days ago

what about this take is wrong?

t1 hard choked vs g2
fpx would beat t1 (close game vs geng)
t1 are way better than th/drg/fut (best one out of those is th, who lost to g2... which t1 almost stomped but choked at the end.)

posted 1 week ago

no... they are just shit. (also shouldve won the g2 game, that was a throw. 13-1 into a 9-3 and then a free attack side on lotus. YIKES.)

fpx would beat them too, and i say that as a pacific glazer and xccurate and carpe fan.

surely they would shit on th/DRG/fut, as anyone would but like... if thats your bar than you probably do not deserve playoffs. DRX shouldve been here and probably got playoffs easily.

posted 1 week ago


posted 1 week ago

wow thats wild LMAO

posted 1 week ago

are we comparing winning champs to winning a singular match

posted 1 week ago

so ur admitting to be a 1 team region? at least ur aware

ur probably ahead of 99% of emea fans, good job

posted 1 week ago

when was the last time EU team beat an NA team at international event without counting fnatic? let me know

posted 1 week ago

can only be a shitmea team giving every china team their first win

posted 1 week ago


posted 1 week ago
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