Flag: Germany
Registered: July 4, 2022
Last post: June 2, 2024 at 6:45 AM
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Its gonna depend on how she handles stuff behind the scenes (https://x.com/kaquka/status/1796944122424828247)
Hopefully it was just a terribly misworded tweet that missed the mark, but it did feel a bit tasteless yea

posted 1 hour ago

thats great actually yea^^

posted 1 hour ago

Def what we need with the current vlr landscape, go give em some love

posted 1 hour ago

I feel like you have good intentions here, but absolutely missed the mark.
Why spread more targeted hate when (at least based on your other comments) its the very thing you're criticizing? Why not uplift com and yay, pointing out how they need support too?

A criticism based on assuming the worst in someone at every step is pointless; there is nothing to be gained from blaming her for her coworkers, assuming she agrees with everything they do and agrees with how we on vlr treated com/yay, while disregarding every time she advocates for players mental health.
I dont know how yays mental was during the steel segment. You dont know how yays mental was during the steel segment. And Yinsu doesnt know how yays mental was during the steel segment.
She does know how boasters mental is right now. She can tell people about it. Had Yay had someone like that maybe that whole shit hadnt gone down that way. I dont see how this is a bad thing. Encourage people who know the players to speak up when theyre struggling so that we as a community dont overdo it!

And since this was brought up multiple times on post you agreed with explicitly: her mixing in her personal life, on her personal twitter account isnt a problem and youre just an idiot if thats what you take issue with. She hasnt even used it to look for work yet (this is the only tweet I could find searching for the common lfw posts, and if you think thats a serious resume then we gotta talk https://x.com/YinsuCollins/status/1315687005527986179 )

Like this aint a chapter in the bible, we cant have only those without sin be allowed to throw the stone. Especially when the thing theyre advocating for would better the community. We dont have a Jesus on earth right now, nobody is gonna be allowed to do jack shit to better anything.

Make this a positive post, I genuinely think your heart is in the right place, but this aint it.

posted 2 hours ago

read past the title
shes perfectly fine there

posted 3 hours ago

dude as an og guild fan (well ig NiP since I followed them from paladins) I would want nothing more

but I feel like bonkar is better on oxg since he has such a good track record with developing youngsters (and theyre making it into t1 anyways ;) )

posted 1 day ago

yea id expect elma to get the boot
I dont think its fair to blame him for fnc looking bad - just the change in meta and map pool is probably to blame for that, but it looks like he doesnt make the team better
I wouldnt mind them picking up d00mbr0s for example and seeing if he can bring a bit of creativity into their comps (though I wouldn't want him head coach since I dont think fnc is a team that would benefit from the role flexibility philosophy fpx/navi always showed)

posted 1 day ago

Cant complain about their current form at all
Swiss was a bit scrappy, but todays game showed that if theyre given a good matchup they absolutely know how to abuse it

Just looking like an absolute solid team atm

posted 1 day ago

Im sure hes gotten a fair share of fines
Most players dont talk about their fines so we have no clue how strict riot is on different topics

posted 2 days ago

He was getting a good bit of heat before too tbf
but yea similar to ardiis (though ofc hes the biggest shit talker in the world) he went to a top of the world roster with completely different fanbases
and then the team starts underpreforming - the fans are obviously gonna turn on the new guy and... well that stigma sorta sticks with them

cneds been amazing on fut ngl so just "unlucky"

posted 6 days ago


posted 1 week ago

I dont think it has anything to do with them being unproven
at least from platchat, sliggys streams and the acend podcast (tmv) they all always just talk about the last 2 games g2 played

the lev game was super close with 9/10 pistols won
And the g2 100t game was just bad
So its just that they didnt like what they saw from them

I wouldnt rate them below t1 like some analyst are doing, thats madness, but not having them in that top 5 cluster is reasonable no?

posted 1 week ago

if a bad season, in a region which notoriously struggles with mixed rosters, is enough to end your career then we gotta talk
but nah qpert was praised highly during his time during c9 so id say thats why he didnt struggle to find a new home after leaving dath

posted 1 week ago

not sure how long ago you watched, but with the "invention" of the g2 plant icebox was fully attack sided (and that was back in 2022)
so I dont think its the map changes making it attack sided, but rather teams learning how to abuse the bad map design

posted 1 week ago

id agree but m8 did win last year comming off a bo1 format so maybe its a secret buff ;3

posted 1 week ago

Before people lose their minds, remember that spain has an incredibly easy qualification system and that the main focus of teams should/will be on preparing for the playoffs bo3s

Not a good sign that they're losing, but its not like vct where they're ruining their split with a couple of early losses

posted 1 week ago

huge shame and pretty significant loss to polaris
ik Ucam was a bit of a disappointment coming off the absolute high that was LPB, but I really would have liked to have seen how he does in a proper (signed) team over a year or so
hope streaming works out

posted 1 week ago

the "question" is where he goes
theres like 1 option so ya know
but also good to know that he said it himself

posted 1 week ago

you might be in for a pleasant surprise soon if the rumors end up being true

posted 1 week ago

easy game, wasnt even close... nope no hero plays here to keep oxg in this at all

posted 2 weeks ago

I can guess based on what twitch chats I've seen you in ;3
but good to know that its confirmed
just makes it even more of a shame ngl

posted 2 weeks ago

ye rumor mill was going crazy with that one

posted 2 weeks ago

could have been fokus click too
worked out fine for fokus getting lime, but that would have been a nice timeline

posted 2 weeks ago

the only valid answer

posted 2 weeks ago

based on last season no, but we'll see as the season goes on

posted 2 weeks ago

New fokus roster is heat and the scrimbux are actually looking good again
That being said its like a week of practice for them as far as I can tell

Fokus 2-0

posted 2 weeks ago

Theyre amazing, I was so stoked when I saw the first vid on twitter
the rate is insane atm too (expect it to slow down now that t2 starts, but still)

posted 2 weeks ago

holy t2 super team
Apeks vs KPI gonna be a banger if we get it, and ngl I think id favor kpi with the last 2 upgrades

posted 3 weeks ago

Idk, I dont really have a horse in this race. I cant say its nearly bad enough to upset me, but with the context that we have had pros... ya know... this might rub someone the wrong way
Its not like valo has the most mature or (purely based on age) mentally stable fanbase
But... orgs like Sen and G2 have always posted stuff thats SO on the line that I feel like this is going from 0 to 100 a bit quick

posted 3 weeks ago

it has a very different tone though since its him joking about doing it himself, not joking about other people doing it
cant really say if bren was fine with that either though, but in general you have to hold orgs to a higher standard

posted 3 weeks ago

lmao, yall are actually a perfect balance

posted 4 weeks ago

we better start seeing some mad support out of you

posted 4 weeks ago

What a hype finals
Insane crowd, and an absolute brawl of a last map
GGs to CGN

posted 4 weeks ago

all lan games are played within 1 day so a bo5 to end it off would be hard time wise
(So theoretically if SK had won all their games they would have played 3 Bo3s)

Dach is budget this year so what can you do; luckily this is only for points so its not the end of the world but yeeeeea.... lots of weird decisions with this scheduling

posted 4 weeks ago

13-0 dang
Requiem are genuinely impressive, hope to see them in t2 this time round

posted 4 weeks ago

well that means you are confirmed as a non "emeatard[s] or chronicle cock sucker", obviously

posted 4 weeks ago

nop 0-2 loss means TL qualify
2-1 is round diff (so BBL qual)
2-0 is map diff so auto bbl qual

posted 4 weeks ago

As mentioned above, remove single elim from playoffs and then this is an interesting format
Its harder to understand which is a bit of a problem, but its super interesting from a simulation standpoint

By having all teams in a group play against the exact same opponents you can implement the 2 win rule (which helps reduce the unfair group problem we always have in valo) - and is in general a more fair way to judge teams on paper (idk if it is in practice, this entire split has been wild in all 4 regions)
If only it was 12 teams not 11, but thats just gonna be a problem in any format ig (since that impacts the 2 win rule)

Its weird not having h2h matchups though ngl

posted 4 weeks ago

TL really wanted revenge for that ascension final

posted 4 weeks ago

theory is probably just that m8 is one of the most anti-strat heavy teams
but this is still quite something

posted 4 weeks ago

good thing m8 doesnt like lurking.... riiiight?

posted 4 weeks ago

if theres 1 team that likes making life hard for the TL boys its m8 so this is perfect ngl

posted 4 weeks ago

Yea then they wont be good this year
Scrims are good regionally, but I just cant see a world where they make it to Champions (and theyre out for masters)

posted 4 weeks ago

They are the definition of a mid atm
You wont be seeing them in internationals, but theyre not a hopeless team
It looks like they cant punch up (at all), but they have good games vs teams on an equal level

So depends on what you have as your definition of good

posted 4 weeks ago

Yes riot has always pushed narratives for their media day videos, however its braindead to blame them for this backlash
There have been plenty of players who have equal if not worse quotes taken out of context by the team to create tension, yet weirdly enough those players then dont also fully lean into it during live interviews, press conferences and their personal tweets.

Like do any of you think of MIBRs frz as a toxic player because of the quote during the original Reykjavík? Do we think Scream is an NA hating asshole?
Even if its the most atrocious shit you can either call out riot or explain where the quote is from and youll be fine.
Assuming the current discourse around demon1 has gotten to him, just stopping with the persona will realistically fix it; the only players we remember as toxic are people like Zombs who made it their personality and farmed interactions with it. If that aint you then you dont have to do it

posted 1 month ago

yea the problem with discussions on here is that people arent here to be convinced or informed. The few times we do have people who are well informed on the subject due to their studies share their opinions/understanding of the subject they have to deal with idiots to the point where they just dont comment on future threads

There is nothing to be gained from the threads in their current form. It sucks to indirectly silence a minority however I just dont see a way you can change this fact without HEAVY moderation, which VLR has never really done.

posted 1 month ago
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