Flag: United States
Registered: April 1, 2024
Last post: April 27, 2024 at 7:51 PM
Posts: 6

Let me share a secret with you all. nETs dad bought him his first gaming PC. His dad was there on sidelines of every football and lacrosse game he ever played in. Practices too. Have you ever seen the post that followed where his dad apologized for making that tweet public? Did you know he sent him a message prior to that suggesting that his son stay humble rather than act cocky and brag? The tweet was to say “ look what happens to when you’re arrogant and running your mouth”. He wasn’t raised in a single parent household. His dad was there, he just wasn’t with his mother anymore. Check deeper into the sources and get the whole story.

posted 1 month ago

You say it like you know them personally.

posted 1 month ago

Poor performance by the IGL and the coach. Icy is new but not proven. nET was solid, he was the number 2,player in the Acension run which proves that he can play when it’s on the line. But he’s gone and these guys are gonna struggle.

posted 1 month ago

The gameplay will tell the story. I can already feel the issues brewing. Who’s next to go because with Valyjn and Trent’s egos there isn’t much space for anyone else on the stage. JonahP will have to be the glue that he has been throughout. They are going to miss nET and his unselfish play. He was the best team player on the squad.

posted 1 month ago

You guys need to qualify your comments before speaking nonsense that could affect a young man. His parents aee supportive of him. And his dad made those comments only to point out that he needs to stay humble and not get too full of himself. His parents love him dearly and though his mom and dad split up a long time ago it didn’t mean he was raised in a bad environment. Stay out of peoples private lives and just focus on the game. It’s really none of our business. He will bounce back. He’s made it this far, he won’t quit. Have faith.

posted 1 month ago

What’s interesting about this team is they don’t fit the cocky persona that this G2 organization seems to want them to take on. When they were the Guard they were a humble group of players and it fit them and even though nET was the most vocal he was inspirational and I think that’s who he really is. If they just stay humble and cut out the trash talk and bragging they will return to form. I know marketing has a big say in how these guys present themselves so I don’t blame them for doing what the org tells them, that’s who signs their checks.

posted 1 month ago