Flag: International
Registered: April 13, 2024
Last post: June 1, 2024 at 10:02 PM
Posts: 152
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posted 16 hours ago

Business wise, it makes huge sense, China is a very big market and they have really good record on all of the esports except CS. But you have to give them time and ample opportunities to improve and get to international level. and if that happens its massively profitable for riot.

posted 1 day ago

See the real issue is we got 1.5 Billion Indians. So, with such a huge population, even if 0.1% (in reality, it's going to be higher) is horrible, it's still 1.5 million people, which is more than some countries' population. and The way the internet works is that sensational news gets more air time, and even though I agree, the woman situation is not good in India. It's not even as horrible as people outside India think. So, that's why it seems so fked from outside looking in.

posted 1 day ago

it started with skrossi supporters really. if you play sgp ranked you'll understand lot of sea people straight up hate Indians

posted 1 day ago

First off, there's tons of racism against Indians, and there are so many fake flaggers from SEA region (that's the same situation in sea ranked too) who just talk so much horrible stuff, and it just affects Indians' reputation even more. Not saying that all Indians are good; some blame lies on their outliers too.

posted 1 day ago

one hundred percent.
Stinger is still super unreal for 1100

posted 3 days ago

keep imagining

posted 1 week ago

The reason I say that is cus there are little to no overtakes in monaco, you put the car on pole on Saturday, you win on Sunday and there's just no beating Verstappen over one lap. Might've been possible if there was rain but the forecast says no rain. So, its done and dusted.

posted 1 week ago

Once, at max, twice per season, man. That RB with how consistently good he is, its a joke.

posted 1 week ago

I'm just pissed off at the state of F1 man. The newer regulations were supposed to change this BS. was so hopeful, and its right back to the old ways.

posted 1 week ago

You dont really watch f1; if you seriously are asking that question.

posted 1 week ago

ni hao

posted 1 week ago

new account fake flagger.

posted 1 week ago

How do they do that on the Chinese website? They have the API access cus the website owners are Chinese? It's so weird if u think about it

posted 1 week ago

thats absolutely fucked. Now, I understand why the agents names were different on the Chinese website. Thanks

posted 1 week ago

Wait. Do you mean China has a completely different client for Valorant? and it's not the same as the rest of the world?

posted 1 week ago

Does general population of china hate koreans and Chinese due to the government propaganda? Or is it only limited to gaming community due to league?

posted 1 week ago

huh? how does that matter?

posted 1 week ago

Why are there no kast and ratings for masters Shanghai matches?

posted 1 week ago

yeah. looks suspiciously weird

posted 1 week ago

can you put the link please?

posted 1 week ago

maybe nerf the damage ability of the satchel + it only affect raze

posted 1 week ago

They shouldn't nerf the satchels. What made Raze so good were her satchel plays, and besides that, people have countless hours mastering her satchel. That was the skill factor, which requires a lot of learning; nerfing it is a huge change.

posted 1 week ago

mr. retardos I am saying slow is better. read what I wrote properly.

posted 3 weeks ago

are u actually braindead and can not read?
I wrote that even if u are high elo or better, u will understand what I mean. I'm not comparing them in any way
obviously pros play even more slower than 5 stacks in ur ranked and there's a good reason for it.

How tf does your comment support ur reasoning? i don't understand.

posted 3 weeks ago

u actually support navi which probably plays the slowest. wdym.

posted 3 weeks ago

if you have played at any high rank like radiant or semi-pro/ pro, you'll understand. u just make a lot less mistakes not being slow. if it wasn't so, every team and player would have just pressed W and won everytime.

posted 3 weeks ago

not really man. you are extrapolating this from bad teams.

tbh its actually better to be slow and methodical. fnc did throw a round being too slow. (so not that slow but its always better than playing PRXX style

posted 3 weeks ago

but they didnt have any info yoru too. all seekers went towards site

posted 3 weeks ago

u dont even need crouch strafe to land on the box. just time the jump right and don't hit ur head on the door maybe press crouch when passing thru the door

posted 3 weeks ago

na bro. i hoped in custom just to check it for you. even if there was a nerf its too easy a jump to not get it right.

P.S. make sure u ain't hitting your head on the doorway.

posted 3 weeks ago

Was that firsts ever in valorant or has this happened before?

What were FNC thinking?

posted 3 weeks ago

this one u can do i just checked

posted 3 weeks ago

yes. they did but that was long ago. i think probably 6-8 months ago. u cant do gen to a main jump up on ascent anymore ig

posted 3 weeks ago

Just for internationals who don't know the story, the team bible believers have someone in there who cheats and does some sort of radar hacks because they just have perfect reads and rotations.

Many other teams from India provided riot with sufficient proof regarding it, but riot is yet to take any action against them. Could be a f0rsaken 2.0

Also, also the player named Riks on the BB has a disgusting record of getting boosted by cheaters and iron silver 5 stacks to get radiant.

Also, one of the other players who was part of the team, arguably their best player, was replaced just before this match. So, could be a potential that they replaced the cheater with a legit player.

posted 3 weeks ago

make it bo2. and both teams play once on attack first and then defence first. in case of 1-1 go by round differential. if that is equal keep running ot.

posted 3 weeks ago

wdym? I am. but I never hate on players tho

posted 3 weeks ago

u are right, actually. boaster just doesn't look at his crosshair, ig. cus whenever u see his cam he is always looking in the corner. Also, boaster doesn't have confidence in his aim which has always been the case since cs days.

posted 3 weeks ago

As an IGL, especially like Boaster and FNS, they overthink tons. They hardly focus on their own game and crosshair. Most of the time, looking at a mini-map.

posted 3 weeks ago

Yeah. the sound sensors are dog, but the other two abilities are definitely decent.

posted 3 weeks ago

at least good in 1v1s.

funny thing: if you play on higher ping than 60. u always get blinded by reyna flash even though u break it stays on u for another half a second.

posted 3 weeks ago

Of the meta agents, Is breaches aftershock the worst ability in the game?

What do you even use it for other than clearing corners and delaying for 2 seconds?

Obviously, Isos Wall is also one. but anyway, no one plays iso.

posted 3 weeks ago

jesus why are most sen fans so unappreciative of other teams? its like they hate the game itself and only watch it for their team. oh makes sense why the viewership peeks on sen games.

posted 3 weeks ago

can u like the stream with time stamp?

posted 3 weeks ago

Its going to be a really close game and very shaky, but fnatic wins by 2 rounds either in OT or regulation.

posted 3 weeks ago

under rated opinion
but suiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigetsu and leo

posted 3 weeks ago

I'll give an honest assessment:

India is not into any sport other than Cricket, but they are a bunch of glory hunters. So, it literally doesn't matter what the sport is if India starts being good at it, you will have at least 10-15 million people start watching it as soon as there is an Indian at the highest tier possible in that Sport.

PUBG Mobile
Javelin Throw

So technically, only one Indian needs to be in the playoffs of Champs, and instantly, Valorant will get +5 mil in viewership.

posted 3 weeks ago
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