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Registered: December 12, 2021
Last post: June 2, 2024 at 7:25 AM
Posts: 355
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yeah fair enough

posted 3 minutes ago

how much more simpler can I make my reasoning for you 💀

posted 5 minutes ago

prefacing this by saying that this is completely subjective based off of my perceived entertainment value, which can be influenced by story lines, production, the crowd or random shit like the BLG incident.

  1. Lock//in - refer to flair
  2. Tokyo - again refer to flair
  3. Champs 2022 - excellent conclusion to the year, I think the best if I didn't support any team
  4. Champs 2023 - very good story lines, the crowd was super hype too
  5. Masters Berlin - idk this tournament was just super fun to watch and the quality of play was very high
  6. Masters Reykjavik (2021) - really only up here cause its the first tournament and fnatic made the finals ngl
  7. Masters Reykjavik (2022) - Zeta run and start of optic/loud
  8. Masters Copenhagen - Had exams so wasn't really keeping up
  9. Champs 2021 - I wanna put this higher but I can't really justify it, the grand final was hype tho, zeek clutch on breeze lives rent free in my head
  10. Masters Shanghai - idk man boring so far, it might be the stage or the casters but even the quality of play doesn't feel as good as it was last year or the year before, same goes for Madrid
  11. Masters Madrid - too few teams in the tournament although seeing GENG crushing was cool
posted 9 minutes ago

basically all of 2023 clears (all of the later venues)

posted 2 hours ago

APAC + CN —> SEA + (N)EA

Would also like less teams with more matches so player quality will be better. rn the bottom teams in every region are worse than t2. Maybe 8 partner + 2 ascension
6 leagues is a nice number to work with assuming the lowest LAN number is 12

posted 5 hours ago

I agree with you partially, the thing is that south pacific outside of PRX is already very weak, same goes for SA with Loud. I think if they get chances to scrim and interact with more local t2 talent that can only be a good thing for competition, which'll mean the teams will remain at their current levels, if not get any better.

posted 22 hours ago

I agree that players should be open to criticism for their performances, but in most cases like this I feel like this kind of performance is only a part of the picture when it comes to the type of people who dogpile on players. I think some people just don't like to see others being happy ngl
thats my take atleast maybe someone else would think differently

posted 22 hours ago

VCT Pacific north (CN, JP, Korea)
VCT Pacific south (OCE, INDO, Malaysia etc.)
(take your pick for better names for pacific)

6 leagues means 2 teams at LAN minimum and is therefore a nice number to work with
I'd honestly be down for this even if it meant lower production quality across the 4 we have now

posted 22 hours ago

yeah such a fun happy go lucky personality sucks to see him sad
hopefully they come back better

posted 23 hours ago

defo wouldnt mind, tbh might even be the best move considering the pool excl. t2 (i dont really watch t2)

posted 23 hours ago

4th place isn't very bad at all
they did throw by not changing strats but they complained multiple times about not having enough time between tournaments, and im inclined to believe them cuz other teams at champs said the same i believe

posted 1 day ago

in my opinion, I think first replace elmapuddy, if then they STILL continue to have trouble, then maybe replace boaster for next year

posted 1 day ago

what happened I just got home :(

posted 1 day ago

Top 3 atleast. You can argue for .2 between yay
But aspas has proven more thus far

posted 1 day ago

id guess probably not, maybe a bit. cuz what else would he expect after their recent performances

posted 2 days ago

oh look at you mr big man over here throwing the word delusional out there because it has more than 3 syllables

also here's the definition of criticism:
'the expression of disapproval of someone or something on the basis of perceived faults or mistakes.'

posted 2 days ago

exactly fr. criticism can be valid but u gotta feel bad for the person on the receiving end of it too

posted 2 days ago


right after their game with EG

posted 2 days ago

I believed last year, but don't trust them to not choke in playoffs again. I will have to see to believe this time around

posted 1 week ago

idk I don't do bio so I can't comment, it's just random stuff like free radical substitution and vegetable oil to biodiesel which I find super annoying, the rest of it is pretty good since it's just memorisation in my experience.

posted 1 week ago

What exam board are you doing for chem, I'm doing AQA and I wanna raze ult my self cuz of the random bs they sprinkle in

posted 1 week ago

insert physics is the language of the universe ahh reply here

posted 1 week ago

I agree but I think that's super unlikely now
I'd assume that they want equal amount of LANS in each region
so going with that logic 1/2 of the tournaments will be in Pacific/China

posted 1 week ago

in the past you couldve watched the rebroadcast, so no reason to assume otherwise this time

posted 1 week ago

anyone else cooked for tomorrow

posted 1 week ago

Yeah, I agree. It's just that I trust aspas to have those kind of performances more often given his track record

posted 1 week ago
  1. PRX
  2. FNC
  3. 100T
  4. FUT
  5. LEV
  6. GENG
  7. EDG
  8. G2
  9. TH
  10. T1
  11. FPX
  12. DRG

might have to explain geng, I think s3xture is good but to me it seemed like his performance was kinda overshadowing some core flaws in GENG's gameplay which might show if his performance isnt reproduced. Also Chinese teams are low cuz i dont watch CN
so did I cook or nah

posted 1 week ago

do they know

posted 1 week ago

nope no chance look at what he did on wildcats

posted 1 week ago

Yes I agree it is fun to watch
and there are way more ranked players than pros, or even vct viewers

posted 1 week ago

u gotta admit -breeze is a W even if they trolled with split

posted 1 week ago

I read somewhere that is gonna be completely underground
but I hope they don't make the map completely based off a gimmick, I just want a normal tac shooter close quarters kinda map

posted 1 week ago

I bought all of them (im stupid)

posted 1 week ago

Viper is overcooked imo, current 1 molly is good

Astra I like the ult change, I think the pull thing adds too much complexity

Clove I like the ult change, but the orb change would make them too much like an initiatior imo, I think increasing the radius and range would be good

Brim good changes

Harbour agree (stay inside the cove)

Skye I think she's in a good state rn wouldn't change anything

Fade I like the idea, but maybe just make it a snapshot like one ping of Cypher ult if they're inside the range, the trail would be super annoying to code so probably more trouble than its worth ngl

Breach only the stun thing is nice, otherwise you did not cook here my friend

Chamber headhunter isn't the issue at all, this is too complex its as simple as 2 traps imo

Deadlock yeah solid

Sage, nah 2 full hp heals is broken I think a good change would be 3 slow orbs (probably reduce duration a bit)

Iso yeah this, also make his model not distracting asf. Maybe only let the ult go once more

Phoenix yeah good, I would want the molly to go a bit further and last a bit longer considering it's his signature

Yoru Yeah except the clone, also make the thing not count down before the barrier goes down

posted 1 week ago

cool, will be back to collect my 10

posted 1 week ago

context and logic??? on vlr??!??!!
no way

posted 1 week ago


posted 1 week ago

idk I feel like that's recency bias talking ngl
if we weight recent performance that much FNS shouldn't be that high (cuz he hasn't played) and munchkin and redgar shouldnt be on the list
I don't have to explain redgar
and in Pacific GENG looked like a shell of their madrid and kickoff self, with the IGLing defo lacking, making it so they basically had to rely on sexture go kill to get far in playoffs

posted 1 week ago

i think shift mr falin, boo and valyn down for johnqt for number 7
mostly cuz of how good M80 looked last year. valyn is close but i think sen's results put him just above

posted 1 week ago

i will no longer be talking

posted 2 weeks ago

damn, he's easily one of EMEA's best players so that sucks to see

posted 2 weeks ago

bro got violated

posted 2 weeks ago

sounds good, so long as theres a valid warning like KJ ult to clear the radius
also I think the wall should be less annoying to place, like a toggle between a + and - shaped wall would be nice

posted 2 weeks ago

Olympics? is there a link to this

posted 2 weeks ago

yeah I agree honestly

I think when it comes to Ethan and Chet the one responsible for the comp assignments should be way less favourable to stay
I think cutting them both is a bit much tho ngl their anti-strat wasnt really bad and even the comps couldve been atleast neutral if not a net positive if on the right players

posted 2 weeks ago

Right now the rumours are that marved is cut but I think almost anyone has the potential to go

Demon1 (understandably) underperforming, but orgs are businesses which attract investors by performance at the end of the day
Ethan igl responsibility
Crashies defo a low in his career so far
Victor shines sometimes but nothing special, imo is the least likely, maybe alongside Ethan if there's a coaching change
Chet coaching responsibility

posted 2 weeks ago

I wonder how many more BLG bundles were bought just cuz of the incident

posted 2 weeks ago

Astra Viper Jett Sova Kayo

global util, dive entry, recon and flashes

maybe a bit weak on defence

posted 2 weeks ago
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