Flag: International
Registered: June 8, 2021
Last post: July 25, 2021 at 6:07 PM
Posts: 45

It's funny people actually like these Valorant pros

if you know Shahzam from CSGO days he's in the inner circle of people throwing matches for money, ratting out IBP, and telling Hiko to throw for money as well

Not really that surprising since people like Marved and Shanks are still around despite being known throwers (unlike Brax, hasn't gotten punished for it)

it's common for ppl like Shahzam to develop some mental issues because he used to get bullied in NA CS (exiting B, exiting B), who now is on a winning team for once and wants to trash talk others

90% of Valorant community have no idea how dark a place NA CS was (now they make up most of Valorant's pro scene) and now I'm just like xD

posted about 2 years ago

he's not.

by that logic pronax who has 3 majors is better than s1mple

trophies and players from 2015 are not tropies from today

players/competition were much worse back then and people like NBK have also fallen off from their prime

posted about 2 years ago

it's the opposite, it's often the valorant crowd who doesn't even know what's going on in CS hears "CS legends switch over" so they assume they're good xD

tbh thats exactly the group of people Valorant caters to, people who wants to be viewed as competitive players but are in reality casual players, so it's not surprising people actually think that

posted about 2 years ago

you realized they switched because they're washed up in CS right?

they wouldn't be even top 200 players right now, what makes you think that's gonna suddenly change when they switch games

posted about 2 years ago

even less respect for match throwers

posted about 2 years ago


  • Ascent

Gimmicky/Kinda bad:

  • Breeze
  • Icebox
  • Haven


  • Split
  • Bind

Maps is one of the biggest problems in Valorant atm, wait a few more years for Ascent like maps to come out then maybe its in a good state.

posted about 2 years ago

ascent is the only good map in the pool

breeze, icebox, haven, extremely gimmicky maps that require agents like viper and tons and tons of post plants

bind and split are just pure garbo

There is many problems with Valorant at the moment, abilities aren't really fun to watch, they're like the least fun aspect of the game because you always use them in the same way. People think there are more agents so there would be more interesting way to play the game, nope.

One thing you can do to check is hop on Asuna's stream, watch how pros play Icebox, it's literally the exact same way to play every single round, it's not remotely fun to watch or has any depth to it.

That's the real issue, despite having so many agents and so many abilities, you can't balance them all to be "good" at the same level, there's always MUST HAVE agents at the pro level (viper, sova/skye, jett) that basically locks in your play style. It's not like CS where each person has the same utility which makes tactics actually much more dynamic than in Val.

So, Riot needs to completely revamp their game to change this, minor balance patches will not do anything, but I don't see them doing it because they've never had a good track record of making ground breaking changes like these. (They're satisfied with bringing a lot of casual fanbase, but their games have depths of puddles)

posted about 2 years ago

valorant competitive scene is just so boring

low prestige, low prizepool, scene filled with washed ex-CSGO pros, bad maps, flow of the game just isn' there yet

you can't have casual mechanics like jumping classics, RNG spray and expect it to capture the hardcore audience like CSGO does

maybe in a few years? right now it's got the Overwatch/PUBG vibe to it where most of the viewers are like 10 year olds bandwagoners than people actually watching for the competitive side of things

posted about 2 years ago

the games are just so boring

i don't want to watch the same 3 qualifiers, then every once a couple of months a couple of real games

and no it doesn't build storylines, it's just mundane qualifiers x3 and maybe you get some good matches in masters (or not, since it's heavily diluted by other regions as well)

posted about 2 years ago

top CSGO pros that switched? like WH OMEGALUL?

you mean ppl on the cusp of literally retiring like nitro? or you referring to someone else

please do tell xD

posted about 2 years ago

its disrespectful to Astralis to put them in the same sentence as washed up CSGO pros like Sentinels

just to give you an idea, the only major NA won was Boston major in C9, and none of the Sen players were even close at any point in their career to what players in C9 had achieved:

Shahzam - Exiting B, exiting B, "telling Hiko to throw matches" Shahzam, literally the guy who knew about iBP throw
Sick - T2 NA player
Dapr - T2 NA player
Tenz - Struggles vs T2 NA teams, good at aim bot records, terrible in-game (he literally gets more kills with deagle than with rifle)
zombs - didnt play CSGO

do you think this team would beat prime Astralis? A team that got 4 majors, playing vs. top EU teams in the world, literally built an entire meta/system that lasted for years, routinely spanked s1mple and zywoo even when they were top 1 hltv?

Sry but you're comparing two different dimensions.

posted about 2 years ago

The truth is that most pros do not enjoy competing in Valorant

it's simply the inferior game, top competitors compete to play against the best players, win the most prestigious tournaments

not to play some game catering to casuals with 0 fps experience, jumping classic, run and gun, and low skill cap

Look at people in Sentinels and Fnatic, right after masters 5 people start streaming day after day, they're smart to capitalize on the popularity, but it's obvious that they're just in it to make the switch to streaming, not to compete

posted about 2 years ago

lmao everyone and their grandmas know which agents are good on which maps

this isn't statistics where you have A agents and B maps you have A choose 5 agents or whatever retard stat you're trying to pull

you MUST have viper on icebox and breeze

you MUST have sova/skye every map

you MUST run jett MOST maps


there's not many possibilities at the end of the day because pros will just use whatever agents best on a map, and in Valorant that's extremely easy to figure out

also ON TOP of that most agents are dumbed down versions of nade/flashbang/smokes which makes them have even less depth

just by judging off of your "there's agents and abilities in Valorant" i can tell you're not a very good player, because most pros and top ranked players know even on utilities side it's even easier than CS xD

posted about 2 years ago

nah no scope awp is "right" in terms of trade off and reward

tbh I probably get more spray transfer kills than most ppl in Valorant since I attempt it more than others so it's more like me triggering other ppl if anything

in terms of pro plays it's not the kill that matters, it's the game design and why they put it in there, and end result is that it makes pro plays boring to watch even when it does happen

you bring that up as "one of the most interesting plays in VCT masters" when reality it's just a very boring play, sums it up about the top level plays in Valorant amirite? xD

posted about 2 years ago

when did I say that? I didn't bring up Coldzeras jumping awp as a play that makes the game "interesting" though did I? lol

thats the problem with Valorant though, you can't appreciate a simple 1v2 spray transfer because even a simple thing such as spray transfer is so RNG in this game

posted about 2 years ago

it's not a whole different game, they basically used CSGO as a reference point

what they did wrong was introduce things like RNG spray that should never be in a competitive game, which makes the game boring to watch

theres other things they should fix too, just because it's in the game doesn't mean it's good lol

contrary to popular belief, there's good things and bad things, not just different things, that's just what low iq ppl says when they can't think critically about why things are in the game the way they are

posted about 2 years ago

I mean again for silvers and golds, if you think RNG mechanics are "more fun to watch" i dunno what to tell you

maybe hearthstones the game for you xD?

posted about 2 years ago

it's not just floppy literally every pro will say the same thing lol

which demographics do you think care about high skill mechanics more? pros or random silvers or golds on the forum?

posted about 2 years ago

why tf are you just repeating what I said? like do you have some sort of reading comprehension issue?


which I dissected why that play was not very interesting, since it's completely base around the game's design decision of making spray RNG


but never in the same sense where you're spray trasnfering to some1s head instantly, that's just RNG for you. Do you get it now?

posted about 2 years ago

the pros and top ranked players know this because it's something they deal with everyday

its the antithesis of skill, exist basically just to cater to casuals but lower integrity of top tier play

posted about 2 years ago

no thats in game mechanics, has nothing to do with the players skill, thats the point, dont you get it?

it doesn't matter the player, because this game BY DESIGN has a lot of RNG in its spray past 5-6 bullets, I can't appreciate plays like the one Shahzam did because I KNOW that it's insanely RNG based what he just did

it's like Hearthstone where best players have like 55% WR vs. much worse players, you just can't appreciate the good plays when it happens


posted about 2 years ago

because people generally don't spray in this game? it's easy to get headshots on first 5-6 bullets, beyond that, it's heavily luck based if you wanna spray transfer to another person and dink them on the head

thats the point, Shahzam got lucky with the spray transfer, which was the point of the post that you completely ignored xD

posted about 2 years ago

again truth hurts, you can resort to insults all you want, doesn't change the fact that its a boring game

you say you have 10 palys from masters but never links them or brings them up, sums it up about your argument xD

anyway enjoy playing the game at silver-gold level or whatever, of course it'll be interesting for you. But for immortal - radiant level players like me who also play CSGO (esea rank A level) the game is extremely simple and low depth, I don't even tune in to anything besides masters because its same as watchin ESEA league games, just low skilled and boring

posted about 2 years ago

lmao go back and watch the play, he went from 18 bullets to 5 bullets, the RNG kicks in already by around 5-6. Yes, he did get very lucky in the spray to transfer to the other guy on the head immediately

posted about 2 years ago

because it's RNG whether the gun goes left/right after the first 5-6 bullets, you will always miss a couple by nature of RNG.

You can eventually control it but never to degree of controlling the spray and making it headshot someone, so yes, it is a lot of luck in Valorant to get those 1v2 spray transfers on the head

posted about 2 years ago

there's nothing even remotely interesting about those clutches tho lol

since sentinels and fnatic are the only good teams, i'll use those examples

like the dapr clutch was him anchoring A site? like how is that even memorable? that happens like 2 days ago in my pub matches on split probably?

shahzam clutch, more interesting, though I can't really appreciate it as much since it was just a 1v2 and sprays are inherently very luck based in this game, so I'll give it maybe a 3/10 in terms of hype? The result was good but again, I really can't appreciate the play as much since spray is heavy RNG in this game and he did get lucky when you consider that

and also, a single play from s1mple was better than the entire VCT masters (btw, watch Hobbits 3 kill around on Dust 2 last tournament, it was a display of insane game sense + aim)

s1mple reads the situation like a book, cracks open the site by himself, wraps around to control, kills 1, fakes drop sound by shooting, and clutches 1v4. That's top tier play, not some random 1v2 in valorant that no one even remembers xD

posted about 2 years ago

unfortunately the number of updates doesn't dictate the amount of depth a game has

dota 2 pre 7.00 had more depth than post 7.00

its sad because you still can't bring up a single good play from the last masters xD... isn't it obvious? it's like no matter how many updates a game gets, if they don't improve the underlying mechanics or rework the maps, it will always be boring

it's like overwatch, it doesn't matter how many new things they add to the game, no one takes the game seriously

posted about 2 years ago

truth hurts, but reality is that the meta in pro play is so predictable and boring

i play at high level in both games and watch both games, there were 0 interesting plays in last VCT masters. What was the most interesting play you remember from masters? Lakia jumping down from heaven? Yeah... its just a joke when it's the highest level of competition but people don't recall a single good play from the tournament, that's when you know it's boring

posted about 2 years ago

no valorant is boring to watch atm

ascent is the only decent map, every other map its either close angles, close angles, or viper plant => afterplant

sova drone, sova dart, jett dash in, give up site -> retake

its so boring to watch

posted about 2 years ago

ofc CSGO is a much better game to watch at the top level

no offense but level of play in Valorant atm doesn't hold a candle to top teams in CS (Gambit and Navi). There's so many basic mistakes made by these so called "pro teams" it's hard to take them seriously

posted about 2 years ago

clear number 1? no lol

fnatic got 2nd in masters, 3 close maps with Sentinels, then now lose to nonamers in qualifiers

truth is the scene is very random atm, no teams are really good in the grand scheme of things

posted about 2 years ago

EU will always be the strongest region, Sentinels is overrated

its just like when CSGO first started, NA teams were doing pretty well then always falls off because the game gets less puggy

posted about 2 years ago

lol no they're far from the best

both breeze and icebox are not on ascent's level because there's always a part of the map that feels awkward

  • icebox B is totally awkward, A is decent but needs some changes
  • breeze feels decent, but the map feels awkward since viper is a must pick, make A smaller
posted about 2 years ago

why would anyone touch lol when dota exists ))

posted about 2 years ago
  1. csgo - top competitive teams, highest skill ceiling, fun game
  2. valorant - mediocre competive teams, medium skill ceiling, fun game
  3. fortnite/overwatch - joke competitive scene, low skill ceiling, not-fun games
posted about 2 years ago

This kind of ranking is meanlingless because I feel like most of the maps are bad and the rankings more of "how less bad" the maps are


  1. Ascent


  1. Haven


  1. Breeze
  2. Icebox
  3. Split
  4. Bind
posted about 2 years ago

iceland was pretty bad competitive wise

still waiting for level of competition to get better since most teams feel like matchmaking

posted about 2 years ago

sage is so easy, just put down wall and spend your two orbs and play like a duelist after

posted about 2 years ago

CSGO is still better tho

I want to watch Valorant tournaments, but the level of play is so low that I literally can't enjoy watching other people play

Watch how Gambit plays CSGO, then come back to watching Valorant tournaments and you're just like "these guys are pro teams??"

posted about 2 years ago

why are there stars and why upvotes and downvotes are in frags? very cringe men ))

posted about 3 years ago

their comms are chaotic af

the level of competition in valorant needs to be higher, bring t1 teams from cs maybe?

posted about 3 years ago