Flag: United Kingdom
Registered: July 16, 2023
Last post: September 2, 2023 at 2:37 AM
Posts: 5

TL 2-0 FKN


posted 8 months ago

let me deny some things or say things as they are and not as you have said them:

1- toxic, where, when. Tell me when it was toxic without being sarcastic and without being toxic first xD

2- bad English, he has publicly declared that he would remain playing forever in his region which leads him to speak his native language in any team that signs him, his current team is also Spanish-speaking, what is the need? He is also practicing his English on several occasions xD

3- immature, of course he is somewhat immature, but that leads him to be a joker, funny and he has something that makes you feel comfortable in his presence, thanks to how fun he is, he has come to raise the spirits of his teammates, which It makes them have a very good mentality for the games, being egocentric is part of their sarcastic humor, inform yourself a little.

4- He was racist in the past, he has already apologized for quite some time showing regret and it should be clarified that the first offensive comment was part of the Brazilian team: FURIA.

5- bad attitude... HAHAHA Watch a single video from the KRÜ ESPORTS YouTube channel about the LCQ 2023 run, in fact I'll leave you one of the videos to save you the hassle. (https://youtube.com/IyYeW_cm3A4)

6- bad PR on twitter...?

7- Troll scrims LOL... Currently many teams have admitted that KRÜ ESPORTS has been sweeping the scrims, if keznit was trolling do you think they would be sweeping the scrims? lol and above all... GAMELANDERS? friend update a bit. 8- I recommend you watch the video series of the KRÜ ESPORTS channel again, especially the voicecomms... you'll see if you change your mind. lol


posted 9 months ago

Lets go KRÙ!! Keznit #1

posted 10 months ago

In the previous match, I saw KRÜ perform very well, more than I expected, but on the other hand, FURIA comes from a very good moment, in which they showed that they could face big teams, and even though I like them a lot of KRÜ as a team and their players individually, I feel that they still need a little more practice since it is difficult for them to close maps, they begin to despair and that can lead them to a bad situation such as a comeback or lower their good mentality, if they solve that in time I see them very solid for this competition! I feel that FURIA will win but even so I have faith and confidence that KRÜ could win this match, let's go with everything!



Good luck!

posted 10 months ago

SEN 2 - 1 100T

First Map To 100T
Second Map To Sentinels
Third Map To Sentinels

GG for Sentinels
NT to 100T


100 Thieves
Good luck!

posted 10 months ago