Flag: Brazil
Registered: May 18, 2023
Last post: August 13, 2023 at 7:05 PM
Posts: 19

Let's gooooo

posted 9 months ago


posted 11 months ago

At least, They had a good match against OPTIC at that event. They re just being destroyed now.

posted 11 months ago

I don't know what the fk is going on but seems like they just don't wanna play anymore. I really thought that i saw their low during vct regular season but i was wrong. Feels like they ran out of fuel

posted 11 months ago

Idk if anyone mentioned it but It is solved guys, the last two videos already have english subtitles. Now we all can watch it :)

posted 11 months ago

Não querer não é o mesmo que não estar disposto a arcar com isso. Acreditaram que a skill dos mlks valia o risco e blz. Pare de levar pro pessoal e analise a situação como tudo. No final das contas, o que vale é ter mais orgs brasileiras nas franquias. Com o tempo, mais e mais talentos irão aparecer, sem esse tipo de histórico, pra substituir essa glr. Fato é que não vale o stress.

posted 11 months ago

Pô men, se essa fosse a solução... Tu não acha que a org já teria tomado? Por mais que os caras sejam detestáveis, não significa que são substituíveis. Eu entenderia a decisão de não levá-los pra franquia caso vençam mas precisam deles para tal. E se não vencerem, pode ter ctz que tão de olho em outras opções. Nenhuma org quer esse tipo de publicidade negativa e hate pra si.

posted 11 months ago

Torço pela org e pelos outros players. Não sou eu quem vai julgar a vida dos mlks. Se já foram devidamente punidos ou não, não fazemos ideia. Só acretido que seja inaceitável que os outros mlks paguem, sejam através de hate ou qualquer outro maneira, por erros que não foram cometidos por eles.

posted 11 months ago

RIP ❤️

posted 11 months ago

Nahh He's for sure a paid actor but is a pretty decent igl too.

posted about a year ago

That might be true but at least he compensates it with calls

posted about a year ago

In my opinion, fns and sadd, for example, don't even have a bad aim. I think it's about a focus choice... Just watch the Loud x Nrg game at Lock in. Nrg was lost in the first map allowing saad to focus on his aim... But in the third map, it was more like a 8D chess game and both had to focus on strats intead of fragging. For me, the difference between them and the other are that they know when to switch the focus and it ends helping the team one way or another.

posted about a year ago

Calm down guys, we will probably see this clash. I just wanna see how will NRG handle FNATIC playstile. Old OPTIC didn't handle EMEA teams pretty well last year (Im talking about Guild and having a hard time againt TL. Hope it'll be different this year :).

posted about a year ago

He doesnt need to call in ranked, i think that's the main difference.

posted about a year ago

I'd like to know what's your favorite player to watch and what he does that impresses you the most?

posted about a year ago

Yep. Feels like playing Returnal or any other roguelike but not as fun. Actually, i just wanna see how they gonna set up aspas when he's at Neon or Raze bf play offs

posted about a year ago

It feels like im in a loop, watching the same thing over and over again. Just wanna ask to see a different strat or map, pls :)

posted about a year ago

Thanks, buddy

posted about a year ago

Can someone explain the math behind it? If they lose againt loud, furia and eg keep above them, right?

posted about a year ago