Flag: Montserrat
Registered: May 24, 2021
Last post: August 30, 2023 at 2:56 AM
Posts: 325
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theres probably a thread to this every hour but when does maintenance stop i wanna play

posted 9 months ago

i never said any of his kills are impressive, i merely made the observation that hes laughing after every kill he gets

posted 9 months ago

he's literally laughing after EVERY kill

bro is a psychopath

posted 9 months ago

thought it was my schizophrenia acting up

posted 11 months ago

yeah i need one to be fair

mines been broken for a while

posted 11 months ago

i mean like i am usually good and confident about my mechanics, but it just kind of disappears in ranked

ill just go on a villain reyna arc again, seemed to have always worked in the past

posted 11 months ago

i just wanna hit radiant man

posted 11 months ago

I like to creep around my home and act like a goblin

I don’t know why but I just enjoy doing this. Maybe it’s my way of dealing with stress or something but I just do it about once every week. Generally I’ll carry around a sack and creep around in a sort of crouch-walking position making goblin noises, then I’ll walk around my house and pick up various different “trinkets” and put them in my bag while saying stuff like “I’ll be having that” and laughing maniacally in my goblin voice (“trinkets” can include anything from shit I find on the ground to cutlery or other utensils). The other day I was talking with my neighbours and they mentioned hearing weird noises like what I wrote about and I was just internally screaming the entire conversation. I’m 99% sure they don’t know it’s me but god that 1% chance is seriously weighing on my mind.

posted 11 months ago

i even have a vlr profile, 5 bucks to whoever guesses it

posted 11 months ago

lowkey thinking of doing that and just spamming reyna

posted 11 months ago

i play for a team and do really well in scrims but the moment i try to play ranked i just feel completely helpless

i cant aim, cant move, cant think idk

posted 11 months ago

what did he do

posted 11 months ago

they need to add someone with two swords so i can feel like kirito

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

they wanna expand their playerbase by doing it in tokyo

posted about a year ago

mouth breathing orphan

posted about a year ago

it's not even a problem to like it lol it's just people make it out to be "the best anime of all time", while it's a solid 7.5/10, especially with classic being amazingly dogshit. and then you ask them when they started watching anime and they either say "oh, 2 months ago", or during covid and you can immediately throw any of their opinions out the window.

posted about a year ago

weathering with you is so weird to me

like it looks amazing, has great sound design but the plot just falls flat on so many levels. that one moment (you know which one i mean), especially in a cinema hits really fucking hard though. just hard to get past the terrible writing.

posted about a year ago

atleast they're not saying shippuden like they used to

posted about a year ago

read the manga, miles better than the anime (season 2 sucks balls)

posted about a year ago

zankyou no terror is based

posted about a year ago
  1. Steins;Gate
  2. Re:Zero 2nd Season
  3. Bocchi The Rock
  4. Koe no Katachi
  5. Oshi no Ko (big recency bias but i love the manga and they went above and beyond with the adaptation)
posted about a year ago

i have sworn to myself that anyone who says animes instead of anime has pretty shitty takes on anime

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

probably just a 6th man announcement

posted about a year ago

i dont think a price increase will do much, it needs more

posted about a year ago

or just decrease moving + jumping accuracy

will make stuff like pushing into u-hall or hookah still annoying but atleast you wont see jett's jumping out of smokes for a free kill

posted about a year ago

pls nerf it

theres no way a 150 pistol is prioritized so much more than a rifle, let alone the fact it's so annoying to fight against

posted about a year ago

i played with Muj in ranked and he carried me

posted about a year ago

yeah, good point

posted about a year ago

i like him a lot but why is he on jett

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

im eu

posted about a year ago

im immo3

posted about a year ago

i mean, if he becomes a content creator or some shit, he is technically "not going anywhere" by still being signed to sentinels

posted about a year ago

also allows him to directly work with the duelist

posted about a year ago

i think they are talking about dephh

posted about a year ago

oh, i thought it was family only

didnt know the rest also applied

posted about a year ago

wait, how is it nepotism?

posted about a year ago

look on valorant discord, not here

posted about a year ago

bro thinks hes s0m on yellow...

posted about a year ago

he isn't doing it daily though

posted about a year ago

i mean ranked, not this match in particular

posted about a year ago

to be perfectly honest, he has every right to be mad about his teammates

immortal is not high elo (skillwise)

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

the changing sensitivity part isn't as bad as you make it out to be

it helps me, it helps many others, but i know just as many people who need a long time to get used to that. it's different for everybody.

posted about a year ago

but it's very much possible that it dragged him down, even while not concretely thinking of it. on top of that; what happens outside the game/matches itself has a gigantic effect on them, whether it's lack of sleep, stress, mental health etc.

obviously i am not disagreeing with you at all, but you can't just rule it out, because he isn't thinking of it directly

posted about a year ago

but the IGL and coach are responsible to make that work

posted about a year ago

that + in case someone just can't play for whatever reason (like Alfajer with Visa issues), they have someone available, who is usually participating in scrims and team pracc

posted about a year ago

i'm not disagreeing with the rest you said, but i think it's definitely affecting him. maybe not necessarily during matches, but guaranteed outside of it.

posted about a year ago
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