Flag: United States
Registered: September 17, 2021
Last post: May 31, 2023 at 8:55 PM
Posts: 9

honestly he streamed a lot even when they were winning and he was good, think he just got a little worse mechanically and people got better at reading the meta.

posted about a year ago

He looks normal tbh, definitely not a model but bro ain't ugly either. Just a slightly above average looking white guy.

posted about a year ago

Feel like if Shahz gets dropped, he's not getting picked up by any other franchise team and he probably would just commit to full-time content. Would actually like to see him compete in the ascension league, because I do think he is still a solid player despite the hate, but I doubt he would be willing to grind tbh.

posted about a year ago

I would be surprised if they didn't make changes just with all the available talent, but idk if it's a terrible decision. They seemed strong in NA and it wasn't the worst showing at Champs. Losing to DRX and Fnatic, both well-established strong teams isn't a bad showing. Definitely have potential to grow with experience and if the players all get along, that chemistry continuing to grow could help more than making marginal upgrades.

posted about a year ago

Really believe if DRX can just stay in the upper bracket, squeak out those victories against Optic either of the last 2 events and they really could have won either Iceland or competed to win here at Copenhagen. Irregardless of the result today, they are super close, always a joy to watch, and no one can deny they are a top 5 team in the world. Hoping for a better performance at Champions and more exciting match-ups with Optic and international competition.

posted about a year ago

Bittersweet qualifier as a 100T fan. It's nice to see Dicey and Ethan thriving and both qualifying pretty dominantly. I sort of went into this quali with low hopes because they had low practice, but the team showed such great promise. If they continue to improve, should be good up-and-coming team.

I hope we got the next quali and it would be super cool to see us against SEN in like a qualification game because they used to always beat 100T

posted about 2 years ago

Nahhh people gave him a lot of credit for the team's success last year. Everyone said he was the best IGL in the world and and insane player. But when the team fell off, people aren't gonna keep praising him. Doesn't help that SEN made themselves the villains online so people already didn't like them. But people defo used to respect them.

posted about 2 years ago

I'm definitely super excited to see more Vision Strikers! Hopefully we get to see more of this tournament.

posted about 2 years ago

Nice to see dicey and spyder (sayaplayer) back playing at any level of competitive. Seems like they're doing well. Hope to see guard on some streams soon!

posted about 2 years ago