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Registered: April 30, 2022
Last post: May 4, 2024 at 3:26 PM
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Fair but i just personally think he could’ve more but you make a valid point i just dont 100% agree

posted about a year ago

Yeah. Im just hesitant to declare a winner because we actually have no proof or insight from an outside source on what actually happened bts.

posted about a year ago

I do agree that somethings you don’t know what’s going on. But shahz is smart enough to take 1 hour out of his stream to maybe do more review to fix those problems. Instead of doubling down on his, “its out of my control” and “its not due my streams”

posted about a year ago

Yeah, i have mad respects shahz and his grind in general. But like when something is going wrong, you need to change something. That didn’t really happen. Is some stuff out of his control. Definitely, but i feel like shifting the blame on external factors like sick taking a break, tenz moving, etc. is actually contradictory to shahz’s recent tweet about owning up to your mistakes

posted about a year ago

I feel like he would’ve said that when the dephh news came out. His always very vocal when it comes to these things. And surely he was more pissed at the dephh news than a SEN short making fun of last year

posted about a year ago

Im going to be honest. But I think streaming 8+ hours a day is at least slightly not trying to win. Im not saying he can’t stream. But when you are losing and then spending 8 hours streaming. There is something more you can do. I personally don’t have a problem his streaming but i refuse to think shahz gave 110% in his preparation when he is streaming 40 hours a week.

posted about a year ago

I think that when figuring who to sub. Rob and esports management proposed and encouraged Shroud. There prob some incentive but im p sure it wasnt a promised spot. Rob and shahz knows that with franchising no ones spot is guaranteed. Shahz then argeed because shroud has then fps talent and no one else stood out particularly. I think there is a clear middle story and both sides are stretching it for their argument. But still arguing over twitter?? Like cmon

posted about a year ago

Thats what im saying. If they both had a serious problem, they take it privately and it is escalates, bring to riot. Bur i feel like they are just farming impressions at this point

posted about a year ago

I have come to the conclusion that neither rob or shahz is telling the complete truth. shahz is probably blowing things out of proportion and twisting the truth because he is salty he was dropped. Rob on the other is trying to keep good PR of SEN so he is twisting the truth. Both sides at fault for the lack of communIcation and mismanagement of the situation. And boths sides publicly arguing over a thread of a SEN content short making a joke is just idiotic. If there was a serious problem between the two, twitter is definitely not the place I would go. Unless either side can provide concrete proof of their accusations consider this argument point less and a bait for impressions.

posted about a year ago

I mean shahz would have def been more vocal about it. Shahz immediately expressed his disappointment when the dephh news broke. I feel like if they did promise then break that promise, shahz would have said that. Shahz also said that sykko told him he would get back to him about his roster spot. There wasn’t any promise. But anything could be true. We don’t have proof for both sides of the argument

posted about a year ago

Would SEN actually promise shahz a spot on the team based on signing shroud? Also shahz concealing this information and revealing it now? Im pretty its just for impressions

posted about a year ago

More impact my ass. Sen has built the most popular team in professional valorant and attract thousands of people to the game. What has Guard done to impact the game? Choke at an international lan?

posted about a year ago

I’ve been a strong believer that coaches play a huge role on a team’s development and performance. Dark Ratio is definitely not the most structured and its showing. Will was able to pop off with 100T because of the surrounding cast and the game to game preparation from coaches. Take that away and players will decline. Will isn’t bad he is just not as good when you gares, mikes, and 100T

posted about a year ago

Its basically a mix of low t1 players with competitive vct experience. Yeah No surprise here. Plus steel has igled jn masters before.

posted about a year ago

Damn that’s impressive keep up the good work

posted about a year ago

This is actually really sick and very impressive.

Im curious on how does the simulation work with all the stats and ratings.

posted about a year ago

Oh No!!! Did yay shit on your so hard you are sad now???

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Yeah that’s basically my argument

posted about a year ago

I feel like if you give her a kit like that included with a forward dash. Teams will pick her over other duelists because she has that value of a chamber with her weapon arsenal along with the ability to create space unlike chamber.

If you wanted to create a rival to chamber, making a carbon copy of him with Jett isn't the way to go imo. Maybe give her smokes better or give her better abilities not giving her chambers abilities

posted about a year ago

Then its just a reskined chamber and arguably worse because you lose the trip for short duration smokes. Might as well make them one character (or delete one) because they are so incredibly similar.

posted about a year ago

New Year with a New Year of VCT. Give me your 90/50/10 predictions for the entire year

90% - A team from Americas league will win at least one international tournament this year

50% - Sentinels will come top 4 at Sao Paulo

10% - NAVI will appear in two Grand Finals this year

posted about a year ago

This has to be bait 100%

So to eliminate the projected resurgence of a character (Jett), Just make that character even more insane?? Are you listening to your self. Making a new role doesn’t change shit if their kits are insane. Chamber is properly balanced imo so Jett naturally comes back into play. Chamber still has a good kit with his instant TP but he is less aggressive now and can still be utilized well at the top level.

Tldr: your solution to the role problem is just to make a duelist more OP which in hand is counterproductive to encouraging more play with other duelists. Jetts forward dash still is good at creating space so unless you want to change thay. She is still a duelist but with the added bonus of weapon arsenal of chamber

posted about a year ago

Since when did you care about setting a good example

posted about a year ago

enter RickyIndian

posted about a year ago

*football, soccer just doesnt exist

posted about a year ago

Ricky indian is that you?

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Love: 1. Mango, 2. Plum, 3. Grapes, 4. Watermelon, 5. Raspberry
Hate: 1. Pear (hate the most) 2. Tomato, 3. Papaya, 4. Honeydew, 5. Coconut

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Maybe replaces flor on msf?

posted about a year ago

It was like a complete swap from LCQ to champs. Will went from gettung diffed to diffing others on lan. But the others on the team started to get diffed on lan

posted about a year ago

this is honestly a crazy GC team and they prob compete well in ascension

posted about a year ago

I wouldn’t be surprised to see them pick up a GC team. Especially the caliber of c9w. But part of me feels they want to focus more on content signings than branching out (the sentinels way). But who knows rob moore could just conjure up a shit ton of money and sign them and it show riot they really care about the game. Also it would put the new facility to good use.

Edit: one a side note, their new facility is prob in LA. Tarik, zekken, and sykko are in LA rn and franchising is in LA So it wouldnt make sense for them to buy one in texas

posted about a year ago

Seems safe when i entered it. Its a legit survey monkey link (i think)

posted about a year ago

Not having dallas here is criminal

posted about a year ago

One of only logical takes ive seen. People are like saying chamber is dead but in reality he is just nerfed and his kit is still really good.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Difference of what

posted about a year ago

Bro forgot less

posted about a year ago

Brother, most igls are initiators, controllers, or sentinels. Duelists are primarily tasked with creating space. Only a couple notable igls were duelists Scream, Nukkeye (had a stint with g2 as igl) and shahzam (doesnt play duelist anymore).

posted about a year ago

Create space!?!?!?!?!?!? Tell me you dont watch pro valorant without telling me you dont watch pro valorant prime example

posted about a year ago

Best team - Navi, TL
Worst team - TS, ARGHARGHQUE
Most underrated- GE, GenG, KOI
Most overrated - NRG, C9
Dark Horses - Lev

posted about a year ago

thanks. i feel like vlr is just a toxic place in general. so I try to spread positivity

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Um we dont talk about this (its changed)

posted about a year ago

I made one for champions and i think its fitting to have one for gc championship

G2: insane run, insane grand finals combeback well done. wow
SR: i dont think anyone thought they would get this far and beat c9w. But they did. incredible lower bracket run. ITS SONDERING TIME
TL: i honestly didnt think they would get that far compared to the emea and na teams. but they had a really nice run. Also i cant fathom that skye ult on bind.
C9W: always been a staple of high tier na gc valorant. And they played some dominant games
X10: i havent watch their games that much but they were put against some hard matchups and played competitively
Guild X: its takes something to beat g2 though it wasnt on lan. They also had an insane game against fennel
kru fem: though they didnt play up to their standards they had a really entertaining series against x10
Fennel: idk if there was anybody that had as much fun on lan as fennel. Also their games were insanely fun to watch.

posted about a year ago

Who is Sonder? Prayge For the blind, She is vision. 🥘 For the hungry, She is the chef. 🚰 For the thirsty, She is water. If Sonder thinks, I agree. LETSGO If Sonder speaks, 👂 I’m listening. If Sonder has one fan, it is me. If Sonder has no fans, I do not exist. Sadge

posted about a year ago

Tbh idk ig its just one of the big classic sports in the us

posted about a year ago

I would even think behind hockey but maybe thats just bc the ppl at my school favor hockey more

posted about a year ago
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