Flag: Taiwan
Registered: April 30, 2022
Last post: May 4, 2024 at 3:26 PM
Posts: 834
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Its one game. Chilllll

Vlr try not to overract challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)

posted about a year ago

Yeah. They have a lot to work on and improve. But at the end of the day, a win is a win especially against a very good opponent.

posted about a year ago

I’m gonna wait until I see NRG vs LEV to make a prediction. But I think NRG have an edge but a week is a decently long time to prepare and anti-strat. I think it’ll be down to whoever prepares better cus talent wise they are very similar

posted about a year ago

happy bday

posted about a year ago
  1. TenZ
  2. Zekken
  3. Sayf
  4. Stax
  5. Nats
posted about a year ago

I think its the GC team. They are doing smth similar to V1

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

In all honesty, OW2 didn’t flop. They have more concurrent players and they are actually updating the game.

posted about a year ago

I hacking lova tanz. Noooo

posted about a year ago

Poised is a fine igl. The new meta without chamber seems to be the main reason for their flop. Dicey not on chamber js hurting them but i agree that dropping flyuh hurt them bad. Hes def better than rossy

posted about a year ago

You cant be a pay check stealer if there is no money to steal

posted about a year ago

i can cook simple dishes. but i make a nasty fried rice

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

unfortunate for G2 boys but gotta give respect and props to TTR for playing amazing

hope they get the bag soon after that

edit: seems like TTR just prepared well and their new additions really helped. TiGG's calling was so good today

posted about a year ago

I think once people find and discover the optimal playstyle with him, he will be very strong. Currently nobody really knows how to maximize his kit

posted about a year ago

Ferahgo W

posted about a year ago

Zellsis said himself during his C9 announcement stream and if I remember correctly, George Geddes reported that SEN wanted Trent and Zellsis.

posted about a year ago

Yeah but in stream he said that he chose C9 over SEN was because they had the best chance to win and he would get to reunite with Vanity. Now he isn’t with Vanity anymore and yay which made that team a powerhouse is gone

posted about a year ago

99% sure its bo3

posted about a year ago

I said this in another thread but poor Zellsis. He comes in to C9 over Sentinels to reunite with Vanity and join a NA powerhouse with yayster csgo then both are cut.

posted about a year ago

I actually feel really bad for Zellsis. It feels like he went to C9 over SEN because of his past teams with Vanity and the signing of yay which in theory would make a NA powerhouse. Then C9 are like, nope both are gone and you are stuck with us. I think if Zellsis could see the future, he would join SEN (this is all hindsight btw)

posted about a year ago

Fuck Cancer man. Wishing her and tyson the best and a speedy recovery

posted about a year ago

I think yay waits out the first split of VCT and masters then joins a team making roster changes for LCQ to try to qual for champs.

posted about a year ago

Around 700,

posted about a year ago

Somethings seems off. I think Sick is telling the truth but Theres a massive hole in the story with the reasoning behind them asking SicK to stay behind. Sentinels wouldn’t fly SicK to Brazil just to deny him access to the venue and keep him trapped for streaming.

Edit: I’m not defending the Org. I think its fucked how they acted but im very confused by the story because there is something missing

posted about a year ago

If you look up at the ceiling or sky, it smells like oranges. Definitely not bait. Trust me

posted about a year ago

Was trying to create an edgy cool name like hypershock then i realized it was cringe and shortened it

posted about a year ago

I agree but i feel like one match shouldnt generate a reaction like many sen fans are having. Remember, nobody’s knows fnatics map pool. So they might’ve accidentally given them their two best maps in haven and split. I feel like many people are attributing this loss to SEN playing bad (which was the case) but FNATIC played really well and there are other factors especially with this tournament style that affect then scoreline

posted about a year ago

I think people are overreacting a little bit to this fnatic game. Considering the circumstances, that metas havent really been defined on maps, no opponents vods to review, and considering sen probably had less practice time and development of chemistry due to new players, people need to chill. Fnatic are also one of the best teams on paper coming into this tournament. Remember its on thing go in blind and play a match then having substantial prep and info about the opponent then playing. Im curious in seeing how they do in VCL when there is more information for a team to use for prep and they have more time to gel their roster. Not saying they played well or acceptable, but people need to cool down before calling for people’s heads

Tl;dr chill out, give them more time, and see if its a problem in VCL

posted about a year ago

Hes playing wtf. Stax trolling once again? I think stax just baited the entire val community

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

90/50/10 for LOCK//IN

Mine are:
90% - Neither chinese team will progress past the second round (sadge)
50% - 2 EU teams will make it to semifinals
10% - Loud will lose in the first round

posted about a year ago

Alpha: PRX
OMEGA: Sentinels

posted about a year ago

I think upmind and sully are able to capture the high tense moments the best. Doug and balla do that as well but their normal round casting is worst.

posted about a year ago

Im mainly invested into T1 teams and NA T2. But i want to watch more T2 EU especially with Apeks and new Acend

This is a question to all you eu fans.

How good was the EU T2 scene last year and how much has changed this year in terms of level? Is comparable to NA T2?

posted about a year ago

arent you playing against kru who just lost their 2 best players? It will embarrassing if you even drop 10 rounds total.

Wait until you play an actual good team. Then average sen fan my ass

posted about a year ago

Im not even an avid 100T supporter. But you might want to get your eyes and intelligence checked because even a 3 year old can reason better than you.

posted about a year ago

Edit: apparently im stupid and dont know how links work

posted about a year ago

I think the intangibles with sacy make him better. But im biased. Chronicle has slightly better aim and skill but sacy is smarter

posted about a year ago

Are you trying to start a war by saying the name?

posted about a year ago

Because its some weird ass word that nobody knows the meaning of it

posted about a year ago

Nismo 4
Tex 1
Trent 5
Zander 2
neT 3

posted about a year ago

Bro acting like sen been practicing for 10 years

posted about a year ago

Didnt c9 lose to fokus at redbull home ground

posted about a year ago

I honestly thought they would be solid, but their comps, saya only on neon, carpe going to recon initiator when xeta is play flashes now just seem weird. They still have a month so we’ll see and plus its a mickey mouse tourney so idk

posted about a year ago

There is also a ton of people shitting on them as well.

posted about a year ago

And you all thought he was a one trick jett

posted about a year ago

toast taking a big risk and investment has paid off. takes balls. props to toast, ocean, steel, exalt, clear, genghsta, and xxif

posted about a year ago

But they didnt offer a contract renewal so he wouldnt be playing on sen next year

posted about a year ago
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