Flag: Turkey
Registered: May 8, 2024
Last post: June 7, 2024 at 11:27 PM
Posts: 279
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I've never seen this on VLR. But it is common to hear it from everyone else LOL.

posted 3 days ago

Champions Jerusalem is crazy LMFAO. Gonna be defusing bombs while getting bombed.

posted 3 days ago

1/5 team players as winners is still more than every Korean player ever kek

posted 3 days ago

Riot trying to script a rivalry so people actually watch Shanghai

posted 3 days ago

completely different games lol

posted 3 days ago


posted 3 days ago

It's going to be exactly like the 360 version of CS. Tactical FPS just don't translate well into console.

posted 3 days ago

New York would go hard. Either that or Prague/Venice.

posted 3 days ago

Are you dumb? The FUT team that got pissed on isn't even the national team I built???

If we're playing that game, Zekken tied the international kill record against GenG, what's your point?

I'm also not sure why we're pointing out finishes that are just participation awards. Bro listed everything but first place LMFAOOO.

Alfa: Lock In Champion - 1st Place, Tokyo Champion 1st Place
cNed: Champs Berlin 1st Place

posted 3 days ago

The only role Korea hard diffs is IGL. Korean teams, no matter how stacked they are have not historically gone far in international events. You just have recency bias because of Gen G. The champs winner in 2021, cNed was the star. FNC bending everyone over last year, Alfa was the best player on that team. A fully optimized Turkish national team would beat a Korean team.

posted 3 days ago

ok now name a single one of these players with a trophy

posted 3 days ago

A national team? Hell yea.

cNed on Duelist
Wo0t on flex
Alfa on Sentinel
Ruxic on Controller
and then either Yetujey or Qraxs on initiator

posted 3 days ago

#1 USA
#2 Turkey
#3 Korea/Brazil

posted 3 days ago

that'd be such a retarded move, they'd have to drop Klaus but he's their IGL so idk.

posted 3 days ago

In terms of impact, the Ardiis 1v3 is going to be borderline impossible to beat. 1v3 OT, and you pull it off whiles stuck in a corner, seized and revealed.

Personally though, my new favorite is Jawg's ace to close out the game vs NRG. They had to bring back Puj and s0m after that LMFAO.

posted 3 days ago

bro knew he had to leave after dropping 70 in a bo3 and barely winning :skull:

posted 3 days ago

fook franchising

posted 3 days ago

Imagine going from playing with the best IGL and team in the world (arguably), to a solid T1 team, and then all of a sudden out of your control you're in Tier 2 and now playing in Asia. Guy has had it rough, it'd be hard to perform for anyone.

posted 3 days ago

What I'm trying to say is regardless of how the system was setup, at the end of the day, the two best teams in the world (at that time) played in a BO5 and SEN won.

posted 3 days ago

C9 should be held in court for how hard they violated Yay. They might've singlehandedly killed the career of a potential GOAT.

posted 3 days ago

I wouldn't say that currently. SEN won masters and got a bit sloppy which isn't surprising. They let their foot off the gas and got complacent. GenG obviously took the loss hard and has been turning up. My point was that at the time, during Madrid, GenG was the best itw and got beat by SEN so it can't be a mickey.

posted 3 days ago

Dude they look fucking nuts man. It's the most typical Asian style of play too. Calm, collected, robotic. Their teamwork is crazy. They just look so solid. I really thought they'd crumble in Shanghai just due to how many games they've played this year. I thought they'd burn out but they're just turning up every match.

posted 3 days ago

Regardless of the tournament style and qualifiers, after Shanghai, I can't see how SEN's win in Madrid could be a mickey. GenG looks to be the best team in the world right now, going on dominant upper-bracket runs in both Masters. SEN was able to beat them in a BO5 (idk how they choked so hard last masters.) I believe they'll get the first trophy for APAC which is super exciting.

posted 3 days ago

hadi aslanim!

posted 3 days ago

add Yay and this list is perfect

posted 4 days ago

Today is the day that Karel "Twisten" AĊĦenbrener decided to solve a short-term problem with a long-term solution.

This chain goes out to him and all the other people whose lives stopped so abruptly. I've been seeing more posts about what to do when feeling depressed.

Just know that you are not alone and that millions are fighting the same battle. I hope everyone is doing well and staying safe. Love ya VLR, fight the good fight.


posted 4 days ago

yea but it doesn't say which org fell off because of its own stupidity. Regardless of the reason, Gambit unfortunately dissolved and fell off.

posted 4 days ago

I think it's too defensive-heavy and a tiny bit stale at this point. If they removed logs and also shortened tetris so it didn't fully block you and it was only a head glitch on the defensive side, it'd be a lot better. I personally like the map though, it's like the mirage of Valorant.

posted 4 days ago

he was already on there, swapped him with Yay

posted 4 days ago

nah, crowds are too soft, riot wouldn't allow it.

posted 4 days ago

Liquid in CS. More specifically the roster with Simple. If only they didn't choke so much.

Gambit in Valorant.

posted 4 days ago

idk, I just see him get memed here a lot

posted 4 days ago

ooh you right, let me switch those up

posted 4 days ago
  1. Shahzam
  2. Yay
  3. BabyJ
  4. Wardell
  5. Rossy

Would get booed on stage for every game

posted 4 days ago

I'm assuming its because the matches following the Upper Final will be BO5 and will take longer so they're starting earlier. Maybe this first week is just a test run to see viewership at 2 am.

posted 4 days ago

I hope so, or he spent 5 hours of data research and formulating an article just to get the response of "Allat."

posted 4 days ago

Hey buddy, this is VLR not Google Scholar

posted 4 days ago

Only people that don't like Lock In are the ones that had their team beat by bums in an upset xD

posted 4 days ago

Impact, how many rounds your team wins and loses when you're dead.

posted 4 days ago

Ah, I've heard it was with Aspas. Regardless, it's a shame that silly beef could stop such a good team from peaking.

posted 4 days ago

Yes, regardless of past experience, Zekken is comfortable with being hard entry like Jawg or Oxy so even if he didn't play it, I feel like it'd be an easy pickup. As for Zellsis, he was lowkey going crazy in LCQ with it.

posted 4 days ago

Zekken has a good neon and Zellsis lowkey has a really good Neon too.

posted 4 days ago

he's definitely been hungry with how he's looked recently LOL

posted 5 days ago

It can't happen. You can't have FNS and Potter on the same team. Too OP.

posted 5 days ago

Dapr - Douglas Apper

posted 5 days ago

If I remember correctly it came from back when he was playing Quake. He tried to get the name Demon but it was taken so he added a 1 to it. I might be wrong tho!

posted 5 days ago

not sure about his actual name but the El Diablo comes from an inside joke that started within the old Envy, TSM, and NRG guys.

posted 5 days ago

They have the chance to do the funniest thing.

posted 5 days ago

Tenz - he played COD when he was a kid, his name was ZZZZZombieZZZZZ (with 10 zs), that was changed to ten z zombie and then to Tenz (ten Z).

Shahzam - his real name is Shahzeb. When he was in elementary school his favourite teacher drew a picture of him as a superhero called Shahzam. He capitalized the Z and M in his name to troll/mess with DaZeD who he was on a team with at the time (1.6 or source, dont remember). Kept it ever since.

BLG Yosemite - Got his name from the Travis Scott song.

Cned - His older brother's tag was deNc, so it's just that backwards

FPX Autumn - Named himself after Ye Xiu, the MC of The King's Avatar

Hiko - named after a character from an anime called Rurouni Kenshin. Interestingly, Hiko has never seen this anime and only started watching anime a few years ago (despite going by this name for many years in CSGO).

Asuna - when playing CSGO with his friends he came up with the theory that an anime name and picture resulted in playing better. He picked Asuna which is a character from Sword Art Online

posted 5 days ago

He's played him only 5 times. Granted he has good stats but I wouldn't say he's amazing. Def has the potential to be though, if he keeps playing Breach.

posted 5 days ago
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