Flag: Brazil
Registered: November 30, 2021
Last post: September 30, 2022 at 4:40 PM
Posts: 30

They dropped the entire team, they are open to offers, prob they are going to an NA org

posted about a year ago

Loud has more Instagram Follower thant the entire NA scene combined and that dosent means shit

posted about a year ago

Dude, followers don't mean skill, if tenz was that good at least he would have left LCQ, just an influencer with good metrics, not even close to being the best player in his country

posted about a year ago

Valorantle #61 2/8

⬛ 🟩⬛ ⬛⬛⬛ 🟩
🟩 🟩🟩 🟩🟩🟩 🟩

posted about a year ago

Reallity = Loud era

posted about a year ago

Loud has lot more relevance on Brasil than NIP, they are the e-sports organization with more followers on Instagram and Youtube, besides that, they have been victorious on 4 differtent games just that year, showing that their project isnt a joke.

posted about a year ago

TSM maybe.

posted about a year ago

Também não entendo o hype no nzr, pra mim ele é um PESSIMO igl, quando um time toma consecutivas viradas, pipoca em finais e continua fazendo as mesmas coisas quer dizer que alguma coisa ta errada, no jogo do LCQ contra a KRU o Mazin, QCK e dg tavam constantemente fazendo merda e quando acabava o round cortava pra camera dele e ele tava COMPLETAMENTE calado, sem falar nada, sem tentar concertar o time, absolutamente nada, só quieto.
A mesma coisa aconteceu no Champions, eles tomavam rounds por que um ou outro player tomou uma atitude que não deveria, cortava pra ele, e ele lá, calado.
Qualquer outro IGL teria dado um esporro no time ou tentando acalmar os animos e ditar o que a galera tem que fazer, mas ele só tava QUIETO.
Se fosse o primeiro camp mas é desde sempre, quando um time comete erros constantes em todo campeonato o problema claramente ta na comissao tecnica/IGL. Por que não é simplesmente possivel alguém cometer os mesmo erros o ANO todo e a porra do capitão não falar NADA.

posted about a year ago

Melhor que a KRU a MIBR não paga não, só a FURIA consegue pagar.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

And they gonna need to do that withtoout any other teams information

posted about a year ago

Saadhak told in the press conference that they will not bootcamp before this event.

posted about a year ago

It's not jinx, the teams that give Brazil the most trouble (apart from optic) were the teams that had a chaotic style of play, these teams will now have a lot of information against loud while loud doesn't have any information against them, Loud will not be able to prepare anti-tacticians while all the teams (the other 29 teams) will have created anti-tacticians for them, at least ONE of these 29 will have to work and will end up eliminating them.

posted about a year ago

Think about it, it will be a championship with at least 25 new ELITE teams that absolutely NOBODY has any information about map pool or playstyle, meanwhile Loud will keep the same team and basically everyone will have a whole year of content about them + the fact that a championship with 30 teams is practically impossible for all games to be md3/md5 and have a double elimination system.
They will need to be VERY good to get it and the problem is that even if they go through the entry phase (probably a group) they won't have any information about the teams they would face in the playoffs, basically they just need to be superior and adapt a lot DURING the matches and their strong point is the anti-tactical previously made by bzka.
On the other hand, all teams will know exactly what they are going to do next and create anti-tactics for them, the closer to the final they get the more likely that the team that is against them has already studied absolutely everything about them + good aim + surprising effect.
And we are at least 4 months away from this championship which means that the teams will have a lot of time to study and the meta will have COMPLETELY changed by then, we will probably have a new agent in the championship and a completely different rhythm of play.

No chance of them being able to win now

posted about a year ago

Unfortunately to play official championships you have to reach Radiant in the last 2 acts and he is hard stuck immortal

posted about a year ago

If you followed the esports scene a little bit and got out of your bubble, you would know why each of these orgs was left out.

posted about a year ago

For the same reason he leaves kru after they reached 4th in Champs

posted about a year ago

bro, neither of those teams gonna make

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

lukzera also said he is wrong

posted about a year ago

i dont think any NA org would pick brazilian talents, there is an preconception about brazilians and most of the players did not speak english very well

posted about a year ago

Most likely to G2 or EG to buy them, but there are some rummors that the team could disband bc of the buyout difference, some orgs could just not afford to buy the entire team

posted about a year ago

NIP gonna have an Brazilian roster, most likely the same from this year

posted about a year ago

xand had already said that if they went to the franchises they wouldn't change the lineup

posted about a year ago

why are you celebrating? they couldn't even get past VK and KRU if they keep the lineup it will be easy at the bottom of the table

posted about a year ago

G2 is German...

posted about a year ago

You guys have seen it first here, i have strong sources


That will be the only possible lineup, comeback in 3 months

posted about a year ago

NA Also have just one good team that is optic

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Bro, you're canadian

posted about a year ago