Flag: Armenia
Registered: November 17, 2022
Last post: February 26, 2024 at 9:00 AM
Posts: 138
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visa issues

posted 3 months ago

u dont know val or bait choose

posted 3 months ago

americans sound so goofy when they try to be toxic "ur shitty, i guess my accurate adjective just got under ur skin buddy!" lmaoo

posted about a year ago

ok but why did you think writing shitty at the end did something

posted about a year ago

i think they have potential to be a top 5 team in emea at best but they are still new and also mixwell,avova and keloqz are not the most reliable they will have to change atleast avova or mixwell if they wanna challenge the top teams

posted about a year ago

yeah mb i forgot to shout out the original

posted about a year ago

nah i cant take these pokimane neckbeards seriously we all know the truth bro ur name is babysasuke you def watch pokimane

posted about a year ago

lmao they are using all of their power and anger to just create a a paragraph of a shitpost and think they did something,too funny

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

holy cringe "most eloquent shitmea rebuttal"🤓 ur trying so hard

posted about a year ago

neither can yay

posted about a year ago

ok virgin

posted about a year ago

Any creators announce if they're costreaming the event?

I was excited to watch the live broadcast but I just checked the host/caster roster and its going to be unwatchable.

Maybe Pokimane costream would be cool

posted about a year ago

are you okay im sorry i disrespected ur queen i know you spend ur rent every month to make her notice u but chill

posted about a year ago

valorant player moment

posted about a year ago

ur corny af and i remember you saying a pokimane co stream to this would be cool so i really cant take ur opinion seriously

posted about a year ago

c9 almost lost that and heretics was playing a meme comp,im not too worried,but thanks for reminding them to practice harder appreciate it

posted about a year ago

cope lmaooo,this is embarassing for the whole na region imagine that a top 3 team in ur region is losing to fokus,ur baits are weaker than yay on jett

posted about a year ago

holy shit actual tier 1 coping onlyfins better than a NA franchise team sadly

posted about a year ago

never said u did but stop crying lol its useless

posted about a year ago

who cares everyone was clowning heretics too when they lost to FRANCHISHED teams and now its acceptable the "NA superteam" loses to fokus who was losing to a mix named "onlyfins" with purpo lmao,deal with the clowning

posted about a year ago

oh now losing to a team who lost their 2nd best player and lost to "onlyfins" days ago with him is "shaking the rust off" NA is finished lmaoo

posted about a year ago

the weakest comeback in the history of vlr

posted about a year ago

i mean everyone knows valorant is the easier game se why compare the two,s1mple is competing in a game yay was tier 2 at his best they are not on the same level

posted about a year ago

and went to win against every single good team on the tourney,so cope

posted about a year ago

i never knew this site could go so low as someone says a pokimane co stream would be cool holy shit

posted about a year ago

NA rigging the event 1st event of the year so they don't go trophyless as usual

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

i asked who i guess thats a good answer since he clears no one lol

posted about a year ago

yeah thats what im saying,and sunny

posted about a year ago

who does he clear, 0 trophies

posted about a year ago

finland has probably had more decent players at cs than valorant still

posted about a year ago

jamppi did not even have half a year on the game and he was already playing in tier 1 while others had been playing half longer, and already better than him and has made a name for himself lol ,lets not act like someone still knows this peny guy his career peak was getting to play at iceland by fluke

posted about a year ago

jampi nightmare,also why are you showing games from the 90s like they hold any value at that time jamppi had like a couple of months on the game jamppi grew to be 10 times the player this irrelevant fraud "penny" is, his career high was getting to play against him

posted about a year ago

jampi nightmare

posted about a year ago

"unironically" doesn't make ur bait any more serious

posted about a year ago

"finns overrated him af" first learn to type bro,second absolutely no one in finland gives a shit about him unless he switches back to cs no one is "overrating" him lmfaoo,also idk how u have the image he is not a smart player or good mechanically

posted about a year ago

and why do you think they made valo free to begin with,also the game wasn't dying at all and never has steamcharts is free valorant fans need to stop forcing this narrative lol

posted about a year ago

and the games would last like 3 hours then lmfao

posted about a year ago

because he is a online pug warrior like he was in cs he was supposed to be insane but sucked ass in higher tier,kinda like tenz but a little worse

posted about a year ago

nice but he is not prime hiko,and he needs to rename to just rgl

posted about a year ago

prime hiko did that in a major this guy hasn't even played tier 1 yet lol,and he disrespected olofmeister with this nick why did he have to put meister behind that

posted about a year ago

if you drop messi or ronaldo in that era they are scoring 100 per season lmao

posted about a year ago

i have never in my life heard anyone call fns "the goat" lmfaoo

posted about a year ago

i dont know a single nickname for a valorant player expect "el diablo"

posted about a year ago

who the fuck is this guy,is he like the harry Maguire of NA,doesnt seem that popular on twitter

posted about a year ago

not when it fits the person

posted about a year ago

cringe name ngl

posted about a year ago

what is a soccer

posted about a year ago
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