Flag: Malaysia
Registered: October 2, 2023
Last post: May 21, 2024 at 6:42 AM
Posts: 21

Insanse hs%

posted 1 month ago

you are so fucking stupid, hater confirmed

posted 1 month ago

You are so wrong, if you follow him on instagram or any news of him, you will know he was still under contract with kc also he was taking a break doin his religion things so he was unavailable at the time , this explain why he doesn't sign any team yet and his social media went inactive almost half year after the kc fell apart, but just one/two weeks ago he announced that hes back from break and officially part from kc which mean hes ready to accept offer, just because he went "missing" on social media and the "worst team" kc so that many people thinks that hes washed and probably retired from pro scene
put aside his bad igling in kc, based on his past individual perfomance with kc and team liquid, all the result tell that hes been a really consistent player of all time and top flagging almost every maps, i remember long time ago Tenz watching a match between the old team liquid and an emea team (i counldnt remember what team is it) and he said smth like this "what can team liquid do without ScreaM, hes basically saving them on every round", all of this can proved us that hes still the goat.

posted 1 month ago

so Scream igling and other member of the team just being passive all the time and cant tell the problem or making any adjustment , not even the couch? I mean it never was a single person fault

posted 3 months ago

well ,it never a single player fault, if theres problem, team will dicuss and adjust, not blaming on someone if theres a problem

posted 3 months ago

problem with japanese team is they too passive and polite , just like their culture

posted 3 months ago

It is so ridiculus that people think a team losing bacause of particular one player, they all professional and insanely good player, 5 brains need to work together so it never ever will be a single player fault unless the player inconsistent and keep making some terrible basic mistake. For the previous match, LOUD just better overall

posted 3 months ago

This is PRX very first international lan game with Monyet, they keep switching player in and out, clearly they were trying to cook some new recipe with new roster. I can see their synergy were slight off with Monyet in map 1 but when map 2 Jingg came in, the PRX we know are back , Forsaken Jingg duet so op and so satisfying to watch ! Unfortunely they lose, but they will come back stronger on rematch.

posted 5 months ago

M80 ScreaM

posted 5 months ago

theres a leak out there saying an arabic team call Team Falcon might sign ScreaM

posted 6 months ago

head coach of team falcon is beAst and he is a very close friend of ScreaM, they used to stream a lot together so this leak might be true

posted 6 months ago

A leak from Twitter said that ScreaM is joinning Team Falcons , an Arabic team
Source : https://twitter.com/OrizonValorant/status/1724447721984041151

posted 6 months ago

from liquid to kc , ive seen too many individual play or rely on scream performance
so i think he put enough effort on every team ,
maybe some wrong role play , but overall he did remain high consistency almost on every tournament
i think hes really need a team that backing him up and put out his 100% potential by just shooting head
this has to be done asap because time flies u know and scream is 29 already
he done the achievement in cs , i hope he will do so in valorant one day

posted 7 months ago

you mean sen ?
yes almost every famous pro we know were playing at that time , but my point is the game were new , every play were so basic and straightfoward , and sen that time just everyone remain high consistency throughout the tournament with their pure skill , all the team structure were not so big therefore theres not much counter strat happen
you can see how fast sen fall after valorant get study more n more by many team
so i would consider that sen was lucky

posted 7 months ago

for the first champion , valorant just a fresh cake
therefore not much competitor
tenz n his team just got lucky to have the first bite
i look back to the first final now , it feels like my rank games ngl
their utility usage and response time were so basic and straightfoward

posted 7 months ago

not really , hes 29 consider quite old in pro fps game and he havent win any major valorant tournament yet , i believe hes really the goat but seems theres smth always holding back his performance , really feels bad for him

posted 8 months ago

Where is he right now srsly

posted 8 months ago

source : trust me bro

posted 8 months ago

Any update on ScreaM , feels bad for him also hope he get an offer from any team

posted 8 months ago