Flag: Iceland
Registered: August 9, 2021
Last post: September 10, 2021 at 2:54 PM
Posts: 16

look i found one

posted about 2 years ago

the correct answer

posted about 2 years ago

Ehh, no. Given the size of their body of works they aren't really comparable. Beethoven has as many stand out and memorable pieces as Chopin yet has a much larger and more diverse body of work (symphonies, string quartets, an opera..) Classical music fans find comfort in the broad range of Beethoven's works, rather than the limited yet still very beautiful opus's of Chopin. Chopin's three sonatas (and other highly expressive pieces) versus Beethoven's 32. Chopin's two piano concertos versus Beethoven's five. Beethoven has many many more works, yet remains entirely emotionally exciting throughout with peaks as high as Chopin's, though perhaps less on average due to there being so many. How many symphonies have been written yet which can be called by name as simply THE ninth symphony? What of the epicness of the first time you listened to Beethoven's fifth? What of Chopin's works can be comparable in the complexity and depth of Beethoven's later string quartets? I love Chopin, his works are perhaps the most emotionally fulfilling, but there really isn't a comparison.

posted about 2 years ago

anyone play dirty bomb? skyhammer was fun. great game

posted about 2 years ago

because tencent?

posted about 2 years ago

+1 you aren't on the team don't say we

posted about 2 years ago

tbd 3-1 tbd cant see it going any other way

posted about 2 years ago

mushrooms on pizza suck +1

posted about 2 years ago

not reading a wall of text +ratio

posted about 2 years ago

tenz sick
bc sick

posted about 2 years ago

hear me out here. i know xset need to stick to a roster and develop it to be better but if they lose to TSM tomorrow, i think -ayrin +thwifo. ayrin is an amazing player but thwifo was their igl before and he had some insane defensive setups and they slayed their defensive rounds but shit their pants on xset. if they can bring back those strong defensive rounds with depph’s insane attack igl’ing, i think they would be better than they are now. it’s just a take idrk know anything behind the scenes tho maybe ayrin would work better

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

only tuned in to game 3 but was pretty insane from both sides. i thought tsm would win, pleasantly surprised. also nice to hear ender casting

posted about 2 years ago

i stopped taking melatonin after about 2 months straight. have slept probably 2 hours past 3 days

posted about 2 years ago