Flag: Romania
Registered: February 12, 2022
Last post: May 26, 2024 at 6:15 AM
Posts: 792
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happens in korea too all the time

That's it? That's your entire argument for why you're sure he bribed his way out of the Military in the country of SINGAPORE? LOL

I'm sure South Korea also has problems with how they treat Uyghurs, right? It has to be, cause I heard it happens in China all the time /s

posted 2 months ago

ok, that tells me that the lack of understand of romanian caused your confusion. My statement is in regards to the Romanian sentence and how it is translated into English, to prove the previous Romanian commentator that it can absolutely be used in non-plural form.

Also, you're confused about the translated English sentence. There's nothing indicating plural or singular in there. You cannot define "You" as one or the other without additional context. If you would've spent the time to translate the original sentence, you would've known that it was singular indeed. So your comment of being plural seem... nonsensical. You can't translate a sentence in Language A that presented a subject in singular form, and then expect Language B to not respect it, so to address your direct statement: no.. it cannot be plural, unless you're ignoring the source sentence, which would be ... you know, ignorant by definition.

I think your wording is not shady, but rather simple and not properly developed to be able to fully understand the connation of my message (nor its Romanian reference, vital to its meaning).

I'm sure that once you improve your English skills and if you revisit this convo, you'll figure out what I'm saying here.


posted 2 months ago

you must be trolling... dysphoria is a type of disorder LOL

posted 2 months ago

the word "you" has both singular and plural forms.

you reached the same conclusion that I was helping the original person I replied to figure out. Congrats.

The original person said: "don't you have to use "are" for plural?" -- which means that "are" can only be used in plural.

I'm not sure if your lack of english comprehension skills, or your lack of romanian knowledge, is what caused the confusion on your end, but I'm glad it is now solved.


posted 2 months ago

you're just proving more and more that you're an idiot lmao..

where is the plural in "Te duci la cumparaturi?"

That was my point, to the romanian person posting.

You however, seem to lack a serious amount of brain cells. I suggest visiting a medical professional for immediate assistance.

posted 2 months ago

it's pretty clear where the facts are, I don't see a need to clarify English grammar, there's elementary school for that, feel free to revisit it if you're interested

posted 2 months ago

here you go idiot kiddo: https://www.cnn.com/2024/03/04/india/india-gang-rape-tourist-arrests-intl-hnk/index.html

what a scum of a human, having the guts to talk back, incredible

posted 2 months ago

You're either a troll or a complete idiot... either way, what a waste of oxygen

posted 2 months ago

This shouldn't even be a conversation, it's a video game character in a tactical FPS game. People will call it whatever it's easier and comfortable in the midst of the round/play.

Either way, it's also astounding how many people fail basic English grammar or basic science knowledge, yet somehow found the means to obtain a device and post retarded takes on the internet.

posted 2 months ago

You should let people know that "they" in your sentence means "foreign tourists women that get gangraped and beaten to death"

Cuz that's the only thing that would make your sentence make any sense

posted 2 months ago

no? which school did you learn this in? lol

You translate "Te duci la cumparaturi?" as "Are you going grocery shopping?" There's no plurality involved in the entire phrase. Stop putting a bad image on Romanian education

posted 2 months ago

johnqt doesn't belong in a debutant list lol.... what logic did you use to include him, if you consider trent a top3 debutant in 2022, and trent lost to john in 2022 NA Challengers (tier 1 at the time) ?

this makes no sense lol

posted 2 months ago

then why include johnqt?

posted 2 months ago

nah, according to my pickems geng wins this match, sen wins LF vs loud and sen wins GF ..... and my pickems are never wrong of course

posted 2 months ago

T1 teams already tried to poach NiSMO from Ghost Gaming/M80 in the past and he didn't go, so I don't know if we need to even ask this question

posted 2 months ago

I agree with your first statement, but not with your second. GenG has 3 S tier players (duelist, controller, sentinel/2nd duelist) and A tier IGL, I'd only call the 3 exceptional

posted 2 months ago

the legend says that Riot's insurance company no longer covers desks...

posted 2 months ago

this is by far the best move that LOUD could've done.... but I assume there's personal/ego issues in the middle, which make this otherwise no-brainer move not happen

posted 2 months ago

Raillkeurs said "Europe - Middle East - Africa" if you actually learn how to read buddy.

posted 2 months ago

What's "Europe-Middle" ? lol

EMEA stands for "Europe, Middle East and Africa" rather than "Europe Middle and East Africa" (which would make absolutely 0 sense) FYI

posted 2 months ago

If you don't like watching live esports events with crowds, just don't do it. In all of them the crowd will make noises, which seem to be annoying to you.

posted 2 months ago

you won this thread gg

posted 2 months ago

but he could replace melser on lev

how can he replace Melser in Lev, when Mesler plays in KRU?

posted 2 months ago

and saadhak + Less + Sacy are the only players that won Champs that are at Madrid

and LOUD + SEN are the only teams qualified that have ever won an international tournament before

and ENGH is the only coach qualified for Madrid to have won a Masters before

posted 3 months ago

are you sure you didn't just have a moment of clarity instead?

posted 3 months ago

I never said they were 4 tier 1 CS players... I said they came from CS, which clearly 4 of them did.

What's your point again? Are you trying to make my argument even stronger by showing that ex-tier3 CS players are Valorant world champs? thanks I guess

posted 3 months ago

people have been saying this since 2021 about either fortnite, overwatch, apex etc... but reality is that 2023 Champs was still won by a team formed with a CS bred coach and ex top female player and 4 ex cs male players

OP's argument crumbles pretty quickly when you look at things objectively

posted 3 months ago

good mentality

+25 wisdom +10 intelligence

posted 3 months ago

there's a small representation indeed, but there are a few.

however, this is not a valorant pro thing, nor is it an issue of potential talent, rather it's a PC gaming thing. most black gamers (in NA and UK at least) are console oriented

posted 3 months ago

think about going from playing vs TrickAIM's best FA team to shitmean Tier 1

I can't think of this at all... maybe because he was on TrickAim's team all along

posted 3 months ago

you have to be fair and provide the entire context: they got their clout, admittedly also through heavy marketing, by being a top team both in NA and globally in both First Strike + launch tournaments, and in the early VCT days (we're talking a range of 13-14 months of being what was considered at the time a top team in Valorant overall). The org capitalized on this way better than others, including other orgs that had similar or better results (eg: does Acend even have fans anymore?)

posted 3 months ago

Management pushed hard for a 'budget team', starting with last year's vct season and continuing into this even harder, they have to be naive to not know that there's gonna be some 'budget results' incoming. They just did this to themselves

posted 3 months ago

"Notice how G2 and Mibr have to play two games back to back"

Yeah, we also noticed that G2 and mibr didn't have to qualify from a group with LOUD, LEV and 100T.... many things to notice, not many logical conclusions tho

posted 3 months ago

You're the first person that I've seen call this year's Liquid team a "super team" ... weird take

posted 3 months ago

it's difficult to believe there will be a better transfer in valorant's future, ethan + demon1

posted 3 months ago

was there an actual official tournament format that announced that group A will play with play in winner? I see it as "Group Winner vs Group Winner" and "Group Winner vs Play In Winner" .. the only place I've seen it set as a placeholder with "Group A Winner vs Play In Winner" was here on vlr.gg, but that doesn't mean anything in terms to official expectations.

posted 3 months ago

Nah bro, you don't get it...

The format was never changed. The format stays the same. If you would've read the rules before the competition started, they clearly stated that the Play in Winner cannot play against the same team they played in groups, and if that happens they'll be moved on the other side of the bracket.

posted 3 months ago

at least it will be difficult to make it harder to watch than last time they played talon

posted 3 months ago

I think it's safe to say that 98% of Valorant players that follow eSports scene in any meaningful manner would've picked Demon1 over N4RRATE. I also highly doubt that N4RRATE would be able to show NRG that they made a mistake

posted 3 months ago

you're correct actually

posted 3 months ago

I'm afraid you do not understand the game, or maybe you do not understand what the word impact means. Keznit, while a phenomenal player that had great stats against G2, did not actually have many impact kills. Have we watched a different match? Most of his kills were in non-winning rounds, in what world do you consider that higher impact? He had the lowest round share win and KAST even on his team against G2.

posted 3 months ago

Quick had way less impactful gun rounds and clutch situations than Ethan (and cau actually), there's no factual reason to call his performance dominant. Loud won more due to cau and saadhak performance, definitely not qck.

And even with the "quality" difference between Furia and SEN, Ethan was still more crucial to NRG's win than cau was to Loud's win, via both adr and round share wins (kast).

If you want to actually analyze dominant and top players you have to look at more than just the quality of the opposition (which in this case should be quite irrelevant, since Ethan already dominated all these players last year, so there's nothing really to prove)

I can agree that cau could be considered completing the top3 behind Ethan. anything else is just really a personal opinion based on feelings, I prefer facts and stats

posted 3 months ago

this is where you're wrong

when a lot of other players have dominated much better teams

this simply just has not happened during these opening matches, the only one that had a more dominant performance was aspas, this is easily provable with trackable data, gotta be delusional to think otherwise.

posted 3 months ago

I don't see how that makes a difference... it would make sense if Ethan was just middle of the pack in NRG, or if mwzera dominated the server but lost. Neither are true... Ethan was clearly better than mwzera a few days ago, putting dominating performances on both maps, while mwzera struggled on the second map to stand out even on his mid team.

Your argument is trying to say that a good player on a mid team is automatically better than a good player on a good team, even if the player on the mid team was just dominated by the player on the good team. It really makes no sense, regardless what the sports of esports is. Use logic next time

posted 3 months ago

this makes no sense... Ethan quite literally dominated Furia just a few days ago.

This list is 1. aspas 2. Ethan ... the rest

posted 3 months ago

wonder who's gonna be the first one to say it

posted 3 months ago

The thing is that those people already have a boatload of money, so in reality they only partake in the first two actions (eat, criticize), and eating at a Michelin-starred restaurant is nothing special to them.

You don't get the money after you criticize, you usually get it before and then you're allowed to criticize. This isn't a dream job, it's a networking hobby for the elite top restaurateurs of the world.

posted 3 months ago

Stuns are the most useless (if compared on a "usefulness" chart against all other abilities), this is quite obvious from playing/watching high level gameplay and most pros are pretty clear about this in voicing their... frustrations.

Based on factors such as map design and comp selection, flashes can range from low impact to crucial in winning tactical engagements.

posted 3 months ago

You're overestimating Riot if you believe they thought it through that far..... considering they didn't know what happens if an Ascension winning team needs an Org.

posted 3 months ago

he wasn't even the main duelist on Andbox lol (that was ANDROID). he played more Sage and Breach than Jett if I remember well

posted 4 months ago
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