Flag: Canada
Registered: July 1, 2021
Last post: April 8, 2023 at 1:18 AM
Posts: 4

if only they had strats for other maps and not just ascent

posted about a year ago

not really, maybe xms but his days surely are numbered after today's match.

posted about a year ago

BBL wont win a match with Aslan on the team.

posted about a year ago

After an unfortunate disastrous LCQ, it is apparent that there are serious problems in this team, and with the news of BBL getting partnered with VCT in 2023, here are my 2 cents on how to fix the team.


  • Lack of a permanent IGL in the team. Before paura was signed, Aslan was pseudo-IGL for the team to moderate success, winning the domestic tournament ESA Open Fire All Stars. Paura joins the team before split one. BBL is solid at this time but lose to Fire Flux in Lower Finals. With the momentum, BBL defeat FUT to play in EMEA, and I think that is where the honeymoon phase ends. After week 3 or so the team basically does not listen to calls made by paura and go back to the playstyle of headbutting the enemy with brute force under Aslan. I felt like Aslan took over the IGL role after the second half of split two.

  • Role swapping. After paura was signed, the team drastically changed on their comps. Aside from muj and quti, all players were picking conflicting agents. Both aimDLL and paura were playing flex adn it hurt both of them, especially aimDLL. Benching paura after split two and signing Cyder at the last minute for LCQ basically tossed everything into a mess once again.


  • Get a permanent IGL. There are better IGLs better than Aslan and on par with paura during the honeymoon phase. Signing Cyder back helps the team with expanding their short time before LCQ, or just sign a different IGL.

  • Find a replacement for aimDLL. aimDLL's impact during VCT 2022 dropped compared to ESA All Stars and Challengers 1 in Turkey. Having Aslan taking over aimDLL opens an opportunity to sign either a flex or a sentinel player.
    In an ideal world, the roster move should be:

That is my idea on how to fix BBL but idk I am just a person.

posted about a year ago