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Registered: August 1, 2023
Last post: June 2, 2024 at 3:14 PM
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Fat chance tbh.
Masters Madrid: 2 slots, likely PRX, DRX, or T1
Masters Shanghai: 3 slots, likely PRX, DRX, or T1
Champions: 4 slots, likely PRX, DRX, T1, and another team that could be GE.
But should GE get into Champs chances are they get grouped, but hey, no disrespect I just can't see them winning an international LAN.

posted 5 months ago

You are also very kind my brother.

posted 5 months ago

I mean, it makes a lot of sense if you look at the Esport market and the population. The VCT China region (including the other Chinese territories like Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan) has a base population of almost 1.35 times that of the Americas population. Also, China has the largest Esports market and the largest Esports fanbase, so it'd be good profit to invest in a region like China. Additionally, all the regulations and rules imposed by the Chinese government make it almost impossible to integrate a region like China into a league like APAC.

posted 5 months ago

I think it would probably do you good to tout that statement around after an Indian team (like GE) gets top 6 or 8 globally like EDG and BLG did. Of course, I think it'd be a tall task for a team like GE but you never know what can happen.

posted 5 months ago

You are absolutely right. I could've fallen for bait, and I don't deny the fact that there's a high chance, because most people with basic education should know that Americas mean both continents. But then again, my personal experiences dealing with people who suck at geography (a topic I'm actually very passionate in), tells me to help anyone in the subject regardless of whether their intentions are genuine or not. To conclude tho, I think you're probably right, but what harm does a conversation with tomaz do? 😊

posted 5 months ago

You my friend are also based :)

posted 5 months ago

Thank you!

posted 5 months ago

Maybe I'm just not understanding the term properly, and I'm sorry if that's the case. But if EDG is suffering from burnout (as seen in the domestic tourneys and this one too), is it still alright to say that they're getting exposed? I mean, every team will enter a slump and become weak when fatigued.

posted 5 months ago

I hope you have a good day

posted 5 months ago

I see what you did here. Very witty! 😊

posted 5 months ago

I understand that there are people who like to act that way, so I've already prepared myself mentally for all that. Ideally though what happens is that I don't meet those people often and I can enjoy my time here like I have been so far.

posted 5 months ago

There are so many interesting and unique individuals here with such fascinating ways of doing and saying things, that it'd be hard to not hang around this website! I'm going through a difficult phase of my life and this place honestly helps me deal with that so much better.

posted 5 months ago

LyCan is a good person. I don't know where you're going with this but from my interactions with him he seems like a pretty down-to-earth guy. Don't really get all the hate against him but ig that's life!

posted 5 months ago

Fair point. It happens to everyone.

posted 5 months ago

Interstellar, Treasure Planet (Disney), and every LOTR movie

posted 5 months ago

Aw come on you're giving Kirya too short of a stick here he's good!

posted 5 months ago

Bro how has he missed you? I guess it's hard to put all the great vlr users on a single list after all.

posted 5 months ago

There are so many based individuals you have included in this list that I have had the opportunity to converse with myself! And I agree! I'm not going to say names because I can't possibly remember all of them on the spot but there are some names I recognize who have made this community a very welcoming one for me. I love it!

posted 5 months ago

Everyone deserves knowledge of some extent, even if it's something like 'not know America is the combined landmass of North and South America'. I can see how one would assume this guy is baiting but I have met some people who are genuinely garbage at geography. Of course, they were all American, so I get where this tomaz guy is coming from.

posted 5 months ago

That's just fine! Now you know. :D

posted 5 months ago

Americas is clearly referring to the landmass though, I don't know how you misinterpreted the s in the Americas to be all those different states and subregions and metropolitan masses and whatnot. Also, if it really is how you're describing it, then why not include territories like American Samoa, Guam, or even Puerto Rico?

posted 5 months ago

I love you too anyth1ng <3

posted 5 months ago

I apologize if I said something confusing, I'm not a native English speaker, unlike yourself. What I meant to convey is that the 'Americas' VCT region is a league that consists of teams from all over the North and South American continents. The United States of America just happens to be commonly referred to as 'America', so I can see where your misinterpretation/misunderstanding stems from. Here's a Wikipedia article on the Americas!

posted 5 months ago

Middle East
Yours says 'Americas', not 'America'.

posted 5 months ago

We'll see after the series is over lol.

posted 5 months ago

Americas as in consisting of North America and South America. The 'America' you're probably referring to is recognized globally as the 'United States of America', and while it does have the word 'America' in its name it is not considered 'America'. Another example can be seen with the VCT China region. Its name has the word 'China' in it, but it also includes all the other Chinese territories like Hong Kong and Taiwan, that are seperate regions than that of China itself, because all those subregions together make up the 'China' region; just like how the different North and South American subregions (Brazil, USA, Canada) come together to make the 'Americas' VCT region. I know I could probably come up with a better example than the China one but I can't think right now it's too late in the night. Hope that helps!

posted 5 months ago

I don't think exposed is the right word to use here, but I get it.

posted 5 months ago

I really wanted them to lose today tbh. I don't care what their fans think or whatever, but have you seen their faces? They all looked like Chinese copies of chet after the BLG match. There was no passion, there was some aggression, but there was certainly no vision. They were just going through the motions of playing the game at not even tier 1 level I'd say. I don't know how their work ethic is over in the CN esport scene very well, but man let your boys have some rest for gods sake.

posted 5 months ago

You're right.

posted 5 months ago

I think it makes a lot of sense. You can't possibly be trying to say that Fancy is as good as EDG right?

posted 5 months ago

I know. But we can't do anything about it ultimately it's up to them to figure out when to give their players a break.

posted 5 months ago

Prime? EDG all the way.
Right now? SEN very likely.

posted 5 months ago

I think the work culture there is just "go practice"

posted 5 months ago

They're looking great tbh. Maybe even better than DRX and I think they can definitely go toe-to-toe with PRX.

posted 5 months ago


posted 5 months ago

Tbh I wanted them to just lose to Fancy so they can rest earlier but ig they don't want to disappoint the fans

posted 5 months ago

I mean, without Sayf one could definitely argue that their fragging prowess has decreased quite a bit but I have trust in the new team members.

posted 5 months ago

Absolutely! I think they put up a good fight against T1 and I think that's good considering how T1 have been playing

posted 5 months ago

I see... that's unfortunate. Betting sounds tough. Good luck in the future.

posted 5 months ago

I apologize. I'm not very good with betting terms and its culture so I don't know what the numbers and symbols mean. I'm not a very good reader, so I apologize for the mistake. But then aren't you happy that EDG's winning? You get money and stuff.

posted 5 months ago

They're pretty good.

posted 5 months ago

Look, I understand your grievances but you can't be serious! Crying with baseless accusations after the shitty decision you made comes to bite you in the ass. (I'm assuming you bet on Fancy)

posted 5 months ago

Bro their bad performance is obviously due to burnout. Look at their faces. Look at their celebrations (or lack of) after winning a round. Are you even watching the match?

posted 5 months ago

Betting at all in a game like Valorant!

posted 5 months ago

So you have to come up with an excuse?

posted 5 months ago

Horrible guess.

posted 5 months ago

You too my dear yungbasel.

posted 5 months ago

Goated LyCan52. Thank you.

posted 5 months ago

Thank you. Based flair btw you don't see DSYRE fans everyday. ⭐

posted 5 months ago
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