Flag: Nigeria
Registered: December 1, 2021
Last post: August 20, 2023 at 6:15 PM
Posts: 10


posted 9 months ago

considering all the hype from the bandwagonners, kangkang isnt even a top 10 duelist. he cant play in a team environment and relys only on mechanical skill. anyone who watches the games knows edg has nothing compared to the other teams at champs strat wise

posted 9 months ago

surprising a team who shouldnt have made it out of groups to make it so far. very well played considering how poorly they play πŸ‘

posted 9 months ago

if they lose to edg they are probably bottom 5 teams in tourney. edg shit asf idk how they made it out of groups. 0 strats

posted 9 months ago

How can a team so bad be so overhyped? Do people not watch the games and understand they’re purely a ranked team with 0 strats? Everyone focuses on their hero plays which are so common because theyre a mechanical team and are always down players because they can’t strategise. Embarrassment. People need to stop bandwagonning because tarik thinks a players good

posted 9 months ago

loud should be free win today unless they toss to t4 team xdddd. edg pure mechanics team think they make it top 3 lucky they got out of groups ez. kangkang oveerrated and people finding out hes dog. bandwagonners in shambles after streamers favorite player is shit asf

posted 9 months ago

edg are the most overrated team in champs. 0 strats just pure mechanics as expected from china team.. does everyone just meat ride cuz tarik says so? wouldnt be surprising considering people cant think for themselves and support a team without streamers help kekky... literally cant win on any strategic map and people rate them so highyl kekyy WWWW kekWWW... please dont suppopprort this trash team they are so bad and u are npc bot if you think kangkangs top 100 player +++

posted 9 months ago

so kek chungus i love rito prodcutoin!! πŸ€“πŸ€“πŸ€“πŸ€“πŸ€“πŸ€“πŸ€“ i frgiggin love rito production xddd they noeed to fix πŸ€“πŸ€“πŸ€“

posted 9 months ago