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Registered: May 23, 2021
Last post: May 31, 2024 at 8:18 AM
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How big is the difference between the main league and gc in sa? LIke feel like the only team i've seen in opens is the liquid team in br and they've done decent I think right? Maybe it's just cuz they're one of the only teams that kinda get far but still. Is it considerable enough for t1 teams to not want to scrim the gc teams? Cuz ig it's valid in the end of the day if the teams just don't think they'll get decent practice against them. There are teams like c9 who'll scrim anyone basically but it makes sense for top teams to only want high-level scrims when possible. Then again feel like no one in br except maybe top 4 should be considered top teams even domestically.

posted about 2 years ago

oh man i forgot tenz existed mb. but dapr still has good decision-making. I think I took if they are a good player in general as more of a factor but then I just half-assed it like a stat andy and added some decent support players.

posted about 2 years ago
  1. yay
  2. asuna
posted about 2 years ago

yeah but doesn't psg own talon or nah they're just a partner for league?

posted about 2 years ago

What's an oil club? Does that mean they're sponsored by oil companies and stuff? Or they just run by old greasy men or something.

posted about 2 years ago

Thought it was confirmed that they had a Filipino roster with a couple of Koreans in it? or is that some other team

posted about 2 years ago

feel like if you are hardworking you shouldn't be considered a paycheck stealer

posted about 2 years ago

It's true dapr has had rough stats for a while and pretty much hasn't looked at his peak for a bit. His decision making is still great tho aside from maybe some trolly things he's a good player. We can talk about stats but androids stats were pretty nice compared to tex's so probably has to be some internal things that affected who got removed for Ethan. Maybe he was just doing rougher in scrims compared to tex in the timeframe or tex brings more communication-wise inside the game. All is speculation but from what I know dapr is a pretty smart player who is probably way more important to sentinels internally than we think. Dk if he deserves more credit but think he does. Sentinels as a whole are slumping but feel like for the future of sentinels he has to end being the sacrifice or the igl of the team if they can't find a replacement. Only if shahz ends up leaving the roster. I'd trust him more than anyone else to be the igl and leader if he was given the opportunity.

posted about 2 years ago

nah i'm korean so by default just a fan of tottenham

posted about 2 years ago

Let's share our pain knowing they'll both never win anything. Unlucky

posted about 2 years ago

Actually cursed in the sense that it ends up being him who throws the most crucial rounds even when he's having insane games. The universe aligns to find the most impossible way for wardell to throw just veeeerrrrry unlucky. + every other player on tsm to be fair

posted about 2 years ago

I'm not that really informed about soccer but am excited about the match tomorrow. What should we expect from the match tomorrow as man city is already ahead in aggregate? I am a Tottenham "fan" so I only know a couple of players in Madrid and Benzema. Does Real Madrid have a chance? Will man city choke the lead? What are your preds?
Also, why does every Tottenham player succeed after they leave Tottenham?

posted about 2 years ago

fr didn't even know top 4 got to challengers 2 cuz they don't say anything. Tiebreaker soon too but good they are giving this award to the top players. Interesting that with the most korean teams signed up ever they are essentially fighting for the fewest spots available.

posted about 2 years ago

I like how active lg is trying to be ig just cuz it's working too but Bdog has great decision-making on when to stop and when to back off.

posted about 2 years ago

To be fair think we said that about guard early this year too. 100t fr got potential too with that new roster tho ngl

posted about 2 years ago

It's fair that people get criticism but people don't realize how much it piles up to the thousands. It's never okay in the eyes of the media for shahz to stab back but you can't blame him for being human. He probably reads some of the most digusting messages on the daily about his personal life/self and his gameplay in NA as the sentinels igl.
It's actually kinda fucked how people dig up the smallest things about his personality to make him look like a shit dude. He's obviously a chill dude but cringe fucks like us on vlr and shit go too far tbh. Literally just screams alot on his stream and just gets pissed at ranked that's it. He built his stream with that happy and loud personality theme, obviously he's gonna keep doing it if it works. Someone who get's the most criticism and just in general shit for anything he does is obviously gonna end up getting pissed too.
Doesn't matter if he was a rat before. It's in the past and people should have just not done stuff to get themselves ratted on in the first place.
Honestly compared to us average vlr users, he seems more human to me.

posted about 2 years ago

Until they are podium finishers, they are not back.

posted about 2 years ago

I literally just said with the top 8 from the first quals bro

posted about 2 years ago

nah rn
t1: c9, optic, guard and v1
t1.5 xset and nrg
faze, tsm, lg, 100t and pks
t2/t3 everyone else.
genuinely feel like 100t has the most potential to get into 1.5 or above just basing it off of how good/improved they look 3 weeks with a new team.
Any other team can have a hot streak tho. Especially tsm or faze

posted about 2 years ago

These are possible groups with the top 8 from the first opens.
Thoughts? Feels like no matter what you do the groups will be stacked.

Group A:
optic, xset, faze, v1, 100t and sen
Group B:
guard, c9, nrg, tsm, lg, and knights

Group A:
optic, xset, nrg, tsm, lg, and knights
Group B:
guard, c9, faze, v1, 100t and sen

Group A:
optic, xset, faze, lg, 100t and sen
Group B:
guard, c9, nrg, tsm, v1, and knights

Group A:
optic, xset, nrg, tsm, v1, and knights
Group B:
guard, c9, faze, lg, 100t and sen

posted about 2 years ago

stopped reading at gtn

posted about 2 years ago

Nah this is team is actually the best iteration of 100t so far. Just based on the fact that the old team was gonna die and had already hit their potential. They had 3 old players basically falling off and 1 player that wasn't even on his best role. This iteration has so many young players that are basically at the start of their careers and are already at challengers level 3 weeks into prac. The roles make the most sense since ever and the players are in environment where they are comfortable role-wise and have the best coaching staff they could ask for to develop. Basically any top t2 team in NA rn could have beaten 100t's first strike team with how much everyone's improved game-theory wise and skill wise.

posted about 2 years ago

It's more like he was the only one who abused things and started doing things in beta/early-val that just became normal for certain agents. Like watching the guy in early ignition series he was some fucking magician. Literally the only guy to get shock dart bounce kills months into the game. It was just cool at that moment in time. Basically started the frenzy/stinger metas lasted months and sova/raze shit that still exists. Doesn't seem like a long period of time but it was a pretty important period of time in val until recently. Was literally one of the only unique players that brought something special to early val that wasn't wardells op or tenz running it down basically.

posted about 2 years ago

You're not wrong and people who think you are are wrong. Literally built the roster around Wardell for 2 years and no matter what they did it didn't work and as soon as they take him out they look better than ever. There is that slight throw sm stuff that happens once in a while but they actually got some potential. Wardell isn't a bad player and can be a star player but he isn't going to be on a top team unless he literally makes himself perfect. Teams are not going to approach him again until he shows that he can improve his decision-making/flexibility and is willing to improve. Everyone knows he's great but the problem is everyone else is great now too. They're not gonna take the gamble until he can prove he's worth the risk. Hope he can show his potential with his short stint on v1.

posted about 2 years ago

please just time out faze before yall lose the lead
literally just chill the lurks don't have to go first, especially when it's the astra

posted about 2 years ago

it's nice to see that eg qualifying doesn't seem too much like a fluke anymore. Good to see c0m fragging too

posted about 2 years ago

take it back rn before its too late

posted about 2 years ago

nice. Babybay's decision-making seems to have gotten so much better. It's not just run it down smeaging it's like calculated chaos and smart decision making when taking fights and in repositioning.

posted about 2 years ago

bbg acad players have great names tho

posted about 2 years ago

nt. I couldn't watch fully but i'm guessing it was a throw?

posted about 2 years ago

literally t2 decision making for a whole half by him. Ego swing good players and he gets punished

posted about 2 years ago

theres a difference between a good player and just a player that shoots gun good.

posted about 2 years ago

although wardell is great individually tsm really died and suceeded from his decision making. He can be the carry against any nervous t2 team but against good teams that know how he plays and are good enough to counter him he needs to change his game and not literally just be hit or miss. He can't expect every team to play for him with op buys etc when he's in a team where most of the players have better decision making and are just are better players in general the dynamic is interesting to see .

One of the big reasons tsm were successful at their peak was his firepower but one of the main reasons they were falling for a whole 2 years was tsm's decision making where wardell was literally one of the biggest contributors to that problem. Hope he can take this experience to try to get feedback from a good coach and players in the server and improve his decision making

posted about 2 years ago

Only thing i'm worried about is with zombs sentinels actually had a style and at their peak he was literally the rock of their team. Just worried if with kanpeki just because he's a decent player but whos only been in the t2 is if all he adds is firepower and it doesn't help with the fundamentals and just having an effective and unique style.

posted about 2 years ago

tsm has literally been irrelevant since first strike bro. They've qualed for 1 main event since and just bombed out last

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

yall both suck

posted about 2 years ago

bro zmm would be best team na if they didn't throw every second round

posted about 2 years ago

bruh they were baiting like crazy the whole first half. Probably just nerves and being undecisive for their first game tho

posted about 2 years ago

i'm confused so the team chose a reyna player to be their main sentinel over a player that can play chamber, killjoy and viper.

posted about 2 years ago

100t players baiting? no way

posted about 2 years ago

I guess the question is if there is a higher risk/reward for staying in NA or going to Korea. Eventually, if they are trying to succeed in NA and the team is literally stuck in the t2/t3 scene they are going to need to make big moves either staff/player wise. Like if instead of trying to invest all this time and resources trying to rebuild and having the slightest chance to break into such a top-heavy NA scene is if it would be better to invest in another scene that has so much potential, lower salaries, and their org is literally based in Korea. They probably already have the connections, resources and everything set up that could help build a good in Korea. Like they already had a Korean val team before too. If viewership/brand exposure is a problem, how could they care about that if the NA team can't even get anywhere close to getting viewership? It's risky but a succeeding Korean t1 team in Korea under the brand of T1 is gonna attract more viewers than a team that can't compete. A spot in Korea's main event is literally free real estate for an org like T1 and with other Korean orgs supposedly finding interest in the scene wouldn't it be better for t1 as a top Korean org to be the front runner in entering the scene? It would validate the other orgs interest and they're probably gonna be guaranteed as a future partner in the region. If they invest while the number of teams are growing and names are popping up left and right they're probably going to be seen as a team that helped build the region's scene by riot too. Eh

posted about 2 years ago

ghost v1 winner of sen/lg knights

posted about 2 years ago

faze valorant content bout to be insane with dicey and shanks ngl

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

technically not delusional until it becomes impossible so aight I support
Definitely have roster that can compete in vct closed but just depends if they show in quals or not

posted about 2 years ago

Only big question mark for me is how good is this new Gen. G. The core is good and the new players are good. They can go from an A tier team to just flopping again so hope they have a good showing at least if they don't make it early.

posted about 2 years ago

Uppers v1 and Lg
lowers ghost/sen and Nrg

posted about 2 years ago
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