Flag: United States
Registered: February 20, 2024
Last post: May 27, 2024 at 10:37 AM
Posts: 147
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your a shitter pussy

posted 3 months ago

i promise you replace nzr or any initiator with c0m and lev still wont win that

posted 3 months ago

obviously hes gonna defend his son are you a retard

posted 3 months ago

kill yourself bruh

posted 3 months ago

2/3 of those teams are instantly getting destroyed in playoffs lmao

posted 3 months ago

you shitters always always complain about every castor baby and doug are doing fine

posted 3 months ago

no ones crying lmao we got won back to back

posted 3 months ago

c0m is better than all of you shitters

posted 3 months ago

honestly tex was already a demon he just had to get used to senti role

posted 3 months ago

yessir lev also look a lot better and i feel like tex is getting better and better every match

posted 3 months ago

i think people forgot drx ascent was also insane

posted 3 months ago

c0m is the goat keep crying shitters

posted 3 months ago

no sacy is sort of like c0m has very good util but aim is questionable at times still very impactful players if you dont look at just kills like most idiots on here do

posted 3 months ago


posted 3 months ago

demon1 cant play raze

posted 3 months ago

"almost losing" hahahahaha

posted 3 months ago

no they literally just won but try again

posted 3 months ago

na just won back to back lmao they won 1 match in madrid lolololol

posted 3 months ago

thats why emea only won 1 game in madrid right and that was to fpx hahahahaha

posted 3 months ago

what about sen losing a map to heretics in madrid? It wasnt an embarrasment for them why would it suddenly be an embarrassment from g2

posted 3 months ago

your a retard

posted 3 months ago

marved shits on entire sen roster btw

posted 3 months ago

i havent been keeping up but did fns just join g2 as a content creator so how would he be in nrg

posted 3 months ago

your actually braindead if you think that

posted 4 months ago

saadahk very good igl but will be mesh well with nrg core?

posted 4 months ago

what im saying bro like all 5 players currently are world class level what makes them think that bringing two more world class players will change anything
there will still be no synergy

posted 4 months ago

this roster isnt gonna be good either
another 5 fantastic players that will have no synergy

posted 4 months ago

what? johnqt had all of 2023 playing professionally with m80 and even had LAN experience playing ascension in brazil
this is literally the worst comparision of all time

posted 4 months ago

victor was half the reason they even won any games this split idk what your on about

posted 4 months ago

hes new relax nerd

posted 4 months ago

still better than all of liquid

posted 4 months ago

rossy is insane your dumb

posted 4 months ago

now he is sex

posted 4 months ago

karmine corp are washed aura

posted 4 months ago

shut up pussy

posted 4 months ago

all this loser does is complain and say cry free when no ones crying lmao

posted 4 months ago

also demon1 with longer hair and a beard looks good

posted 4 months ago

cloud c9 flair shitter

posted 4 months ago

stellar, ethan, cryo, s0m, trent, eeiu, less, forsaken, xcurrate, g2 mary, boaster, marteen, shao, keiko, jamppi, johnqt
just off the top of my head

posted 4 months ago

did you even watch the games? he was prob the best player on tsm before he retired and he was doing good on nrg too

posted 4 months ago

your just a loser then tf

posted 4 months ago

still destroyed kru lolololololol

posted 4 months ago

they didnt carry lmao tex had the most kills in the grand finals of ascension tied with zander

posted 4 months ago

his stats would be crazy if he was on jett but obviously he isnt gonna play that when theres aspas on his team but instead they put him on senti which is fine but hes been getting better

posted 4 months ago

its not like hes playing bad tho

posted 4 months ago

ya your a retard

posted 4 months ago

only he gets away with this shit

posted 4 months ago

most braindead take ive ever heard

posted 4 months ago

he was was lmao

posted 4 months ago

i mean if your on a team with aspas king and mazino who are very aggressive players in their role your probably not gonna have as much impact

posted 4 months ago
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