Flag: China
Registered: August 11, 2023
Last post: November 5, 2023 at 2:44 PM
Posts: 39

but the kill differential is huge. rounds fnc won weren't close, rounds c9 won consistently came down to the wire. variance was heavily on c9's side this game, and they still lost...

posted 6 months ago

ok but it wasn't close tho, fnc was +47 in kills, +13 in fb's. the maps c9 won were close, the maps fnc won were stomps.

posted 6 months ago


got the they're right, but still got caught lacking

posted 7 months ago

not sure what you're trying to say

sub 30% english literacy means that less than 1 in 3 speak english no?

br and latam speak portuguese or whatever language is prevalent in their country, hence theres no language barrier. nordic countries are very good at speaking english, but sub 30% english literacy is NOT good, especially when everyone speaks different languages natively.

are you trying to say that language barriers don't exist in european teams? because they definitely do...

edit: nevermind, i get your point. yeah, language barriers definitely contribute to why sacy and pancada struggled in sen. it's no surprise when its just the two of them in a clutch that they speak portuguese instead

posted 7 months ago

scream no 1. easy, no question. that guy is a walking highlight reel - inconsistent, but hits the most godly clips

posted 7 months ago

but... statistics don't mean anything without interpretation?

the skill-rank relation isn't linear, having double your rr doesn't mean you're 2x more skilled. just cause you're 95th percentile doesn't mean you're good if it takes like 2-300 hours of gameplay from 0 fps experience to get there...

when i play with friends i legit cannot tell whether i'm in a silver or diamond game until post-match, literally just a bit of gamesense will let you climb to at least asc.

posted 7 months ago

euw, peaked immo2 episode 5 act 3

posted 7 months ago

skill isn't linear though

like, iron - asc is literally all the same, i climbed to immo2 55%wr with a negative kd (shit aim) with nothing but basic gamesense

i define being decent at the game when you can hold you own against any non-professional.

posted 7 months ago

ascendant and below is low elo
immo1-low immo3 mid elo
high immo3-radiant actually good at the game

posted 7 months ago

its not. if both sides are of equal skill, iso has a 72.5% of winning the aim duel. wall formation heavily favours iso.

posted 7 months ago

nah but legit, china is one of the safest countries in the world. people don't even consider street crime in their day to day lives (ofc financial fraud and stuff is a problem but i'm talking robberies etc). the constant surveillance means that people can't get away with crimes as easily as elsewhere. the country has its problems, but safety is definitely not one of them.

posted 7 months ago
  1. eu - hardest
  2. apac
  3. kr/oce
  4. br
  5. na - easiest
posted 7 months ago

vlr formatting

skull emoji x9

posted 8 months ago

no 5. fit1nho
guy is cracked, watch out for him

no 4. jingg
rest in peace

no 3. aspas
self-explanatory, unmatched consistency

no 2. demon1
probably only here due to recency bias

no 1. keznit
ever seen a man singlehandedly deadlift a team through lcq to make champs?

posted 8 months ago

most skilled vlr player

posted 8 months ago

'best and most qualified'...
ya'll lost to kru (who lost to giants) and billy gaming

posted 9 months ago

soulcas isn't the problem. he has great aim and genuinely good utility usage, just cracks under pressure. stop changing the roster and let them play, they all have the talent just need to iron out inconsistencies. get a few wins under their name, get confidence up and they'll be the superteam they promised to be.

posted 9 months ago

rip twisten

posted 9 months ago
  1. s1mple
  2. m0nesy
  3. scream
posted 9 months ago

na one team region lul

posted 9 months ago

kangkang kills something there..

posted 9 months ago

he fumbled

posted 9 months ago

also best talents are playing cs


like this kid is faster than demon1 ever will be

posted 9 months ago

less about shit talk and more about being likeable - kangkang also shit talks but everyone loves him cause of the way he acts, and his taunts are actually funny and entertaining

posted 9 months ago

which of the following regions have equal or more trophies than chronicle:

  1. NA
  2. SA
  3. APAC
  4. CN
  5. none of the above
posted 9 months ago

that guy has more trophies than ur region

posted 9 months ago

what ranks

posted 9 months ago

ok i hate na as much as the next guy but its obviously bait lmao

posted 9 months ago

chichoo (nats jr.) > less

posted 9 months ago

saadhak about to walk into ange1 judge but crowd scared him away??

posted 9 months ago

sa mb was only thinking br then remembered keznit

posted 9 months ago

na: eg is competitive, nrg got gamed by billy, entire lcq (c9, 100t, sen, whatever clout team is playing there) got rolled by kru which lost to giants, who apparently isn't a team so therefore they all aren't teams. one team region.

sa: loud, thats it. literally. ok + keznit 1.2 team region.

apac: ok maybe prx drx but prx is still heavy favoured drx still need to prove they haven't fallen off a cliff. one and a half team region.

china: edg one team region

eu: fnatic by far best team world, navi maybe competitive. one team region sure but so is every other region lol.

like people act like having a 'best team in region' and a couple underdogs is somehow a diss as if that isn't the case in everywhere.

posted 9 months ago