Flag: United Kingdom
Registered: May 2, 2022
Last post: January 9, 2023 at 3:57 PM
Posts: 7

Trick will drop 50 per match, the other team will be crying, not because of the sadness of loosing 13-0 13-0, but tears of joy of having the privilege being able to witness such greatness. I hope Ganaccis do not feel to bad for loosing, it happens to every team that crosses zexdogs path

posted about a year ago

DarkRatio the goats with TrickAIM and Zexdog will easily win 13-0, at least, maybe they will just ff to save time and I wouldn't blame them. 2-0 LFG

posted about a year ago

bro hasn't even put in the other team hes so confidence

posted about 2 years ago

DZ 2-1 reverse sweep Trick drops a 40 map 2 Zex drops a 45-8 map 3 ezzzzz

posted about 2 years ago