Flag: Czech Republic
Registered: December 2, 2020
Last post: January 17, 2023 at 4:55 PM
Posts: 10

What a L format :sadpepe:

posted about a year ago

if u are casual player then prolly yes

posted about a year ago

In terms of best competitive CoD´s it´s pretty easy...

  1. CoD4 - Promod
  2. CoD2
  3. CoD1
    Everything after COD4 was pretty much garbage for consoles.
posted about a year ago

where did u get that info?

posted about a year ago

yee but i would like to know f.e. how it went there when they had high numbers of new daily cases

posted about 2 years ago

Heyy, is here any vietnamese guy preferably from Hanoi that could answer me some question in dm about the city and covid situation there? I´m thinking about going there to study at one university for half year and would love to get some local pov.
Thanks guys and have a great day!^^

posted about 2 years ago

I´m not saying EU has the best meta but even NA are starting to play their comps f.e. FNATIC´s Bind so that says something.

posted about 3 years ago

Brazil meta is so outdated, they will get rekt in Iceland. no h8

posted about 3 years ago


posted about 3 years ago