Flag: United States
Registered: May 25, 2021
Last post: September 16, 2022 at 11:14 PM
Posts: 15

or… optic wins
loud loses to their rival yet again when it mattered most

now loud is back in the homeland for another chance at vengeance

the crowd favorite hometown hero underdog against their rival

posted about a year ago

in pro play its super defense sided

posted about a year ago

you are genuinely a weird person not to mention the racism

posted about a year ago

the dickriding is crazy

posted about a year ago

im on summer rn so not as often

posted about a year ago

marved is a weird one for me
i feel since optic/envy hes toned down a lot of that bravado and ostentation he had earlier
id put him under confident category (and for good reason)

posted about a year ago

guy pulled out the yabujin thats crazy LMFAO

posted about a year ago

i swear u were the one that said akrew farmed them and will farm then again? LMFAO infinite excuse glitch

posted about 2 years ago

something more similar to the dynamic between the main leads in bunny girl would prob be like :
monogatari series
or oregairu series

id prob recommend these two in place of golden time if youre looking for a more similar experience. the shows are still very much different but they provide the same level type of chemistry between the male lead and female lead(s).

edit to add the word, to

posted about 2 years ago

steins gate for actual solid plot and writing (also not 100+ eps)

clover for ur avg sorta generic shounen until wayy later. generally youd want to read clover

this is such a weird comparison tho LMFAO

posted about 2 years ago

its been trending recently but no longer human by osamu dazai is such an interesting read. shits short too.

kinda one of those first books from that gateway of anime/manga into literature.

book is an semi-autobiography that is a great depiction of depression, social alienation, and maybe almost depersonalization?

great read helped me a lot

posted about 2 years ago

yung lean or deftones
im1 rn

posted about 2 years ago

that experience and lan fortitude should be accounted for when considering who the better team is. so for now, skill wise, obviously gambit > but as a whole? 100t>

posted about 2 years ago

100t > nv right now but nv for sure has higher potential going into berlin

posted about 2 years ago