Flag: China
Registered: August 2, 2021
Last post: October 13, 2021 at 7:00 AM
Posts: 17

I don't even know what's interesting about SEA

posted about 2 years ago

Korea is not that good in games like valo/csgo, stop overating Korea

posted about 2 years ago

well csgo is much better than valorat which is helped because riot cares, wait if the valve acts / releases source 2 and valorant will die for sure.

posted about 2 years ago

valorant is basically not a new game but csgo is ripped off, of course a country with a good history in csgo will be a strong region also in valorant, china is weak in csgo and you know what the conclusion is

posted about 2 years ago

I hope this game die soon so Riot can learn

posted about 2 years ago

will valorante dead now ?

posted about 2 years ago

agree with you, that's also why Asia looks bad in csgo because there are other fps (CF, Sudden attack, PB) which are more dominating than csgo in the region. Look at pubg which is also popular in Asia, the Asian team is the top tier not inferior to EU/NA.

posted about 2 years ago

why does the EU always bring things related to csgo in this forum? stfckkkk

posted about 2 years ago

tbh Valorant communities are small in both Korea and cis

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

Anyone with two eyes and a pair of brain cells to rub togeter can see Valorant is an explicit cs clone. in fact If you dropped the best CS:GO players into a Valorant lobby, they would proves valorant ez mode csgo with ability

posted about 2 years ago

china is very dominant in crossfire, and top tier team in pubg. you just don't know fps games not only csgo

posted about 2 years ago

Korean people mainly fps game is sudden attack and csgo died there

posted about 2 years ago

and dota2

posted about 2 years ago

carlos doing watch party with kyedae??

posted about 2 years ago

People think korea is strong because they know korean team is strong in OW or PUBG, but valorant is not as popular as those 2 games in korea, so korean valorant team will be easily defeated by not even top tier NA or EU team.

posted about 2 years ago

I have a suggestion to put the player cam overlay instead of covering the defender/attacker symbol agent, it's better to put it beside the symbols, also includes the team logo under the player cam to make it easier for player A or B because reflexes to see are faster than just reading a name writing in case of a quick exchange during the game. how do you think guys?

posted about 2 years ago