Flag: Iceland
Registered: March 4, 2021
Last post: October 9, 2022 at 12:13 AM
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Literally the same as you, I really want to see these teams in Champions

posted about 2 years ago


There's too much talent in Brazil, but they're all spreaded in "good teams", not SUPERTEAMS.

posted about 2 years ago

HL 2-0 CR

HL played well against 100T (at least in the beginning of the series), so I don't expect them to lose this match (I wish to).

posted about 2 years ago

I said that Heat was going to Jett diff this game, he did it (not too much, but played better than all the other players on server), but I wasn't expecting them to lose that Icebox, so sad

You guys need to watch some VCT BR matches, there's more duelists here like Heat and Murizzz, but unfortanely their teams are not that good overall.

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

G2 2-1 F4Q
HL 2-1 100T

posted about 2 years ago

Havan Liberty and F4Q, but I think they'll surprise everybody for good.

posted about 2 years ago

In the press conference, Heat said that VK was doing really well against the EMEA teams, and he said in stream that G2 was the toughest at the moment.

posted about 2 years ago

HL likes to play with 3 initiators just like the 100T, I would even say they have improved more than the 100T from using it for a long time, their game is more tactical and focused on pure information and mastery map control, they literally have the player with the highest percentage of headshots in the world currently (Myssen with 43%) and are a team based on momentum just like the Vivo Keyd, but way more tactical.

posted about 2 years ago

Nothing new to us :V

posted about 2 years ago

Scrims are scrims, Vikings in Iceland 13-1 Liquid in scrims and even so got smashed in the tournament, so that means nothing.

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

true, the brazilian players are really good, but a brain is missing I guess. Most of NA and EMEA teams came from tier 2/tier 1 CS players, nobody (except AbleJ) from tier 2/tier 1 brazilian CS came to Valorant, so a lot of experience and game sense are missing in the region and players.

posted about 2 years ago

Sempre, tem que lembrar que antes de dominarmos o mundo, sempre aprendemos com eles primeiro. Não precisamos ter pressa, no CS demorou uns anos, no PB demorou uns anos, no R6 demorou mas todo mundo sabe que UMA HORA CHEGA.

posted about 2 years ago

Who is FiveK?

posted about 2 years ago

Mlk tô hypado pra caralho kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk, sinto q dessa vez pelo menos vamo amassar uns cara.


posted about 2 years ago

2-0 VK

Heat will Jett diff this game and they'll stomp if Breeze or Split be played.

posted about 2 years ago

I think HL will qualify through lowers, but I wouldn't be surprise if some upset happen here and HL took the win.

What I'm expecting: 2-1 100T
What can happen: 2-1 HL

The two teams qualified: probably HL and Gambit, cuz Havan Liberty likes a lot to play rematches, and I think they'll win against 100T in the lower finals.

posted about 2 years ago

I think that mwzera is on the same situation that Tenz was. He's a insane player but in the wrong team. Brazil started this year to create superteams that can compete against his aim (let'sbe fair, most of the fame from Gamelanders came from his perfomance in the tournaments). He still needs to show that same skill in international competition. Tenz proved, cNed literally are in the most competitive region rn and proved himself, mwzera are stuck in the probably third most competitive region. So without proofs, we can't argue if he's the best or not, just wait.

posted about 2 years ago

Gringão infelizmente tem razão, cenário br ta decadente msm ... O "melhor do mundo" q nois fala não consegue ganhar da SHK (time q tomou espanco até pra KRU na islândia e que não conseguiu fazer mais do que 6 rounds em todos os outros mapas) ... Berlim vai ser mais uma vergonha

posted about 2 years ago

agree, all of the First Class members should prove themselves in Berlin, at least I want them to.

posted about 2 years ago

Vision Strikers and Nuturn can compete against top teams from NA, EU and BR, but the scene are very very weak. In terms of competitiveness (regions):
2- NA
3- BR
4- KR

posted about 2 years ago

NA: SEN, C9B and 100T
EMEA: Acend, Fnatic, Gambit and FPX
BR: Gamelanders and Team Vikings
JPN: Absolute Jupiter and Crazy Racoons
KR: Vision Strikers and Nuturn Gaming
SEA: X10 and someone else, idk
LATAM: KRU Esports

posted about 3 years ago


posted about 3 years ago

We have Masters Berlin and Champions to see them playing against each other, if Gamelanders win Challengers Finals in Brazil and go well in Masters 3, they probably are qualified for Champions. I really want to see cNed, Mwzera, TenZ and Lakia playing.

posted about 3 years ago

Finally he exploded all expectations, from a CS:GO choker to Valorant best player in the world. Now, Sentinels are the first team qualified for Valorant Champions, Riot said that if Team Vikings, X10 Esports or Sentinels win the Masters Reykjavik, they'll be qualified for Champions.

posted about 3 years ago

Sentinels > Fnatic > Nuturn > Version 1 > Team Liquid > Team Vikings

1- EU
2- NA
3- KR

posted about 3 years ago

Legends, big F

posted about 3 years ago

imagine having TenZ, Sick, Mwzera, Jonn, Sacy, Scream, Derke, Doma, cNed, Rb, Lakia etc. in the same tournament, I really hope they can qualify to Berlin.

posted about 3 years ago

Another incredible match, I'll cheer for my country so 2-1 VKS with 2 OT's and 1 13-11.

posted about 3 years ago

2 from NA, 1 from BR and 1 from KR, it looks like the fast pace meta it's stronger than EU slower style.

posted about 3 years ago

Agree, it's a incredible proof that their Haven is REALLY strong, today Crazy Raccoon and Sharks surprised me, Kru and V1 creates a GIANT question mark about their performance, but in the end everybody knew who's gonna win.

posted about 3 years ago

3/3 in my mind
2/3 in my heart

Tbh I expected Sharks to lose this match 2-1, but obviously I was cheering af for them. Tomorrow the only match that might be a hard one to predict it's Fnatic and Sentinels, but the other 2 games are kinda easy.

posted about 3 years ago

yeah, the players in Brazil say that Mwzera individually are the best player, Sacy and Saadhak said in Platchat, if mwzera it's online, Gamelanders don't care if you're a team that hold sites and play strategically, they will just blow the head of all your teammates and win the match.

posted about 3 years ago

Coldzera played League for a lot, he was Diamond 1

posted about 3 years ago

Scrims can be good indications of what to expect from the teams, but they definitely are not possible to spike results before the tournament. In international tournaments, scrims are usually used to make teams' first impressions of each other

posted about 3 years ago

Na verdade não, nas regras da Riot falou que tu só pode ter 1 time por região e gênero sob a mesma marca/empresa, tanto que por isso a Mibr ainda não tem time de Valorant, pq eles fazem parte da Immortals que tem time no NA. Mch e outra rapaziada já tinha falado sobre isso, então os times irão se fundir.

posted about 3 years ago

Yeah, some players are saying that Nuturn is good, other saying they're bad as fuck, another people saying that Vikings and Sentinels are the best teams out of EMEA, others saying that Vikings is "ok". With the ping and FPS problems, we'll actually have to wait the tournament start.

posted about 3 years ago

actually I think that's a good comp, but need more buffs to Yoru

posted about 3 years ago

What I'm curious about the Masters 2 it's about Yoru. South American teams plays him a lot (Team Vikings Ascent with Yoru, Viper, Astra, Sova and one flex), so actually if they put some strong games against other top teams I see other regions trying to copy or adapt, so it's going to be interesting. So about the Masters 3 Berlin, I'm very confident that the meta are going to shift hard after some changes after Iceland and Breeze entering in the map pool, and IF the meta return to the fast pace double duelist or double dive comp, probably we're going to see some oldnames coming back. If I was predicting, I'll say Gamelanders and Team Vikings are going to Berlin, Acend and FPX may return and the other 2 teams from EMEA should depend from the Iceland results (if Fnatic or TL have a good run or winning it all, they'll probably make it to Berlin too), Vision Strikers and DWG KIA going from Korea and another teams running to the Masters 3. I'm very excited.

posted about 3 years ago

I think that the top teams (TL, FNC, SEN and VKS) can choke and then start a glorious deathmatch to see who are going to survive until the finals against some random team (CR, NUTURN, X10 or KRU idk).

posted about 3 years ago

1- FNC
2- TL
3- VKS
4- SEN
5- SHK
6- NUT

posted about 3 years ago

Everything is possible, I think that Team Vikings have a good chance of getting in the upper finals, but if Sharks win against Team Liquid, they'll turn into a title contender imo.

posted about 3 years ago

Actually yes, they've released. Champions will have:

By circuit points:
NA: 2 slots
EMEA: 2 slots
BR: 2 slots
LATAM: 1 slot
Japan: 1 slot
SEA: 2 slots
KR: 1 slot

by Last Chance Qualify:
NA: 1 slot
EMEA: 1 slot
ASIA: 1 slot
SA: 1 slot

by winning Masters 3 Berlim:
1 slot for the winner

source: https://liquipedia.net/valorant/VALORANT_Champions_Tour/2021/Champions

posted about 3 years ago

I don't think that's a good idea, because Team Vikings and Gamelanders have a very different playstyle, Gamelanders choose to put their two duelists to shine, with the other 3 members of the team supporting them, Team Vikings it's literally the inverse, they make their duelist to give space for the support players, and then they control the site. Mw's playstyle combine more with the Gamelanders than the Team Vikings.

posted about 3 years ago


posted about 3 years ago

I think the first problem in this scenario are the distance between the countries. Brazil are FUCKING miles away from Mexico, it's not like Canada playing with USA, it's like USA was forced to play against a team from EUW. Also, the brazilian playerbase are higher than the LATAM. I agree that EMEA having only 2 spots it's bizarre, should be at least 4, but saying that Brazil should play with LATAM (North and South) it's too much. In those countries we don't have the infraestructure to play without ping/internet overall issues, remember that ALL the LATAM region (including Brazil) are underdeveloped countries, and not a global economic region like NA/EU/ASIA.

posted about 3 years ago
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