Flag: Iceland
Registered: March 4, 2021
Last post: October 9, 2022 at 12:13 AM
Posts: 412
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true kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk even I forgot about them when ppl say about BR teams in international stage. Their run was just a fluke

posted about 2 years ago

Imo if they're going to do this, they need to add in all regions aswell OR the match between seed 1 from LATAM and seed 1 from BR to decide, because LATAM as a region didn't acomplished anything just like Brazil, only KRU. So a match between KRU and BR seed 1 to decide the TOP SEED in Masters would be more fair than putting seed 2 from each region and let them battle.

If not that, maybe putting
EMEA 1 (pot 1)
NA 1 (pot 1)
KR 1 (pot 1)
SEA 1 (pot 1)
JP 1 (pot 2)
BR 1 (pot 2)
LATAM 1 (pot 2)
EMEA 2 (pot 2)

already in group stage, then other lower seeds need to do an "Play-in phase" just like League u know?

posted about 2 years ago

I don't think Riot's going to transfer the slot to other region. They'll probably add like Masters Berlin, but maybe with 20-24 teams next year. With COVID and the Ukraine crisis is hard to do big LAN events, even Worlds have struggled in the last 2 years. Every region should have at least 2 spots in Masters/Champions.

posted about 2 years ago

I'm saying for this year, not last year.

posted about 2 years ago

actually 1 spot, the other 2 goes to the LCQ finalists.

posted about 2 years ago

xand até tentou, chamou a responsa, mas o Jonn principalmente não apareceu hoje, principalmente na Icebox. Cauanzin emocionou mas era esperado pela idade e falta de experiência, Bnj não entrou na Fracture, ficou só nas costas do xand tentar pegar alguém de operator e o Bezn1 matar 30.

posted about 2 years ago

Nunca vi uma entregada tão sinistra desde VKS x GMB
Cauanzin DE ULTIMATE rushou e morreu querendo rushar nos caras

Mas tá ok, tomamos outra virada e novamente pelo mesmo motivo: falta de noção de jogo
Cauanzin tem 16 anos, então não dá pra botar 100% na conta dele, além do time ter sido montado faz 3 meses. Boa campanha pra quem surgiu há pouco tempo, mas entregaram por erros básicos NOVAMENTE.

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

Mw and Aspas still better, but when it comes to Jett entry fragging he enters as top 3.

posted about 2 years ago

not actually, but there's a plenty of different foods that we eat with tortillas.

posted about 2 years ago

tortilha is good, but isn't from Brazil

posted about 2 years ago

when NA or EMEA win.

posted about 2 years ago

PRX owns NA I'm pretty sure

posted about 2 years ago

hot take: XIA, NIP/ZETA, DRX, PRX and LOUD will make it throught lowers/uppers and be the new top TOP 5

posted about 2 years ago

That's expected tho, but I'm curious to see the playoff teams playing, how these 4 days watching changed them.

posted about 2 years ago

Sim, fora que o mais engraçado é os melhores jogadores nossos que estão na LOUD adaptaram coisas de outros jogos. Sacy trouxe a filosofia por trás dos times de LoL envolvendo treino e seriedade, já que lá é uma pura várzea e ele não quer que isso se repita, Saadhak trazendo experiência do Paladins pro time que complementa muito do conhecimento geral do Sacy no LoL, por aí vai. Eu como ex-jogador de MOBA sei como é importante ter o costume de saber jogar com todos os bonecos, saber pelo menos o dano ou o tempo de recarga de cada habilidade, cada item que o adversário está comprando e cada movimentação inimiga no mini-mapa, coisas que no Valorant você pode adaptar para saber o tempo de recarga de cada habilidade, os setups de cada agente em cada mapa, as estratégias básicas de cada composição, a química entre agentes e por aí vai. Precisamos de mais jogadores com noção de jogo, não precisamos de jogadores com mira boa.

posted about 2 years ago

O Brasil tem um déficit nítido em noção de jogo, mas não significa que não pecam em tático. O nosso tático deve sim, não digo que é um giga gap como todos dizem, mas tem um pequeno gap, principalmente por conta dos times não terem noção de game. A quantidade de rounds que poderiam ser solucionados com mind games simples não tá escrito. O Brasil precisa aprender os conceitos básicos, porém não acho que nosso tático esteja ao nível da DRX ou dos times da EMEA. Certamente podemos arregaçar qualquer outra região nesse quesito, mas dificilmente vejo um time BR além da LOUD derrotando qualquer time de região major num jogo onde ambos os times estejam 100%.

posted about 2 years ago

If ZETA win, I'm happy
if NIP win, I'm happy too

I'm just happy to be here

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

lmao true, but watching T1 in finals is always good, ma boi faker looking straight to the next trophy

posted about 2 years ago

I don't know why T1 left KR in Valorant. Their NA rosters smells like shit (with due respect)

posted about 2 years ago

Riot loves to make an LPL vs LCK in finals EVERY FUCKING TIME

posted about 2 years ago

O próprio Bzka falou que era pra LOUD ter perdido aquela série, só não perderam pela sorte.

posted about 2 years ago

Parece que o grupo A realmente era mais fraco que o grupo B. Ansioso pra assistir LOUD contra VK/NIP/FUR

posted about 2 years ago

Mlk deitou em cima da Envy e da Acend, tu acha mesmo que ele vai respeitar time BR? Kkkkkkk nunca respeitou e n vai ser agora q vai valorizar

posted about 2 years ago

I don't think KR is way better than BR, but certainly the past results are better than BR. Even with KR being a 1 team region, they at least went playoffs 1 time. BR litteraly fell from heaven to hell in two days. From Furia throwing against Sentinels, Keyd "winning" against Acend and Vikings 1 round away from taking down Gambit to losing 2-0 for SEA teams and being eliminated AGAIN for KRU.

To say BR > KR we need time.

posted about 2 years ago

Zombs consistent as always sheeeeeesh

Still negative

posted about 2 years ago

Actually this time it wasn't our fault

posted about 2 years ago

How many majors does Hiko have? He'll soon be replaced in Valorant, washed af

posted about 2 years ago

Hoje só tem jogão

VK 2-0 SHK
NIP 2-1 FUR (VERY close matches, I expect at least 1 or 2 OTs)

posted about 2 years ago

Furia vs Gamelanders (Masters 1 Regional Semifinals)
Almost quadruple OT, back to back clutches and all players just pressing W with insane aim.

posted about 2 years ago

-NIP and +LOUD

LATAM = Leviathan

posted about 2 years ago

KRU will change in some things, maybe they will not continue to be the best team from LATAM. Leviathan (ex-Australs) are looking stronger imo. But I agree, it looks like KRU/AUS + 3 BR teams, I can't see LOUD/VK/NIP/MIBR losing to any LATAM team outside these two.

posted about 2 years ago

Exaclty, that's the point. Why they didn't increase the slots, why only 12 teams? Wtf is that man

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

Yeah, like NA just won Iceland when nobody knew how to play the game, almost don't goes to Champions playoffs and have the same slots as EMEA? Wtf?

posted about 2 years ago

Also I think the LCQ slots will be Brazilians, I can't see LOUD, VK, NIP, FUR or MIBR losing to LATAM teams.

posted about 2 years ago

So the Champions will continue to be a Masters but with more prize pool. What a shame honestly, I can see the 2/3 slots from NA, but 3 for EMEA? There's litteraly like 20 teams top tier fighting each other to see who's going to take the spots, why don't increase the slots? BR and LATAM sharing slots I honestly liked, fair when comparing the results from KRU and the BR teams, but the rest is just no sense.

posted about 2 years ago

Australs won against FUR n the first round with all maps going to 13-10/OT

Australs won against SHK with all maps going to 13-11/OT

Australs won against HL with all maps going toe-to-toe

Australs lost the finals for 13-2/13-5 against FUR

If AUS have played against GLB in semis, they would lost. Gamelanders Blue was the only team to play toe-to-toe against FUR in LCQ, when AUS almost crumbled in the first round against FUR.

posted about 2 years ago

The only team from LATAM to win against BR was KRU

BR smashed all of the TOP 2-4 LATAM teams in LCQ

posted about 2 years ago

VK beat Zeta
CR beat Havan
VKS beat CR

BR 2-1 JPN

VKS beat X10
X10 beat VK
TS beat VKS

SEA 2-1 BR

posted about 2 years ago


Diamond 3 (BR)
Unrated (JPN)

posted about 2 years ago

He did well in Champs, but not even close to what he have done with duelists.

posted about 2 years ago

O contrato do Mw não estava encerrado, ele mesmo disse em live que o contrato com a GL era até final de 2022. A VK comprou ele e pagou a multa do contrato.

posted about 2 years ago

Vikings beat X10 in Iceland and CR in Champions, almost won against Gambit (winner Masters 3 and finalist at Champions)

VK beat Zeta Division and almost won against Envy (finalist Masters Berlin) and Acend (winner Champions)

Brazil won against ALL LATAM teams from LCQ outside KRU

VS and KRU are the teams that are WAY ahead than their region.

posted about 2 years ago

KRU against BR teams: fuck yeah

KRU next day: oh shit, Keznit u will need to show up

posted about 2 years ago

He's constantly bottom fragging, wdym?

posted about 2 years ago
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