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Registered: May 1, 2022
Last post: March 10, 2023 at 10:08 AM
Posts: 142
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Wait NA LCQ had live audience??

posted about 2 years ago

Sen will probably be humiliated. I hope it won't be like a 13-2 or something

posted about 2 years ago

This maybe be a hot take but I feel very few people care about players of teams like TSM, XSET or even 100t.Like honestly who tf cares about rossy or gmd. Even in 100t its not like the players' viewership has suddenly spiked. I think the only exceptions are subroza and hiko ( retired). I think the ONLY clout team in the truest sense of the word is SENTINELS and maybe optic

posted about 2 years ago

Can u read kid? i told u to stop thinking about them

posted about 2 years ago

Tell you what- Stop thinking about them and find a new team to support. we shouldn't support them till they drop Shazam or atleast remove him as IGL

posted about 2 years ago

bruh I dont think the hate is because of not performing its because they refuse to make any big change as an organization despite repeated failures and the attitude of the players( shazam mainly). If u look at their recent matches u could see that in many rounds they played worse than ranked players for example tenz would dash into the site and rest of them are stuck in A main and die 1 by 1.

posted about 2 years ago

Did anyone see his recent streams ? The guy actually fell hard. He used to have 12-13k subs and now he's somehow managing to stay at 6.5k subs. His viewership was always very low tho .
Dont know how he got so many subs

posted about 2 years ago

The problem with not franchising is that there's no stability in the system and so all the tier-1 teams will bleed money for a few years and then leave the game when they can no longer afford to. Franchising means more consistent eyeballs on the top teams which help with sponsorship deals etc. and lets be honest- majority of the people just want their teams to play and win they dont care abt the cinderella stories

posted about 2 years ago

Thanks for the replies. I guess most top pros in tier 1 teams won't face problems as they'll get returns on investments and also they can easily switch to roles like coaching or other management positions. Still I think its fair to say that their earnings will only decrease not increase as their twitch viewers will dec in their 30s and 40s(for most) and unless they hit some jackpot with their investment it probably won't be comparable to their current earnings

posted about 2 years ago

How do pro gamers survive post their 30s and into their 40s and 50s. I am sure most pros will peak between ages 20 and 27 or even lower and earn mostly in these years. Even if they earn around 300k per year is it enough for the next 30 or 40 years?

posted about 2 years ago

Bruh are you high or something? or are u just a hater cuz i didn't see anything logical in your comment. Why are u assuming shaz to stay IGL when i clearly mentioned in my 1st point that they can bring sinatraa in for shaz. That means Shaz is out of the team if it was not clear enough. And regarding chamber i know he addressed it but tell me what do u want him to play. If not chamber he can only play jett or sova no? and clearly both of them are worse options given recent results. Jett is bad because tenz is jett 1 trick and he's carrying them right now.
Regarding sinatraa I don't like his personality but I do like his play style/overall gameplay (whatever that means) and I can guarantee you he's >>>>>>>>>> sova than any other sen player so bringing him and putting shaz on chamber/skye (in case he's not out) should bring net positive value imo. And they don't play skye in all maps anyway so its not like shaz will always be on skye.
I understand that IGLing is the biggest problem in replacing shaz but again whats the harm in trying for 2,3 matches they are not executing some insane strats anyway. Just bench him and put sick on igl duty at least better than keeping shaz on sova with single digit kills

posted about 2 years ago

1head take bro. See their recent bind comp there ain't no Chamber. If u put shaz on jett you have to put tenz on syke/sova and thats gg. Anyways, tenz is literally a jett 1 trick and carrying SEN right now if u take that away he will be nothing. Shaz is having an overall bad tourney I don't think putting him on Jett will do anything good.

posted about 2 years ago

Lol bruh I am surprised thats the only point u got from my post. If you are referring to my 2nd point I implicitly assumed that if Sinatraa comes in Shaz has to play skye OR chamber. I never meant that shaz is good on syke or something. But I can definitely tell u that he is a shit sova right now. and to answer your 2nd part no idt Shaz is good but I find it highly unlikely that he will be replaced. Even in today's stream he was talking to Rawkus as if he recruited him. What a shitty attitude

posted about 2 years ago

Bruh almost all your arguments are already addressed in my post(not explicitly)

  1. Shaz is a shit igl now so i am assuming 1 of the other 5 can manage (for short term)
  2. wdym doesn't like? i know he said that but so what ? there are igls who play even neon it may take some adjusting but whats the harm in trying
  3. So whats your solution ? to not change roles "AGAIN" and let shaz remain in his comfort role?
  4. This I can agree but I never said that kanpeki was bad awper ,I said that shaz was performing really bad and if he's a good awper why not use his strengths for the better. He was actually in single digit kills in one of the maps. Are you sure kanpeki can't do better than that on sova?ofc there are many other important problems but the shaz problem is definitely imp.
posted about 2 years ago

what's the problem dude? u think shaz is good on sova?

posted about 2 years ago

I know there are countless threads on this topic already but this one is for discussing solutions not problem. I was looking at sen vs akrew match summary and its obvious and shaz is a key problem if not THE problem. He is continuously bottom fragging and also he sucks as an igl (atleast now). The way i see it there are 2 or 3 ways to address the immediate problem :

  1. bring sinatraa in for shaz as he can definitely play sova better than him
    2.bring sinatraa in for kanpeki and force shaz to play chamber/skye
  2. let knpeki play sova and let shaz play chamber(atleast he is a good awper)
posted about 2 years ago

Ngl Shazam should retire now and make way for some good igl before its too late. Even zombs said in his stream today about how he doesn't listen to anyone but tenz and brought in kanpeki despite team disagreements. If they continue to lose like this , players like sick/dapr may also leave and it will be kind of the end for them

posted about 2 years ago

bruh it cant be that simple right? do u think good smoke players are lining up to be recruited or what

posted about 2 years ago

Nah , by that logic even shaz and dapr are part of the prob. They were prob under pressure to make some change and he was the soft target

posted about 2 years ago

They probably tried knpeki on smokes and he was even worse than his current role

posted about 2 years ago

aight bet

posted about 2 years ago

I don't want to get in the whole guilty vs not guilty debate around sinatraa but setting that aside , is it not obvious that given his experience, talent and mech skills he will be an upgrade to kanpeki or even dapr. Shaz will no longer need to play sova and so dapr can move away from chamber

posted about 2 years ago
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