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Registered: May 1, 2022
Last post: March 10, 2023 at 10:08 AM
Posts: 142
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Probably but isn't it good to have zander on the roster atleast even if he's not the igl. he's a very good fragger

posted about a year ago

It has to be Zander or Valyn hopefully with some coaching they'll be good

posted about a year ago

I wonder which better IGL is still left to be picked. If not sen have to pick him

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

That's what ima saying. If tenz is not answering then sen will have to move away because they can't afford the chaos. we are already seeing players signing left and right what if all of their target players (target tenz replacements) are gone? surely they have to sign right away. Also think from the players' pov -do you think they will wait because sen is not sure if tenz will sign or not? The ONLY way this can happen is that if the player has no other option i.e SEN or NOTHING

posted about a year ago

no bro. His contract will expire end of year. they will have to figure things out right now. rosters will be locked by then. george mentioned that only dapr is fixed no?

posted about a year ago

I think its about cost benefit analysis. They'll lose some clout but they have tarik now. Also tenz might want some insane contract to resign so its possible that sen wants to sell him to get other good players(even if they have less clout)

posted about a year ago

Also sentinels will lose a lot of clout if tenz goes away

posted about a year ago

nah that's very unlikely. there will be too much chaos if tenz suddenly decides not to resign because it will take time to search and sign replacements. He is either out or he will sign immediately

posted about a year ago

Things got a little interesting suddenly with geddes mentioning that SEN will most probably move on from tenz and shaz and zellsis going to c9 . There are still some really good players left in the pool like zander , marved, trent and many xset players. I really hope they are looking for coaches too.

EDIT- Many people are saying that its not Sen but Tenz who is moving away and he doesn't want to resign (or maybe waiting) kinda hard to believe because his only alternative will be EG as c9, 100t and nrg already have their entry fraggers but yeah still its possible

posted about a year ago

Exactly. People forget that he got more than enough time to change things and still couldn't produce results. They were facing the same issues for almost a year Even if we forget everything else this guy literally has no qualities of a leader. Leaders always have to take responsibility even if its the team's fault.

posted about a year ago

if that's the case they will be out in 2 years

posted about a year ago

The supervisor probably also makes sure that he doesn't reveal anything that can come back and bite riot's ass (or sentinels's)

posted about a year ago

They will take off his name when his contract ends... i guess

posted about a year ago

I read somewhere that Sinatraa is with sentinels only because his contract says that they(sen) have to pay some crazy amount to terminate the contract so its actually cheaper for them to pay some small amount every month and wait for the contract to end. Its actually very logical cuz they also get to tap the sinatraa fanbase. From Sinatraa's POV he accepts it because he will be orgless if he leaves sentinels and anyways he gets enough money from streaming and endorsements so no money problem and he enjoys the sentinels clout. So kind of a win-win

posted about a year ago

bruh they haven't been world class since 2021

posted about a year ago

IDK why but I feel that all optic players will be split between c9 , nrg and 100t(maybe) it can be due to their deep pockets cuz lets be honest sen doesn't have enough moolah to outbid 100t and c9. END result- they'll probably end up with some guard or xset players. I am not saying they are bad but I also think that they are overhyped especially in the case of guard and definitely not as good as optic players(victor excluded) simply because of less experience. Also if sen doesn't make BIG changes now they'll probably never make them. IMO Sen should try their best to get a good coaching staff because there will be less competition and more supply(100t and c9 already have good coaches).TBH i was expecting some big revelations but as things stand none of the players are free agents so most probably they will remain on the team. Some people will say that the current players are good and don't need to be replaced but the point is not ability its about the mentality. In management there's an unspoken rule that when a company needs drastic changes we must start from the top because they define and control the culture of the company. same thing applies here. Sen has definitely improved in the lcq under rawkus but they still lost

posted about a year ago

Also why is dapr not out? surely there will be much better players for his role

posted about a year ago

Unlikely but still Few days back there was too much excitement. I saw many comments across platforms saying that there will be big changes and old team is done (i think it was coach of some team who said it in a podcast) now it seems there will be 1 or 2 changes at most and if they bring zellsis that wont count as change even

posted about a year ago

someone will play smokes no big deal

posted about a year ago

almost confirmed. Someone leaked that fns crashies and victor are going to nrg and yay to c9 is 99 % sure. believe me marved and tenz wont be on the same team i feel unless they have really put aside their history

posted about a year ago

even if we exclude shroud there will be 2 changes max.I feel they will take zellsis

posted about a year ago

Most of what I wrote in some of my previous posts came to be true like c9 yay and no optic players in sentinels. But the question is who is even left? I feel they will mostly stick to their previous team with 1 or max 2 replacements. Shaz, tenz ,dapr and shroud are kinda fixed in my opinion. I really hope shaz won't be the igl tho

posted about a year ago

yeah exactly. "making up" on social media is one thing and being teammates and literally spend hours evryday together is whole another thing.

posted about a year ago

I seriously doubt that but it will be gr8 if they hv moved on

posted about a year ago

I have seen many comments in various posts saying sen marved and/or sen crashies. Have people forgotten the big drama involving tenz, kydae marved and crashies. In my opinion there's no way either of those two are coming as long as tenz stays. Also i feel at some point yay wrote a tweet against tenz (after the crashies drama). So if tenz stays in Sen no optic member will come except fns but even that is doubtful

posted about a year ago

Lol you must be new to the scene. you don't know the marved and tenz drama involving kydae. I'll be really surprised if they can leave it behind

posted about a year ago

u r stupid if u think crashies and tenz will be on the same team. For those who don't know there's been massive drama between those 2. Hell I'll be surprised even if 1 optic member comes to sen.

posted about a year ago

Lmao I literally made the same point in a post 1 or 2 days back

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

wow almost feel bad for him now

posted about a year ago

yeah, I think he's in a dilemma right now. can't decide if he should leave valorant or not. He'll tryto get in franchising tho

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

I liked his streams before because of his crazy movements and insane plays but nowadays it seems he doesn't care about the game anymore. He plays in his alt account and mutes everybody (he muted aceu also once recently lol) and runs it down. I feel he should just go back to ow or somewhere else where he can compete despite his allegations. He has great talent and most of his viewers will support that i feel

posted about a year ago

There are reports that sentinels don't have enough funds to buy lcs spot from dignitas and negotiations fell off. if we assume that they are facing liquidity crunch then IN MY OPINION they should not change their roster too much . just invest in a decent IGL and coach and keep rest same. tenz ,shazam, dapr and sick are still cracked decent coach can improve a lot

posted about a year ago

well if elon musk would be in his chat it will be sus atleast. by that i mean his probability of joining increases. u might not believe but u will see after a few weeks

posted about a year ago

he named almost all teams like sen and 100t but did not say c9 even once ,i think he's hiding it

posted about a year ago

He said on his streams that he will finalize offer by next week and both c9 mel and alexis were in his streams for a long time

posted about a year ago

mark my words..shaz is going nowhere unless they suddenly get a lot of money to buy out the likes of FNS or someone like that. If anything they would be more secure now that they've got the franchise spot.I feel they will just bring zellsis and someone to replace shroud thats it.

posted about a year ago

bro the very reason they designed the franchise this way is because they want control not money. If they demand money for slots then they have to give up control also

posted about a year ago

but just to counter your that so many top level pros will be free agents shouldn't they try to get them? zander and jonahp are nobodies before optic players

posted about a year ago

I mean if they can manage to get the money they should DEFINITELY target chet and FNS why settle for Zander

posted about a year ago

yeah exactly. I think best case scenario under these circumstances is that they should bring in another IGL and move shahzam to perma initiator/duelist role or something. That way he can remain in the team but ATLEAST not IGL

posted about a year ago

Somehow I feel that Sentinels will not release shazam despite everything(lack of motivation, bad igling etc.) because he has good viewership. They'll probably end up releasing dapr and sick(if he's still out of action). Also shroud's position is a bit touch and go. so they'll need atleast 3 more players

posted about a year ago

Why are people saying its over for c9 and sen? (saw the plat chat podcast) .C9 can still make it to playoff right? if they win and faze loses. And sentinels can make it to lcq even if faze qualifies

posted about 2 years ago

Anyone knows how he's so rich ? Or is he joking? cuz in his streams he casually talks about buying a ferrari and someone once said he owns two 400k watches(shanks I think).Surely Sen is not paying him so much right

posted about 2 years ago

Correct me if I am wrong but this maybe the last time we see sentinels playing as a team no? I mean there's a good chance that they don't make it to the franchising system (they got rejected in LOL too) and there's also a good chance that they don't make it to LCQ. They can remain in the tier 2 scene but its highly unlikely that players like Tenz and Sick don't move out

posted about 2 years ago

I know its the cliched daily sen post but humour me... judging from the previous match isn't it best if Sick takes Dani's place in smokes (after he comes back) , Tenz takes shazam's place( in chamber) and Rawkus stays in the team playing breach/sova and also takes the IGL role for now. A case can be made for replacing kanpeki also as he bottom fragged but I dont know who will replace him but apart from that I feel the roles will fit quite well and at least no harm in trying

posted about 2 years ago

lol actual hot take nice

posted about 2 years ago
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