Flag: United States
Registered: February 6, 2022
Last post: March 28, 2023 at 11:03 PM
Posts: 9

An important factor that some people might not consider is the NA T2 teams will likely get to scrim against all the franchising teams. That should obviously help them improve.

posted about a year ago

This clip is from a game when he's duo with Zekken, does he also mention it again in english to Zekken?

posted about a year ago

This is when dgzin talks about Sentinels and Tenz if any Portugese speaker wants to translate

posted about a year ago

I'm genuinely saying this with good will to some Brazilian fans. Lean away from the persecution complex that everyone is out to get you and are against you- they are not. Also, if you expect to receive respect, you must return the same consideration. It's undeniable that this issue has become a common theme with Brazil across multiple esports, and it's NOT because everyone else hates Brazil.

posted about a year ago

Yeah this tournament made me realize how good Less is, I legitimately think he's the best at his role in the world.

posted about a year ago

I hope LOUD wins but the Aspas "best player in the world" conversation is over for now. He's obviously a great player but he hasn't performed even close to the level to be called the "best player".

posted about a year ago


posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago