Flag: Brazil
Registered: April 17, 2022
Last post: April 24, 2023 at 11:41 PM
Posts: 25

loud literally won the most important tournament playing only in Brazil lol
if anything Brazil made NA relevant in valorant by teaching them how to play fps in cs (and in valorant again now apparently xD)

posted about a year ago

Keznit tem o título de ganhar da loud 1x no group stage do masters

posted about a year ago

optic won a masters, top 3 in the other and top 2 in champions. they deserve at least top 2. loud x optic is debatable imo

posted about a year ago

Or disrespectful. Drx said loud won because drx played bad, that's being disrespectful. Don't even need to say what fpx just did.

posted about a year ago

tbh I hope for a loud x optic grand final again, only remaining teams that haven't been toxic/disrespectful

posted about a year ago

probably missed a few, but still... very ugly to see this all the time in the biggest tournament of the game, shit like this almost never happens in csgo for example

posted about a year ago

idk why valorant teams are almost all so disrespectful and cocky. The only top teams I can think that haven't acted like jerks yet are loud, optic and fnatic, all the others are salty af

posted about a year ago

last 2 matches were close af already, it can really go either way

posted about a year ago

it's because of keznit's history of racism actually

posted about a year ago

Not to mention that kru was one match away from playoffs and lost to the last masters champions

posted about a year ago

Even if it is illegal, EU teams don't get banned

posted about a year ago

zews is into some web3 shit, highly doubt he is coming back to esports any time soon

posted about a year ago

Loud has a better record both domestically and internationally, idk how people still think kru is more promising just because they beat loud once (with both sacy and aspas underperforming)

posted about a year ago

Sorry, thinking about changes in loud makes me anxious

posted about a year ago

Why would saadhak downgrade

posted about a year ago

Probably #1 or #2, competing with cs mainly. I know free fire is big but I don't think it's close to cs and lol in viewership.

posted about a year ago

There are racists everywhere and Brazil is no exception, I wouldn't go as far as to say Brazil is less racist than any other latam country. But there is only one pro player with a history of racism in the scene.

I think people lose the point when they start pointing fingers like that, instead of focusing on the guy that shouldn't even be competing.

posted about a year ago

loud literally had 4/5 players underperfoming against kru

posted about a year ago

I always support LATAM teams but I will make an exception for any team with keznit

posted about a year ago

Valorant doesn't have someone close to s1mple's level and probably won't have for a few years

posted about a year ago

you clearly don't know what you are talking about

if you are talking about all esports it's simply idiotic to compare, sure there has always been people passionate about esports in Brazil, but the investment and size of the fan base here only started to really grow after LG/SK won their stuff in cs and brazilian teams started having success in R6, so pretty much in the last 5 years. Before that all success was scrappy af. Are you really gonna say that Kr didn't have tradition in esports before that?

If you are talking valorant only saying that korean teams have more overall success at international events is also bullshit.

posted about 2 years ago

anyone who hates sacy has no soul

posted about 2 years ago

there are toxic fans on both sides, I don't think the ones trying to make peace are among the toxic ones tbh
the toxic NA fans are probably too mad to talk rn lol

posted about 2 years ago

Ik, I'm just saying people had reason to be suspicious of him, because it was a mod from gamersclub, a very trusted platform here in Brazil and known for always having evidence to back up their bans. Still, even if he looked fishy sometimes in cs, in valorant he always looked legit. I'm just glad he got a 2nd chance, it would be a shame to see such a talent go to waste.

posted about 2 years ago

tbf he did get banned for cheating in cs, but it's pretty nice to see him doing great and proving doubters wrong

posted about 2 years ago